One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 297 Bear Emperor's Palm

Chapter 297 Bear Emperor's Palm

"But, Master..."

The leopard girl Rear Admiral felt uneasy.

It's good to think about how much effort you can put into it.

But Li Yi watched, the two man-made Devil Fruit bearmen flew over directly like a stream of light as if they had seen treasures.

The artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 1 and the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2, seeing that under their cooperation, Li Yi not only was not as frightened as they thought, but rushed towards them, he couldn't help but be startled, and then his face turned disdainful. The color: "No, this ant doesn't really think that after Luffy kills one, the careless artificial Devil Fruit bearman No. 1 can resist the two of us joining forces?!"


"The guy who doesn't know what to do."

"It's almost a man's arm to stop the car."



The artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2 and the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 3 shot at the same time, waved one or four huge palms, and patted Li Yi with a look of disdain, saying: "Boy, go to hell, King Bear. palm."

"My God."

"It's too strong."

"Under their joint efforts, they even used the Bear Emperor's Palm."

"The power of this combined attack is at least three times greater, and it is comparable to the effect of the first-level Xuan-level martial arts."

"It's more than just as simple as that, and it's stronger than ordinary Xuan-level elementary-level martial arts."

"This is the secret weapon Vergo Vice Admiral said before departure."

"Good guy, there is such a killing god, it's really hidden deep enough."

"No wonder Mr. Weir has been emphasizing that Li Yi and the Straw Hat Road gang can be dealt with without him. It turns out that they have such a trump card."

"No matter how strong this Li Yi is, he is only a level 286. Even if he has the ability to fight more than 100 levels, he can only defeat one of them. Now, two artificial Devil Fruit bearmen are fighting together. More than three times bigger, this kid is dead this time."

With the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 1, the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2, and the Wolf King's Palm shot, the emotions of a group of Marines rose up.

Mr. Vergo, the artificial Devil Fruit he created is getting stronger and stronger, and it will definitely be used in the army in large quantities in the future. At that time, they may also get it, then they can also have such an earth-shattering ability.

"It's just so much skill, and so much nonsense."

Li Yi took a step of 100 meters, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2 and the artificial Devil Fruit Bear Man No. 3. He was very relaxed. The other side said he was an ant, but in his eyes , the two bear-headed monsters on the opposite side are the real ants, and to him, they are not worth mentioning at all.

"Wolf Emperor's Palm, what a thing."

The corner of Li Yi's mouth twitched, the last hair came first, clap clap clap clap...

He raised his right palm, slapped it, slapped dozens of slaps in an instant, and threw it on the artificial Bearman No. 2 and the artificial Devil Fruit bearman, smashing their faces, swollen like a pig's head, and flying dozens of meters away .

The two man-made Devil Fruit bears, the bear emperor's palm, only showed a little, and they were constantly pumped, and they didn't even have time to react.

Li Yi, these days, it has been continuously improved and optimized, and the speed is really amazing. Even if the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2 and the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 3, together, make the bear The royal palm is so much higher than him.

But at such a terrifying speed, before he could use it, he was pumped away.

At such a speed, I can only see Luffy, dazzled and dazzled. His spiritual monkey transformation method is already extremely fast, but compared to Li Yi's continuously optimized Qinggong Shui Piao, it is too slow, far from being comparable to that of Li Yi. compared to.

"Haha, even with this kind of garbage, you dare to show it off. If Laozi doesn't do anything, you really think you can go to heaven."

Li Yi's hand didn't stop without Si Hao, and he kept slapping his hands. No. 2 and No. 3 artificially slapped the Devil Fruit bearmen, slapped them all screaming, and was finally pulled away, returned to the warship, and landed on the Marine. Among them, a large area was smashed to death and injured.

However, after all, they were artificial Devil Fruit people with thick skin and rough flesh, and they didn't die on the spot.

However, there were clear palm prints on the swollen face of a pig.

They previously said that Li Yi was an ant, but now Li Yi is regarded as a pig's head in public, which has become a huge joke, and they feel extremely uncomfortable.

They struggled to get up from the deck of the warship and looked at Li Yi, their puffy eyes, bloodshot, stared at Li Yi, as if they were about to breathe fire.

(End of this chapter)

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