The picked leaves are neatly placed by the platform, and a simple bed is made.

Fu Jiangchen, who was lying on the bed, recalled all kinds of incredible things that had happened in the past period of time, and he had a feeling

‘I don’t know why I came back into this world, but maybe this is my destiny…'”

Thinking like this, I fell asleep

The next day, before dawn, he got up, and because of his physical condition, he did not need to rest for a long time.

Out of the tree hole and stretched. Start planning what you’re going to do today.

First, let’s observe a basic situation of the island;

Then go and make a training plan for this time.

“Wind come~”

Although he can use the ability directly without shouting any password, he feels that this is a little handsome and more pressing. I have to say that the second middle school is a disease, and there is no cure for Tema.

Held up steadily by a gust of wind, he rose high into the sky, and did not stop until he saw the whole island, opened the demon pupil and looked at the island below, the island is not large, about the same size as the ** Xiangjiang River before, the “maple tree” is in the center, but the leaves on it have all fallen off since he took the space fruit, and now all you can see is the bare branches.

The island is basically the kind of tree that grows horizontally with the branches, so in his current position, he can only see a large grassland and white sand beaches on the edge of the grassland.

If you look around, there are no other islands in the vicinity, and the sea is all around.

After observing, he flew down directly, and he also felt that his consumption of use ability was not as great as yesterday.

“It seems that exercising your ability more can also reduce the physical consumption of ability. It seems that in addition to the exercise of physical strength, there are also many exercises to enhance the mastery of ability. ”

As for how to exercise later, in fact, he already has a spectrum in his heart.

Without returning to the tree hole, he flew directly to the beach by the sea, found a large tree that looked more than 20 meters tall on the edge, used the newly developed space to cut the whole tree into several segments, made several pairs of rings and ankle rings respectively, and then cut the bark into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, and after completion, he praised his work with satisfaction, and by the way, he was praising himself ‘handsome and skillful and so on…’

Space cutting is an attack method that he thought of before going to bed last night to use space cracks to cut items, in fact, it is very simple to operate, as long as the object to be cut is sent into the space, leaving the required part outside, and then the space door is closed, and the space will be cut in order to restore its original state, and the strength of this cut is estimated to be that the diamond is also cool.

According to Fu Jiangchen’s idea, first make the weight-bearing equipment, and then drive a small space inside it, and put the corresponding weight items in the space according to the required weight to achieve the effect of weight gain, but this method can only be used by the space fruit ability, because only he can be used together with the mass of the two spaces, for others, the weight of the bracelet is heavy, and the weight of the other space will not be added to them, in the final analysis, the quality of the space is for the ability person, there is; For non-capable people, there is none. In fact, the truth is very simple, but it is difficult to understand.

At the beginning, the weight was set at 100 kg, in fact, this weight can be carried by ordinary people, but it will be more difficult.

However, Fu Jiangchen, who has not transformed, is only a little stronger than ordinary people, and it will still be more difficult to carry a hundred kilograms of items without using ability. But since it was the first time he started weight-bearing exercises, he didn’t know how much weight was appropriate, so he temporarily set it in an acceptable range, and gradually increased it later.

After doing a basic warm-up exercise, I started the day’s training, first running, until I fainted; Then after recovering a little, he began to leapfrog jump, up and down, sit-ups, switchback running, weight lifting… Make a hundred in each group and faint until you faint; After recovering, I replenished my strength, ate something, and when I was in good shape, I continued to run… Exercise from before dawn until the sun goes down.

The reason why he dares to toss his body is because of his inhuman recovery ability, no matter how he tosses, he will not leave hidden diseases; The second is because he knows that in this new world, the so-called law is like a fiction. It may not be able to restrain ordinary civilians, let alone pirates who act recklessly at sea. At the end of the day, in this world, power is fundamental.

If Fu Jiangchen wants to leave the island and see this fascinating new world, strength is his only reliance.

After the training, he came to the sea, jumped into the sea to rinse his body, and then dragged his tired body back to the tree hole, and came to the platform to find Komatsu holding a pinecone-like fruit in his bed, sleeping soundly, saliva all flowing to the ground…

Smiled, did not wake up Komatsu, tiptoed to the other side, took out the wooden bed made of excess wood today from the space, carefully placed it on the ground, and then took out a pillow made of leaves from the space and placed it at the head of the bed, looked at Komatsu not far away, smiled, and lay down on the bed and began to rest.

In the days that followed, before dawn, he would go to the beach to start a new day of exercise, exercise until dark, and then drag his exhausted body back to the tree hole to rest.

After experiments, he found that the day after he finished training every day, he could completely control the weight of the previous day, but after his many tests, he found that there was a maximum value, only 20 kilograms per day, beyond this value, the next day the weight increase will not exceed 20 kilograms.

So basically he will increase his weight by 20 kilograms every day, and relatively, he will increase his strength by 20 kilograms every day he finishes exercising.

Of course, he is also exercising his ability, basically every six days of exercise, he will exercise his other abilities on one day. And this day is equivalent to rest, use your own ability, take the small animals in the tree hole to wave everywhere, use the space to cut and make some furniture or some fun things, such as several small seesaws, slides, swings of different shapes in an open space in front of the tree hole

There are also swimming pools, cisterns, etc. made of several trees

On the platform there was an extra wooden house, in which the basic furniture was available, and on the table was a manual juicer made of wood, next to which were placed two cups, one of normal size and the other the size of a fist, with the word ‘Komatsu’ written on it.

Now Komatsu basically lives in his room, and next to his bed is a small bed half a meter large, with a pinecone-like pattern engraved on it, and you can tell at a glance that this is Komatsu’s exclusive bed.

After a period of getting along, the panther found that this human being was not so ruthless, and even a little dependent on him.

Once, Fu Jiangchen, who ate fruits every day, suddenly felt a little tired, so he went to the sea to catch a few fish back, and used a few dry branches to use the principle of rough friction to generate heat, started a fire, and grilled the fish, and the panther just passed nearby, and was immediately attracted by the fragrance wafting not far away, Fu Jianchen was also generous, divided a few fish for the panther and began to eat happily, could not withstand the temptation, the panther was late to eat meat for the first time in his life, and then out of control, Directly moved to live in the woods near the seaside where Fu Jiangchen trained, to ensure that you can smell the aroma of grilled fish for the first time, because other animals do not eat meat, so the panther is the only one who accompanies him to eat fish, so every time the fish is grilled, he will grill an extra portion. And Black Panther also has a mighty and domineering name “Little Black”. For this, Xiao Hei actually refused

More than three months have passed in a flash.

On this day, Fu Jianchen was still exercising by the sea, and after more than three months of exercise, he had nearly two tons of strength in one hand, and he was very satisfied with the speed of this strength growth.

At this time, Xiao Hei stepped into the air from not far away, his expression a little anxious.

“Whoosh~ Come here, there is a creature like you in the sea over there, I can’t get too close to the sea”

Hearing this, Fu Jianchen immediately stopped the training in his hand and rode directly on Xiao Hei’s back, signaling Xiao Hei to lead the way.

Xiao Hei did not resist, after all, he was used to it.

Not long after, Xiao Hei came to the sea not far from the island and pointed in the direction in front with his paw.

“Wow~ It’s the creature that looks a lot like you on it, but I make a loud noise as soon as I get close to him.”

Following the direction of Xiao Hei’s finger, Fu Jianchen saw a small boat floating quietly on the sea, and there was a faint cry of a baby on it….

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