One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 299 Vergo Vice Admiral's Shot

Chapter 299 Vergo Vice Admiral's Shot

"Ding, congratulations to player Li Yi, for meeting the upgrade requirements, whether to upgrade."


"Ding, congratulations to player Li Yi for being promoted to level 289."

"Ding, congratulations to player Li Yi for being promoted to level 290."

"Ding, congratulations to player Li Yi for being promoted to level 291."

As the sound of the system prompt kept ringing in his mind, Li Yi rose three levels in a flash.

His physical and mental strength continued to surge upwards.

Take control of Uginshor more freely.

At this moment, the six dripping Wujinsuo swirled around his body silently, exuding a sharp and threatening murderous aura.

"It's too weak, isn't it, it's all killed so quickly?"

"What a bunch of rubbish."

Yao Yi looked at the group of Marines on the opposite warship with contempt.

Behind Vice Admiral Vergo, the Marine cadre who had wanted to rely on the crowd, rushed up and slashed Li Yi thousands of times, but this time he was completely blinded.

"how can that be?"

"The artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2, the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 3, and the wolf emperor's palms joined forces to strike. The power is stronger than the ordinary Xuan-level first-level exercises, but they were instantly killed by Li Yi. "

"Our strength, compared to the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2, the strength of the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman is a little bit worse. If we had just followed by flying past, at this moment, just like them, he would be held by the terrifying Ujinsuo. Go through the blood hole and be killed instantly."

Several cadres broke out in cold sweat.

"A group of garbage."

"It wasn't so arrogant just now."



"A group of rats."


Li Yi took Ujinsuo, looked at the group of Marines defiantly, and sneered.

g5 Marine Base, this group of Marines, ran rampant for thousands of miles, unscrupulously, murdered and looted, but Li Yi killed more than 100 people in front of him today.

Let them one by one, but also with anger in their eyes.

I can't wait to rush over and tear Li Yi to pieces.

But after looking at it, the bodies of more than 100 Marines fell on the deck, and they couldn't help but tremble, and subconsciously moved back quietly.

Even, many people's legs were weak, and they fell to the ground with a plop.

A look of astonishment and disbelief.

The lord of the Sea God Town in front of him, Li Yi, oppressed them too terribly.

They seemed to be facing each other, like a demon god walking on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


"Virgo Vice Admiral, what to do now, that guy is a murderer."

These weaker Marines were frightened by Li Yi's body like a mountain of blood and blood, and panicked.

"My God."

"Did you make a mistake."

"Is this still the Marine of the g5 Marine Base, which is far more ferocious than the robber."

"Faced with one, the 20-year-old lord of Seagod Town was so frightened that he shivered."

"Being killed in front of so many people and making such insults, not only did he not dare to go up, but he kept shrinking in fear."

A group of people watching the battle on a distant ship saw g5 Marine, in front of Li Yi, they were so frightened that they backed away and shivered.

"What did he do."

"Just a monster."

"Just now, the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2, and the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 3, joined forces to besiege with more than 100 Marine elites. I'm afraid that a strong man at level 400 will be beaten to the ground. This Seagod Town boy Li Yi actually killed them in such a short time."

, A group of people widened their eyes, dumbfounded.

"This Vice Admiral of Vergo, this group of Marines from the g5 base, in Windmill Village, has provoked such a terrifying monster. Can they bear it?"

Many people who watched the live broadcast in front of the image phone bug were also petrified on the spot, thinking it was incredible.

They were all gasping for air, the Lord of the Sea God Town, once again subverted their cognition, hanging and beating Marine cadres much higher than him.

A group of Marines with indescribable horror on their faces.

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Vergo Vice Admiral.

Now, except for Vice Admiral Vergo, everyone in Marineg5 base is no match for Li Yi.

Their hope of survival rests entirely with Vergo Vice Admiral.

Virgo Vice Admiral saw it, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy. Today, Marineg 5 base, but in front of the whole world, his face was humiliated.

Even if he kills him on the spot, this player boy from Seagod Town is not afraid of his bad breath.

"You bastard from the Otherworld, you dare to kill so many cadres under Vice Admiral, elite Marine, today, Ben Vice Admiral, you must be cramping your skin and giving out my bad breath."

Vergo's Vice Admiral, with his face as black as the bottom of a pot, his eyes full of bloodshot, extremely violent, stared at Li Yi viciously, the black Conqueror's Haki on his body gushing frantically.

bang bang bang...

The Marines, who were frightened, their feet weak, and fell on the deck, were directly torn to shreds by this Conqueror's Haki.

"Fuck, my points."

"You cruel and inhuman fellow, you dare to destroy even my points. Today, this lord, you must be good to you."

Li Yi's face also turned cold, and six Wujinshuos flashed out in front of him, flying around him silently, revealing a sharp and astonishing breath.

(End of this chapter)

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