Thunderclouds star outer space.

The fire is long,

bright and gorgeous.

A wide variety of weapons loaded on millions of destroyers.

The various attacks launched

collided with the cosmic creatures

, sometimes silent and immersive, sometimes

bursting into huge fireballs.

Sometimes there are rippling ripples.

As the camera zooms in, a local close-up is formed.

Among these weapons,

Qin Tian saw the most primitive bullets and shells.

Slightly higher-level massive energy balls, red speed of light, and giant lightning chains were also seen.

We have even seen the majestic ripples of the rapid spread of strategic space weapons similar to 'nuclear bombs'.

All kinds of low-level or high-level weapons

are simply endless.

And the cosmic creature has long since woken up.

Looking at the small things that were pouring all kinds of weapons at itself,

it blinked two clusters of dazzling eyes.

It's like confusing.

Soon, the mouth slowly opened to the sides, making

a terrifying and complicated expression.

"It's in..."


Qin Tian couldn't understand the facial emotions of a cosmic creature.

But he understood the meaning of the other party's next physical expression.

In the face of attacks from around

it, it did not fight back angrily,

let alone spit out the imaginary streamer.


Stretching his body

, he slowly turned and flipped around,

as if to make the weapons as evenly distributed as possible throughout his body.

Qin Tian raised his head and

looked at the robot leader beside him.

Cyborgs don't have facial features and can't see anything.

Qin Tian looked at the other leaders of the four clans standing on the other side.

From the faces of these people.

He got the answer he wanted.


On their own side, the

five clans united

, and it took more than ten years

and spent endless manpower and resources

to build a million warships,

just to


it?" "

Before the war, I conveyed to you the calculus of the brain.

"The chance of injuring it in this battle is zero. The

robot leader spoke.

"I know it's unlikely, but it's not going to be that outrageous.

Qin Tian pointed to the picture that made people feel extremely ashamed:

"The attack sent out by a million warships couldn't even make him feel a little pain?" "

Yes, its strength far exceeds our computing capacity, but this battle, we are not without gains. The

robot leader faces the screen.

Qin Tian watched patiently.

It is indeed as the leader said.

The battleship group then stopped attacking useless

and began to concentrate on various parts that seemed to be weak points, such as the tail and eyes of space creatures

, or the tentacles around their mouths, and the soft-glowing sarcomas on them


The failure to break the defense was expected,

but Qin Tian could clearly see the slight contraction and tremor of some key parts when they were attacked.

The final fire didn't last long.

Under the frenzied output, the

battleship's weapon reserves and energy arsenal were quickly depleted.

Even all the propulsion energy is depleted.

All the warships lost their power and

turned into iron lumps in space.

The battleships are equipped with mechanical intelligence systems.

It doesn't need to be manipulated by the Terrans, and

it is a consumable for experiments.


Qin Tian controlled the black dragon guards to turn off the light curtain projection screen in front of him.

In fact,

this battle scene is just a documentary video.

According to planetary time,

months have passed since that battle.

Qin Tian would not risk being injured by the streamer that could be spewed out by cosmic creatures, and

stayed at the scene of Mokexing to observe the actual combat.

After opening the space passage of the two planets, they returned to the outside world.

The other four clans also returned to their respective planets to close the passage.

Even the mechs boarded the spaceship before the battle began, and

relied on reconnaissance planes that spread from Thundercloud Star to Mok Star in outer space to

conduct ultra-long-distance remote command.

"In the first 10-year attempt, our people collected a lot of data.

"On the second attempt, our clan will update the ship's weapons and develop new ships that will have a chance to touch its pain nervous system. "

The third time, our people have a chance to injure it. "

The robot leader didn't say a fourth attempt.

After all,

Qin Tian had only given this joint operation thirty years at the beginning.

Try it every 10 years.

As soon as the time is up, close the Thundercloud Star Space Channel.

"I can give you another ten years to get a fourth chance.

"But I hope that the last attempt is no longer a chance, but that it can indeed achieve the effect of at least injuring it!"

Qin Tian said.

Errors in previous estimates.

The four countries of the outside world spent more than ten days tempting themselves.

After the trial ended, negotiations continued on the matter of the Battle of Shikoku.

The schedule has not yet been finalized.

But it's also coming soon.


, he should have another month,

or even more.

Get rid of the consciousness of the black dragon's personal defense.

Return to the outside world.

Qin Tian stretched out his hand and twisted his eyebrows.

The creatures of the universe are far more powerful than they can imagine.

With the current level of technology of the mechs,

it is estimated that it will be difficult to develop a weapon that is powerful enough to actually cause damage to them.

Unless there is a sudden technological explosion in the past 30 years, the cyborg clan has broken through several technological bottlenecks in a row.

But this can only be a matter of chance.

A long shot.

"Uncle. The

fat bear walked in from outside the house.

"What's the matter?"

"Uncle, what you explained a few days ago, your subordinates have gained something. "


Qin Tian's eyes lit up.

The first thing he explained after destroying the Fang family.

It is to receive the property of the Fang family and copy the family.

All property is 'state-owned'.

That is, Uncle Qin's waist bag.

and ordered the fat bear to use the money collected

to go to the other three countries to continue to buy the borderless planet.

"Uncle, my subordinates have sent people to the Three Kingdoms, and my subordinates have also gone to the capital in person in the past few days. The

fat bear stepped forward and

brought up a brocade box containing a few crystal balls.

"Good work.

Qin Tian waved his hand.

"The subordinates retired. The

fat bear bowed and left.

Opening the brocade box,

Qin Tian checked the brief history and information of the planet inside.

Unlike last time, this time there

is plenty of money.

The planet he asked Fat Xiong to acquire,

the third-level standard remains the same

, but in addition to the planet of technological civilization,

there are also planets of transcendent civilizations such as immortal cultivation civilization and magic civilization.


"Hehe, interesting.

"How can there be such a civilization system in an extraordinary civilization?" Qin

Tian's hand paused in one of the brief histories of the planets.

Immediately take out the corresponding black crystal ball.

With a hint of curiosity,

sink into consciousness and

open a space channel to communicate with this planet.

The moment he stepped out of the passage,

Qin Tian frowned.

Feel the rush on your face....


, decay

, filth, filth


and the place where it sees...

A lifeless and dense corpse of the walking dead!

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