Chapter 177

Hearing the Marine Commodore's words, Li Yi couldn't help but burst into a wry smile.

The big things that happened in the ocean were naturally caused by the mother species of all things in his hands.

Since Arlong brought back this mother species from the Grand Line, the mysterious flying island.

It is no different from opening, Pandora's Box, which has brought terrifying disaster to this world.

However, since the magic box of the mother species of all things has been opened, it is impossible to close it again.

It's just that Li Yi could not have imagined that these sea monsters would evolve so quickly after eating the seeds separated from the mother species of all things, and the fruits that bloom and bear.

This was a big surprise to him.

These marine creatures that were slaughtered by humans in the past have now evolved a high degree of intelligence, which in turn slaughtered humans.

This Arlong is really harmful.

He even opened the magic box and released such a demon.

Let the ocean monsters change to such a point.

If you don't think of any way to deal with this group of marine monsters, I'm afraid they will all die in Windmill Village.

"It doesn't matter what big changes have happened in the ocean, just kill it."

These mutated leatherback sea turtles and fur seals, the strongest among them are only those young beasts, leatherback sea turtles.

As for those fur seals, except for dozens of juvenile beasts, the rest are all young beasts, that is to say, they are equivalent to the level of Seaman Recruit, Seaman Apprentice, and Seaman First Class of human marines.

Not enough to kill him.

With the current level of 235 player Li Yi, killing 30,000 to 50,000, such a fine beast-level seal, is still very sure.

Therefore, these fur seals, although there are many, he does not pay much attention to them.

As for the six young beasts, they were only at the level of Marine's lieutenant. Li Yi had even killed several Marine Rear Admiral. In his eyes, these six leatherback sea turtles were nothing but ants.


The Commodore listened and said, "If it's just these fur seals, and these leatherback turtles, we Marines, don't have to run away, let alone the wild wolf Rear Admiral, even if I shoot, it can be solved."

"The scary thing is that these fur seals, behind the leatherback turtles, are commanded by some marine monsters equivalent to Marine, Rear Admiral-level marine monsters, not only their physical strength, speed, and strength have evolved to a terrifying level, Ordinary Marine Colonel, Rear Admiral, is difficult to be their opponent, even the wild wolf Rear Admiral can't resist, so he has to lead Marine to flee."

The Marine Commodore shuddered as he remembered the horror of the marine monsters that had chased them.

"It's so tricky! It sounds very challenging, there are some terrifying sea monsters." Li Yi heard this, and his fighting spirit surged.

These fur seals, leatherback turtles, the strongest are only young beasts, they are only captains, and they really don't interest him.

"There is a group of flying fish that can glide through the air, like flying birds, and spit poisonous mist from their mouths. As long as they breathe a little bit, they will die immediately." "There is a group of barracudas that come and go like the wind, and the speed is as fast as lightning, and they can penetrate people directly. The frontal bone, pierced from the back of the head, is very brutal and bloody."

"Especially the oarfish. Among the group of marine monsters, it is the strongest. It is the sword saint among the oarfish. With the body as the sword, the body and the sword are one, fierce and unforged, and no one can stop it."


"So strong?"

Li Yi listened, and couldn't help but want to try it.

After all, once he exchanged it, the swift cloak and the golden light brick rune of the Xiu Xian world made him feel unbearable.

Some can't wait to try and practice with these monsters.

"Yes, my lord."

"It's just that it's so strange that these ocean monsters haven't appeared yet. It's a little weird and something is wrong."

The Commodore said with a hint of unease.

"What's weird."

"There is Li Yi, the lord of my Sea God Village. Here, these sea monsters, the clown jumping on the beam, are afraid and dare not show up."

Li Yi laughed.

"Okay, I'm joking."

"Before those powerful marine monsters come, let's go and kill them, the leatherback sea turtles that shoot cannons, and the dogs that shoot bone spurs. Otherwise, these marine monsters will still be given to the villagers of Seagod Village. And the villagers of Windmill Village, causing a lot of casualties."

Li Yi restrained his smile and said with a cold face.

Then the figure swept out, took a deep breath, and released the lion's roar.

A lion condensed from the air appeared above his head, exuding the coercion of a king. Following Li Yi's roar, it rushed out and turned into a huge sound wave. The animal power cannons, bone spurs, and the terrifying and violent sound waves rushed over and disappeared without a trace.

The Commodore was dumbfounded when he saw it.

These bone spurs, this Commodore has seen their terrifying, even ten centimeters thick 100-centimeter thick steel shield can pierce, can imagine how hard, but now, they are soft like water waves, like water The water quality is the same as the sound wave of a lion's roar, and at the touch of a direct touch, it turns into powder and disappears without a trace.

The lord of the Sea God Village, Li Yi, was afraid that he had not used all his strength when dealing with Marine.

The Commodore was a little overjoyed, astonished.

This made him look forward to Li Yi and taking them out of the Windmill Village.

(End of this chapter)

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