Wu'an City, the

county guard's house.

A group of officials stood on either side.

All of them were in a state of trembling and panic.

After reporting the matters in their respective duties,

they immediately bowed their heads and returned to their original positions.

The new uncle above

, on the first day he came to

Wu'an City, quickly cut through the chaos without a sound and without resistance, and destroyed the Fang family who covered the sky with one hand in Wu'an City.

It really refreshed their sensory perception of this uncle.

"Benber has just arrived, and the affairs of the county have not yet been clarified.

"For the time being, you will perform your duties, and then you will be transferred or appointed or dismissed.

"The Bofu will issue relevant documents. "

Alright, let's all disperse. "

Qin Tian has a general understanding of the people's livelihood finances in the lower county.

He waved off a group of officials.

Governance of Mu'an County.

He didn't intend to meddle in everything.

Leave everything to your subordinates.

With the surveillance of the parasitic queen, the possibility of the

subordinates filling their pockets and dividing and expanding has basically been eliminated.

Qin Tian looked at Xu Jian, who was the only one in the hall who was covered in gauze.

On the day of the assassination,

Xu Jian alone resisted the siege of several demonic beasts.

The ice crystal giant scorpion under his command was killed in battle.

He was also seriously injured and fell into a coma.

He was later sent to a nearby town for treatment and recuperation.

I woke up and insisted on rushing back to Wu'an City, and

arrived today.

"Brother Xu. "

Genus . . . Subordinate..."

Xu Jian was flattered and struggled to get up, wanting to kneel.

"No need to be polite.

Qin Tian raised his hand to stop him:

"Brother Xu, when you recover from your injuries, you will temporarily take the position of captain of the city guard and lead five hundred government soldiers, and then it will gradually expand and be responsible for the security and defense of the city." "

This official position

is not small to say, but it is really not big to say big.

There is no garrison in Wu'an County,

but families large and small abide by their duties.

Even those bandits and horse bandits outside are only fighting in the autumn breeze far away from the towns.

There has never been a case of storming into a city, robbing a house, killing people and setting fires.

Because everyone knows that

once there is too much turmoil in Wu'an County,

it will give Pingxi an excuse to send troops to station.

Everyone's good days are basically over.

Because of this, the

city guard captain is a bit more famous than real.

In order to protect his uncle, the

summoned creature died, and

he was seriously injured.

This position really doesn't deserve such credit.

But Xu Jian was not the slightest dissatisfied.

immediately arched his hand and said:

"Thank you for your support, I will not fail in my mission." "

I have to say that

Xu Jian is a very upright and shrewd person.

From betting on Qin Tian for the first time in the first attempt

, to giving up the position of dean, dragging his family and following him to the fiefdom.

From the beginning to the end,

it seems that Qin Tian's achievements are far from limited to this.

As long as you can follow him,

I'm afraid that there will be no better future in the future.

As for whether Xu Jian is an undercover agent sent by a certain force.

Qin Tian didn't let the parasitic queen go to investigate.

The right to leave a thought.

Moreover, in his current bleached status.

Yes or no,

it doesn't really matter.

Of course,

the bottom line of parasitism will not change.

"Well, let's all go down and do things.

Qin Tian waved his hand.

"Subordinates retire

!" "Retire from your humble duties!" Xu

Jian, Uncle Wang and the fat man Xiong retreated in unison.

The two former stewards of the Bofu

came to the fiefdom of Wu'an County,

and their rights and status also rose.

Qin Tian had also made arrangements before.

Uncle Wang was temporarily in charge of civil affairs in the county.

Xiong Fatzi is responsible for the county's financial revenue and expenditure.

"Uncle, another family, Wan Jia..."

Qin Tian said,

not wanting to waste all his time on this kind of thing.

Moreover, destroying a Fang family by thunderous means

is already a bit too sharp.

If you move to the ten thousand families whose roots are far away in the capital,

they will definitely attract a lot of attention.

In the future, I will dispose of it slowly when I have leisure.

There are also Shikoku,

especially the town of Kita.

One day, he will lead the swarm to wipe out their so-called holy land!

Ghost Face Guards all the way.

It's the same as the Bofu in Lin'an City.

There are 50 black dragon guards 'clones' stationed in the mansion.

100 Black Dragon Guards composed of 1,000 Blue Sun Star soldiers.

In addition to transferring half to Xu Jian,

the rest will cooperate with Xiong Fatzi to take over the Fang family's properties in Wu'an County.

"The outside world has finally stabilized for the time being. "


" "You can develop the community with peace of mind."

"I don't know,"

"How are the preparations of the five clans?"

Qin Tian sank into consciousness.

For the past ten days, he has been busy with his own safety outside.

I haven't bothered to take care of the preparation process of the five clans.


having him without him

does not affect the development of the warships of the five clans.

Dodge to the location of the space passage of the five clans.

On the side of the Morkstar passage,

there is a robot.

Look at its crimson outer shell, already baked by the Martian heat.

Apparently has been here for a long time.

Seeing Qin Tian

, the robot's head immediately flashed with data and a word came out:

"Zerg Master, the leader asks to talk to you." "

After this period of decipherment and analysis,

the robot has mastered the Terran language of Lanyang Star.

There was no stuttering in his speech as before.

"Well, I'll do it. "

Qin Tian summoned a black dragon guard.

Enter the Mork Star.

As soon as he appeared,

he was immediately slightly stunned.

In the line of sight,

warships of different shapes were densely spread out in the distance.

Some are placed on the ground

, some are suspended in the sky,

and they are stacked on top of each other.

Completely obscures all space in the view.

"Shouldn't interstellar warships be built in outer

space?" "Is it to facilitate access to the space passage?"

"Just start construction directly on the ground

?" "How to deal with the power?"

Qin Tian looked around strangely.

Control the Black Dragon Guard

to follow the robot and follow the only small space left to the disc-shaped building again.

Compared to its original appearance, the

building looks extremely empty.

It is rare to see a robot operating it.

The on-screen data stream is still flowing rapidly.

Walk into a room.

Inside, except for the robot at the front, who looks the same but should be the leader,

and the female archon of the Crimson Star and the supreme leaders of the other three clans.

It's like a discussion meeting.


Excellency!" "Your Excellency!!"

several people stood up and saluted.

"Zerg Master, we are about to make our first attempt to attack that cosmic creature!"

the robot leader did not have such a false salute as the Terran, and

said bluntly to the black dragon guards representing Qin Tian.

"How many warships have been built

?" "Five clans, a total of 1 million ships!"

"1 million?"

Qin Tian was stunned.

But it's normal to think about it.

The outside world is more than ten days, and the

planet is more than ten years.

Gather the resources of the five planets,

plus the countless manpower of the five races to build with all their might.

There is nothing surprising to build a million warships.

Especially the extremely efficient mechanical family.

There is enough material.

For them, it's just a batch copy.

It is estimated that most of these million warships came from them.

"What about the rough plan?" Qin

Tian asked, looking at the robot leader.

"Use Morneth as an offensive base. "

All the battleships assemble the Moke. "

Then unify into the Thundercloud Star. The

robot leader paused.


"According to the brain calculus,

" "That cosmic creature is far beyond our imagination. "

This battle,

" "It's just an attempt. "

The chance of hurting it is 0. "

Our clan needs to collect actual combat data and update the future battleship attack mode and hull resistance materials. "


" "Zerg Domination, during the attack. "

Our clan needs to keep the space passages of Mobus and Thunderclouds open.

Qin Tian nodded.

Is this to give up on Mokstar?

It's no wonder that there aren't many robots in sight in this building.

If the spatial passage of the two planets is maintained, the

aftermath of the attack of the cosmic creatures will inevitably reverberate throughout the Mork Star.

Among the five major clans

, the mechanical clan can be so arrogant, and the

mother star will give up casually.

After all,

there are still eight colonized planets.

Most of Mork's robots

may have migrated to other colonized planets.

"Since everything is ready, what are you delaying?"

Qin Tian glanced around and

raised his hand:

"Let's start!".

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