One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 304: Accurate Information

Chapter 304: Accurate Information

"What is possible."

Virgo's Vice Admiral was shocked when he saw that Li Yi blocked the fatal blow of his sneak attack.

"What kind of shield is this, it's too strong."

"Unexpectedly, it was able to fly out on its own, defend it, and block Vergo Vice Admiral's Ghost Bamboo."

"That's right, Vice Admiral, Virgo, this mountain can be knocked down with one blow from the ghost bamboo. I really can't see that this dark, inconspicuous shield has not been torn apart."

What is this shield.

At this moment, not only Vergo's Vice Admiral, but also those who were watching the battle in the live broadcast screen displayed by the videophone bug were all stunned.

"Unexpectedly, it blocked Vergo Vice Admiral's unexpected blow."

"It's incredible."

"That shield, as if it had eyes, flew out automatically and blocked Vergo's fatal blow."

"What kind of shield is this?"

"Vergo is a Vice Admiral-level powerhouse."

"Having sacrificed thousands of Marines to paralyze Li Yi, he suddenly delivered a fatal blow and was actually defended."

Everyone was stunned.

You know, Vice Admiral, in the world of New One Piece, is at least the supreme power in the sea of ​​​​tens of thousands of miles.

As far as the East Blue in front of him is concerned, except for the Manatee Demon Shepherd, it can be swept away.

However, now, despite paying thousands of g5 base Marine elites, they still can't help Li Yi, which makes them not surprised.

What is even more frightening is that this young man is only nineteen years old.

At the age of nineteen, he blocked Vergo's sneak attack.

What a shock this is.



Looking at Li Yi, the black shield spinning in front of him, everyone was stunned.

Li Yi let out a long breath, and the expression on his face was much more relaxed.

Vergo's Vice Admiral, since he chose to attack, proved that his intelligence was accurate.

In the final analysis, this guy is still not well injured. He was aroused by himself and forced to act. His strength is not much different from the information sent back by the intelligence personnel. Only about one-tenth of his strength is left.

Of course, a Vice Admiral, even if his whole body strength is only one tenth, the average Rear Admiral level is far from his opponent.

But as soon as Li Yi came up, he instantly killed the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 2, and the artificial Devil Fruit Bearman No. 3 teamed up, breaking them with a single blow that could be quite ordinary Xuan-level low-level martial arts, and instantly killed more than 100 Marine elites.

Jean Vergo, Vice Admiral, was also quite apprehensive. He felt that the risk of fighting Li Yi head-on was much greater. In this way, the confidence that he thought he could kill Li Yi in seconds before departure was naturally a lot weaker.

In desperation, he chose a sneak attack, such a contemptible method.

But I didn't expect that Li Yi's side, the dark, seemingly inconspicuous little shield, turned out to be so miraculous, as if he had eyes, he flew out on his own, defended, and he was hit with a fatal blow.

Although Li Yi had specially targeted the ghost bamboo of Vergo Vice Admiral and refined the flying shield before he set off, he didn't have much confidence in whether he could stop it.

If there is a misjudgment in the intelligence, as long as Virgo Vice Admiral can recover to 20% or more of his strength and urge Ghost Bamboo to kill him, then even if he doesn't make a sneak attack, he can destroy his shield.

After all, Vice Admiral's strength was vastly different from Rear Admiral's. Even if he was injured, Li Yi's challenge to the sea this time still took a huge risk.

Now it seems that this time out to sea, it is a right bet.

Vergo Vice Admiral, in front of the whole world, made a sneak attack. The younger Rear Admiral, who was less than 20 years old, was already embarrassing enough. If he can successfully kill the opponent, the winner will be the king, the loser will be the bandit, and he will be old-fashioned. Let people scold, spray a few days have passed.

But now he was blocked by this kid. This man lost a lot of money. Thinking of this moment, in front of the image phone bug, I don't know how many people are laughing at him. Li Yi, if you want to burst into flames.

(End of this chapter)

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