One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 264 God-Like Man Li Yi

Chapter 264 God-like man Li Yi

In a cold sweat, Xie Weimin turned on the live phone bug.

Then, after clearing his throat, he eased his nervousness and said: "The following is the new One Piece world, East Blue reporter, live broadcast for you, the breaking news that shocks you the most..."

"I believe everyone, you will never be unfamiliar with this dignified man in front of you. Yes, he was in Windmill Village, who devoured human towns in battle, upgraded Ocean Overlord, Flying Immortal Sword Saint Oatfish, Master of Hidden Weapons Barracuda, more than 200 The meter-long eel plays with the king of upgraded ocean monsters, Manatee Momu, the first town in the new One Piece world, and the lord Li Yi."

"Next, this god-like man will give us one thing that is shocking, and that is..."

As soon as Xie Weimin's chatterbox was opened, he immediately began to talk, and the nervousness became more comfortable.

Having said that, he put the phone bug in front of Li Yi.

"Ahem, it's not really a big deal, that is, a few days ago, in Windmill Village, Virgo, this scumbag, injured several residents of Seagod Town when he used Armament Haki, and then he even dared to escape."

"I believe everyone, you all know, I Li Yi said that those who commit crimes in Sea God Town will be punished even if they are far away, I believe everyone has seen it, the fishman Arlong, Colonel Mouse, Kata Kongbo, this group of criminals have seen it. The people who came to the Sea God Village were all murdered by this lord one by one, this Vergo, this lord will definitely not let go."

"However, this rubbish is good, but it hides in the g5 Marine Base like a tortoise with its head shrinking, and dares not come out. Could it be that Marine's Vice Admiral is such a rat?"

"Hahaha, if he doesn't dare to come out, I'll go out to sea and see one Marine kill another until this rat dares to come out and fight me."


As soon as the news came out, many people passed through, and the video phone bug saw it.

Suddenly, the world of New One Piece was directly fried.

"My God."

"What an arrogant kid, Li Yi, this Seagod Town player."

"How dare you do this in public and challenge Vergo's Vice Admiral."

"No, it's about provoking the entire Marine."

"It's too tugging."

"However, I like it."

Video calls, at this time, are already very common in the world of New One Piece.

Therefore, through this scene, many people watched.


A kid who is less than level 300, Li Yi, actually dared to challenge Vice Admiral at level 500.

Arrogant indeed.


Not only arrogant, but also because Vergo Vice Admiral injured several townspeople when he used Armament Haki, so in front of the whole world, he announced that he would kill Vergo Vice Admiral sacrificial flag live, and warned those who dared to commit Poseidon Town. people.

This is really cruel.

However, he was so arrogant, did he really think he could win the Vice Admiral of Vergo?

Just him?

Trying to beat Vergo Vice Admiral is just too funny.

Virgo Vice Admiral, although he was injured a little bit, to kill a player kid who is less than 300 level is not as good as slaughtering a chicken.

I really don't understand, this kid, is there something wrong with his brain.

Who gave him the confidence to kill Vergo Vice Admiral on the spot?

He probably didn't know how terrifying Vergo Vice Admiral was.

For quite a few years, three pirates with the same level of Vice Admiral strength were directly killed by him.

What's up with this kid.

So young.

Windmill Village, killing and killing an overlord-level upgraded ocean monster, thought it was invincible.

It's a little too inflated, wait, Vice Admiral, Vergo, will make him doubt his life.


Really laughing piss.

He also went to sea to kill Vergo Vice Admiral on live broadcast, shocking the world.

Really think of Vergo, Vice Admiral, Arlong, Colonel Mouse, and Rear Admiral of Kata Kongpo.

It's really ignorant.

I saw him this time, to send a head to Vail Vice Admiral.

Marine suffered huge losses in the battle at Windmill Village. Many Marines died at the hands of Li Yi. This was a huge shame for Marine. They hated Li Yi very much. Naturally, there was nothing good for Li Yi. Words, on the Tiandao Zhinao World Channel, ridiculed for a while.


As a player lord of the first town in the new One Piece world, Li Yi has many supporters on the Tiandao Zhinao World channel.

They also sprayed with Marine.

However, more people worry about Li Yi.

"God Yi, don't be impulsive."

"It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. This Vice Admiral of Vergo, who is now a Vice Admiral, can't afford to fight him head-on. In a few years, you will surpass him. Then, go to him to settle accounts."

"Yeah, bear with it for a while, calm the waves, Yishen, your talent is much more than his. It won't take a few years, and it will be Admiral-level strength. It's not too late to kill him again."


Of course, there are also many, I wish Li Yi died in the hands of Vergo Vice Admiral.

For, Li Yi's madness, secretly happy.

Those who printed Douren, Japanese, and people from the Korean Tai Chi Tiger Foundation who were swept away by Li Yi, the nearby market.

Seeing Li Yi and going to sea to find it, Vergo Vice Admiral was inexplicably happy.

(End of this chapter)

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