One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 270 Water Style Waterfall Technique

Chapter 270 Water Style Waterfall Technique

"My God."

"Brother Lu Han, this is too strong."

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen it manipulate water into the shape of a waterfall."

"This is Boss Li Yi, do you teach him skills? I'm envious, I want to learn it too."



A group of people in Poseidon Town were discussing, and they saw Lu Han in an upgraded, crocodile state, with a huge right palm raised high, a waterfall pouring down, just like a jade belt, where it kept surging, rolling, and emitting The loud sound of water was extremely shocking.

"Big reporter, what are you still doing, this is a big event, so hurry up and live broadcast."

Windmill Village Chief Wupu, who was also in Haishen Village during this time, couldn't help but shove, Xie Weimin was stunned.

Xie Weimin finally came back to his senses, and he hurriedly opened it, the live call bug.

The leopard girl Rear Admiral beside Li Yi covered her red lips with an unbelievable look on her face.

Just now, she also thought that no matter how strong the skills Li Yi taught, it would be impossible to give way to Lu Han. In just three short days, it had the effect of immediate success and could deter those who attacked after they went to sea. Poseidon Town pays attention.

Who knows, Li Yi did it in less than an hour.

This made her face, hot and embarrassed.

The consequences of underestimating the master will immediately usher in a slap in the face.

Luffy was shocked when he saw it, and his eyes lit up.

Because Li Yi promised him that before going to sea, he would give him a book of exercises.

At that time, as a rubber Demon fruit power, he believed that his ability as a rubber Devil Fruit was endless, and he could develop endless abilities, such as rubber, swords, swords, and swords.

See you now, Li Yi taught Lu Han a little, he actually manipulated the water flow to form such an outrageous waterfall, which directly subverted his cognition.

After changing his opinion on Li Yi's exercises, he couldn't help swallowing, and he couldn't wait for the exercises that Li Yi promised to give him.


At this time, under the stunned eyes of everyone, Lu Han threw the waterfall he was holding.

The waterfall came out of his hands, continuously enlarged, and suddenly turned into a monstrous water of fifty or sixty meters in size. The woods are smashed to pieces.


"This effect is even more frightening than a violent blow when I was in the form of a cougar..."

Looking at Lu Han, the great waterfall, rushing past, the scene of a catastrophe with no grass, Rear Admiral, the leopard girl, could hardly believe that the scene in front of her was true.

After using this trick, Lu Han was also full of strange abilities, quickly disappeared, and returned to the appearance of a normal person, but his face was full of unbelievable colors.

Looking at the destroyed forest, his face was full of regret.

The power of this trick that Li Yi taught him was far beyond his expectations, and it completely swept away the forest of 100 acres.

"So tired!"

"Eighty percent of your physical strength is consumed."

There was a sense of fatigue.

Even if Lu Han is a strange fruit person, he can hardly bear such top-level tricks.

Finally, I know why, before Li Yi tested his physical strength and mental strength, no matter what he did, he asked Li Yi to teach him this trick, but Li Yi still refused to teach him the reason.

If he had to forcibly learn this skill three days ago, if the muscle strength was not enough, he would not be able to withstand the huge loss and impact with this move, and his body would not be able to withstand it, and he would explode and die.

"Master, what kind of exercise is this, with such a powerful killing power."

At this time, the leopard girl Rear Admiral finally couldn't help asking.

Looking at Li Yi's eyes, there was no doubt at all, but full of reverence.

Li Yi saw it, smiled lightly and said, "It's Water Style. Big Waterfall, do you want to learn it?"

"Can I learn?"

Leopard Girl Rear Admiral asked.

"Of course you can, but your body muscle strength has to be the same as Lu Han's."

Luffy laughed.

"Only, in that case, you will become a female muscle person, which is too ugly."

"I don't want you to be like that."

"Master, how are you?"

Leopard girl Rear Admiral, looking at Lu Han, changed from a handsome and beautiful boy to a muscular man with five big and three thick, and said angrily.

She didn't want to, in order to practice something, Water Style. Big Waterfall Technique, to become a female man with five big and three thick.

"Boss Li Yi, I'm not afraid of becoming a muscular girl, I want to learn."

"I'm a man, a man with muscles, and I'm very attractive. I want to learn too."


A group of townspeople gathered around and hurriedly said.

"If you want to learn, you need to train your body to be stronger."

"If you meet the requirements, I will naturally teach you."

Li Yi said.

"Boss Li Yi, can you tell me, what is Water Style. Waterfall technique?"

Luffy, also asked with interest.

Maybe, his Devil Fruit, can develop the rubber waterfall technique.


Li Yi did not hide it.

(End of this chapter)

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