One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 317 Virgo, Your Cards Are Too Weak

Chapter 317 Virgo, your cards are too weak

"not good."

"I fell into this kid's trap."

Vergo, Vice Admiral, gasped.

He regretted not listening to Ye Feng's words and went his own way.

This kid had planned everything for a long time, waiting for him to step in, and then use the Yellow Dragon Immortal Fruit to give him a fatal blow.

"Vergo, you scumbag, a cold-blooded murderer."

"Now, it's time for you to pay the price for killing the father of Rear Admiral, the leopard girl, 12 years ago, and for the more than one million lives on the entire island."

Li Yi looked at the opposite side, put one hand on the big cargo ship, the boat, and with the other hand, Vergo Vice Admiral who stuffed the blood scale fruit into the mouth, said coldly.

At this moment, on his body, the Yellow Dragon Immortal Fruit is constantly being absorbed and transformed into power, and the breath of his body is constantly soaring.

His qi, blood, and muscle strength have increased by at least three times.

This increase in power caused the air around him to rise and fall like waves. This scene looked extremely shocking.

Virgo's Vice Admiral, seeing such momentum, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He could clearly perceive that Li Yi, the majestic and vast power, was comparable to half of when he was intact.

And even if he swallowed the blood scale fruit tree, the most power after that leaf was only 30% of his peak.

Compared with the effect of the leaves of the blood scale fruit tree, this yellow dragon fairy fruit is completely different.

He realized something was wrong.

I plan to run away while the leaf of the blood scale fruit tree is still in effect.

At this moment, he was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

The leaves of the blood scale fruit tree are his trump card this time, a foolproof means.

Who knows, this hole card is not used to kill, but Li Yi is used to escape.

Although, a Vice Admiral, fighting with a Rear Admiral, hard to shake, can be regarded as a shame.

It's a huge shame.

But he couldn't escape.

If you don't escape, you will surely die.

Vergo Vice Admiral, from Ye Feng, got a leaf of the blood scale fruit tree in the Xiu Xianjie, and he already thought it was a great luck. Who knows, the boy from the sea god town opposite, actually took out a Huanglong from the immortal realm. When Xianguo came, not only did his injury heal in an instant, but his strength tripled, reaching half of what he was when he was intact.

This means that Li Yi's current strength is much stronger than his.

Therefore, Vice Admiral Vergo, in desperation, made a decision: "Flee."

"Want to go?"

Li Yi sneered.

Suddenly, the arms exerted force.


In a loud bang.

The warships over 100 meters long and the large cargo ships over 200 meters long were directly smashed to pieces by Li Yi's hands.

"Do not……"


Vergo Vice Admiral watched in shock. The force from Li Yi's palms passed through. Whether it was a warship over 100 meters long or a large cargo ship over 200 meters long, they were all shattered by the shock and rushed towards him. Come.

This is simply a force of destruction.

Vergo Vice Admiral, his eyes widened, full of astonishment and disbelief.

Before he could wait for him to use Moonwalk, he was smashed by an earth-shattering force.

It's like being hit by a giant beast, and even, like a mountain-like upgraded manatee, it's even more terrifying when it hits the windmill village.

His whole person, like a broken wind, was knocked out more than 2,000 meters away.

Ridiculous Vergo Vice Admiral, holding the blood scale leaves, as the hole card.

I think that with this trump card, even if he encounters the upgraded manatee and demon shepherd, he can save his life.

His trump card, to be honest, is not against Li Yi, but against the upgraded Manatee Demon Shepherd.

Thinking that Li Yi is fundamental and not worth his use, this trump card.

Who knows, Li Yi, who was despised by him, couldn't help but let him use this hole card.

Moreover, after using this hole card, he was almost knocked flying with overwhelming force.

This is too embarrassing.

Vergo, as a Vice Admiral, was beaten so badly when he was playing his cards.

What's even more frightening is that after Li Yi absorbed the Yellow Dragon Immortal Fruit, his whole person's strength suddenly skyrocketed.

It has almost reached the point where it can crush him.

The reason for this is entirely because of the Yellow Dragon Immortal Fruit.

If, without the Yellow Dragon Immortal Fruit, Li Yi would not be his opponent even if he was seriously injured.

Now it seems that Ye Feng may have already felt that there is something strange and inappropriate about this Seagod Town boy.

Otherwise, I won't advise, don't be impulsive.

And he actually thought that Li Yi was vulnerable.

This contempt, carelessness, has now put him in a terrible situation.

If he stayed at the g5 Marine Base, even Li Yi's Yellow Dragon Immortal Fruit, no matter how miraculous, would not be able to cause any damage to him.

Because, Ye Feng, arranged above, a set of formations from the Immortal Cultivation Realm, when activated, not to mention Li Yi, even an Admiral-level powerhouse, I am afraid it is difficult to break in.

However, it is too late to regret it now.

He was blown away first, and then smashed into the sea.

The sea surface suddenly separated, and the surrounding sea water exploded with a bang.

In an instant, it turned into a huge wave and swept out.

A water column with a height of more than 300 meters and a width of 500 meters rose into the sky.

Li Yi saw that this scene was as shocking as the scene of the nuclear bomb sea test he saw in the 21st century.

(End of this chapter)

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