One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 246 Feeling Despair


Boom... blah blah!

The cannon roared, and the smoke and dust filled the air. The solid ground vibrated like the surface of a lake, and countless dirt and sandstones were thrown high, and then fell, flying all over the sky.

Perhaps a few days ago, this small town was still bustling and bustling. Fishermen drying their nets and businessmen working from dawn to dusk, worked hard and happily for their families.

However, with the arrival of the Asuka Pirates, all the peace and happiness disappeared. Instead, there was a mess of houses and a strong smell of blood that couldn't go away.

The tragedies of these scenes were exposed under the blue sky and broad daylight, bringing only heaviness and depression to Zefa and the others.

"I was really too kind before?"

Standing in the middle of the ruins, Zefa listened to the sound of battle in his ear, silent. Behind him, Ain held Zefa's cloak and looked at him quietly.

No matter what Zefa is going to do, just follow in his footsteps.

Ain has always thought so, and has done so.

At this moment, the captain of the Asuka Pirates suddenly jumped out from a corner of the ruins, holding a long sword that was as long as a person, and stabbed at Zefa.

"Go to hell! Damn the Navy!"

Capture the thief first and capture the king, this principle is universal no matter which world it is placed in. The captain actually didn't want to kill Zefa, but just wanted to capture him and buy him a chance to leave.

As for why the target is Zefa...

From the position of the other party, one can tell that the status is very high, and...

He is too old.

He was in his prime and the bounty once approached 50 million Baileys, and he thought that he was sure of winning an old man.

But, how do you say that sentence, Shi Lezhi is still the top iron?

Anyway, the moment he gave up hiding and chose to take action, his fate was already doomed.


In the shocked eyes of the captain of the Asuka Pirates, the purple-haired old man who looked old and long used the huge mechanical arm to break the long sword in his hand lightly, and the blood from his mouth was flowing, and then he was relaxed. Hold it in the palm of your hand.


Zefa exerted a slight force, and there was a strong bone cracking sound from his body.

"Cough! Ah!!"

The pain of broken bones in his whole body was not something he could bear, because of the bribery, he had lived a comfortable life in the past few years, and he had no longer the perseverance of the past, so he screamed out.

Only then did he finally see the old man's face clearly.

"Ex-Admiral! Ze... Zefa!"

A pair of eyeballs suddenly became round, looking at this legendary figure in shock.

"Hey, you have good knowledge. It seems that you have been out at sea for a long time."

Faced with the pirate's shock, Zefa grinned.

"Did you come up with such a safe way to rob because you saw so many dead people? Tsk tsk, you're very smart, but it's a pity."

"Smash bunt!"


Without giving the other party a chance to answer at all, a strong explosion suddenly came from the front of the huge mechanical arm. With the detonation of the explosives, the pirate in Zefa's hands immediately turned into a pile of minced meat, evenly scattered on the surrounding land with a radius of 100 meters.


"Listen, pirates inside, your captain is dead, surrender and don't kill!"

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

The shouts of the pirate guerrillas echoed in the empty town, making the pirates hiding in the dark frightened, not knowing what to do.

Looking at the raised and lit pirate flag in the center of the town, the group of pirates waited for a long time, and finally the first person stood up.

"Don't shoot, I... I surrender! I surrender!"

With the first, there will be the second, Zefa will not take the lives of his soldiers for no reason in order to clean up the pirates. So he gestured to the left and right to protect the first person to eat crabs,

Be sure to push it back at the same time.

"You guys go over, be careful."

The soldier who received the order stood at attention and saluted: "Yes!"

Creatures have a herd mentality, especially this group of pirates who know they must die. When they saw that surrender would not kill them, they chose to surrender one after another.

Half an hour later, Zefa stood on the shore, watching the men escorting the pirates.

"Tie them all up and put all the weapons on board!"


What is a guerrilla? No guns, no cannons, the enemy made them for us!

Seeing the pirates kneeling in a row by the sea, the ammunition that became scarce due to successive battles was replenished, and Zefa smiled with satisfaction.

But at this moment, a soldier suddenly rushed over, waving the document in his hand.

"Ze... Zefa-sama, it's an emergency!"

"What are you panicking about, speak slowly!"

After being glared at by Zefa, the soldier calmed down a lot. After taking a few breaths, he stood at attention and saluted: "Report! The patrol team has sent news that a huge turtle is swimming towards us! Looking at the building above, it should be inhabited!"

"A huge tortoise? A building?" Zefa was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly the phone call he made half a month ago rang.

"Understood." Zefa nodded and said, "Pass my order, the whole army boards the ship!"

"Yes, the whole army boards the ship!"

The loud chant resounded across the beach, causing the members of the Asuka Pirates to freeze in place.

What is the situation, why did the navy suddenly board the ship?

And...don't take us away? ! ! !

Are you going to let us go?

The navy that Zefa brought out were all elites. With an order, several warships slowly left the port in just a few minutes.


Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical vibration, a waist-thick naval cannon was aimed at the coast, and the black muzzle was coiled with the breath of death, making the faces of these pirates pale and their eyes desperate.

"No! Don't kill us!"

"Help! Help!"

"Put us in Push City! Don't fire!"

But no matter how terribly they yelled, the navy soldiers on the warship turned a deaf ear and remained expressionless.

These soldiers selected by Zefa, except for the first one, absolutely obey orders. The second item is all outside the elite. There is also the most important third thing in common, that is, they all have a deep hatred with the pirates, the kind of hatred that can't be resolved, and they are all tough members in the navy that are not inferior to the Akainu faction.

Standing on the deck of the main ship, Zefa gave orders coldly while smoking a cigar.


bang bang bang!


"This is what you do to civilians!" Zefa shouted loudly to the smoky coast: "Now, you should also feel their despair!"

Then, without looking at the shore again, Zefa gave the order to move in the direction of the huge turtle.


Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

"He, what do you think Zefa is doing now?"

Holding the report in his hand, Zhan Guo frowned and asked the woman beside him.

Responding to Warring States' question, Lieutenant General He silently shook his head, and spoke after a long time: "That man Zefa, from that day on, is no longer the man we knew before."

After a pause, Lieutenant General He continued: "However, he is just cleaning up some small pirates now, and it will not bring any bad results."

To be able to call a pirate with a reward of tens of millions of Baileys a small pirate is probably the confidence that only the Navy Headquarters has.

As the most powerful organization on the great route, the only ones they need to be afraid of have always been the Four Emperors and the Seven Martial Seas under the King.

"Although that's what I said..." Zhan Guo put away the document with a sad face, and handed it to the goat beside him, letting him chew the document and swallow it.

"But Zefa is messing around like this, I always feel like something is going to go wrong!"

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