One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 155: Handsome Fruit

Matas Lan, a Rear Admiral who made his name in history... well, whether it's personal reasons or what he's done, it's true.

But even though he said it so solemnly, Matas was still a little-known ordinary major general.

After all... this involves the privileged class of the Tianlong people. As the navy of the world government, few people have the courage to discuss him at will.

So he doesn't know much about him.

However, as long as you know the reason, you can't help but sigh in your heart.

"Lolicon, it's scary!"

Matas was just an ordinary navy before, although he was a rear admiral of the navy headquarters, and his family background was also a small noble. But in the Navy Headquarters, there are countless guys like him, just like Simon, the second son of the Westin family, so it's not surprising.

But if you have to look for something special, you can still find it.

Because, he is a lolicon!

The kind carved into the soul!

The leader of the Poor Breast God Cult of the Navy Headquarters, the ultimate gentleman who was punished three times and almost got fired three times and never changed his mind!

This is just a joke. Although the headquarters is strictly managed, the Warring States period is not too fussy about these trivial matters.

However, with the occurrence of that incident, the big name of Matas "Lolicon" really entered the ears of a group of bigwigs.

That is in Chambord, he contradicted the Tianlong people for a little girl.

Yes, because of Loli, he did not hesitate to provoke the cruel Tianlong people!

The cause of the incident is unknown, only that the two fell in love with the little slave at the same time. As a Tianlong person, the guy from the Athos family is naturally arrogant to force Matas to make concessions.

Because in their eyes, the entire navy is a dog they keep, how dare the dog rob the owner?

It just doesn't make sense!

However, as a gentleman, how could Matas allow such a lovely Loli to fall into the hands of the Tianlong people, and the encounter she will face at that time can be imagined.


Matas stole Loli while the other party was not paying attention!

Yes, it was stolen!

With the Tianlong people present, would the slave owner dare to sell the little girl to him? So the only way to go is to steal.

"Lori, that is justice!" said Matas, who was wearing a navy justice cape.

Then... In order to avoid the pursuit of the Tianlong people, Matas went out to avoid disasters and drifted in the East China Sea. This drift was half a year.

Just like Luo Ya and Zefahui accepted the difficulties of Tianlong people for the position of lieutenant general of the headquarters, once the position reached the general of the headquarters, even Tianlong people did not dare to be too presumptuous.

This gave Matas a chance to take refuge, otherwise, with the temperament of the Tianlong people, they would have been ordered to make friends through the Five Old Stars.


Hearing the discussion in the stands clearly, Loya rolled the eyes of the dead fish and stared at the gorilla with beautiful eyes and strong back.

Oh no.

great apes.

Just looking at Matas' face, no one can question it, but his figure...

"Tsk, what a disgusting muscle brother."

"Ouch! Are you Loya?!" Matas stood opposite Loya and said with a smile: "I heard that you are very strong! The handsome and charming I am definitely not your opponent. Oooo! So wait a moment. And please be merciful!"

"So... can we not learn huskies?" Loya complained and put on a posture: "Let's start!"

"Ow! I don't want this fetishism! Ow, it's the will of the universe!" Matas only wore a thumb-wide black suspender T-shirt, and his body was almost unworthy of being called a human being, as high as a basketball. The drum muscles are full to the brim.

As soon as the words fell, Matas kicked his footsteps, his whole body trembled, and he launched the attack first.

"Look at my handsome... flying kick!"

In the air, an inexplicable dangerous aura quickly condensed under Matas' feet, and it became pitch black in the blink of an eye. In stark contrast to his reddish cheeks, one red and one black.

Sure enough, calling out the name of the move in the air is such a shame! But to win, this sacrifice is worth it!

"Looking at his muscles, I guessed that he would use the armament color to be domineering. I didn't expect it to be like this." Looking at Matas, who was approaching rapidly, Loya sank a little, and the ice armor on his arm quickly expanded and bulged. , turned into a half-human-high Frost Fist.

Then punch it out!

"I hit!"


The air exploded, and Matas endured the severe pain in his calf and flexibly rolled over to the ground.

"You still admit defeat... eh?"

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great, just a little bit of force, the other's bones made a crisp sound. If Loya's strength is used a little more, Matas' foot will definitely be broken!

So Loya simply let the other party admit defeat, so as not to really hurt him later.

After all, King Kong Barbie is shocking enough! You tm is still a handsome guy!

This is very gay, is it gay?

My eyes are going blind!

However, before Loya's words were finished, the opponent's next action made Loya stop talking.

I saw Matas posing as a bodybuilder, with his fists clenched and pulled on his crotch, and then his chest muscles shook.

"Ouch! What a handsome kick, I'm burning up!!!"

If only talking about it, Loya only thinks that he is insane.

But the soaring momentum can't scare people. In this short period of time, Matas's strength has rapidly increased by a lot!

"I'm going, the bigger the stronger the shaking m?" Looking at Matas's blue-veined muscles, Loya complained in surprise, and then...


With the second stage of acceleration, Loya came to Matas almost instantly, and punched again!

"No matter what kind of fruit you are, I don't believe that you will not lie down if you punch it with 30% strength!"


It's a meat-to-meat collision! The violent collision sound was sour.

With one punch, the slates under Matas' feet were cracked, and the soil was like flour on the table, flying up with the vibration.


"He actually withstood it!!!" Aludo almost choked on his own saliva again, looking at the audience in shock.

Simon explained in a timely manner: "Ah, yes, Loya has underestimated his enemies."

"Major General Matas' fruit ability is a handsome fruit, a superhuman fruit. Apart from making his... Abilities are this augmentation effect.”

"Every time he attacks and is attacked, as long as he truly thinks he is handsome and charming, that fruit can enhance his strength a little bit, and the specific effect depends on the depth of his self-identification. This effect is similar to his... Well, that kind of honey juice works together with confidence, it's a perfect match made in heaven!" At the end of the sentence, Simon's expression became very strange: "This is really, strange fruits and strange people, they can collide with each other, it's a miracle , no, it's a miracle!"

Aludo: "...It turns out, it's really perverted." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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