In the territory of the forbidden area, the

original eighteen boarding insects

have developed into thousands of heads.

Everywhere you look,

there are dense waves of red.

It was a host insect war bug that had evolved through the first generation.

The shape resembles a flame-devouring gold worm that has shrunk countless times and is only one meter tall.

But unlike the original Flame Eater of Gold

, in front of its head,

a sharp one-horned spike has evolved.

They go in and out, messy but not chaotic.

Some returned with the remains of unknown bugs in their mouths.

Some are out in groups in search of prey.

In the middle of the territory,

lies the mother of this group of host worms.

She is also the mother queen of the entire race! the mother queen

has not changed much, and she is similar to the primitive worm.

But it was magnified countless times, and the

entire body was more than ten meters long, looking

like a giant python from a distance


Except for the head at the front of the queen for eating, all

that was left was a fat belly.

As the master of the race, in

addition to controlling the population, the mother's

greatest responsibility

is to breed.

At this moment, Qin Tian paid attention, the

fat tail of the mother emperor

had already laid more than a dozen half-meter-high eggs.

The fecundity is not without astonishment, and

around the mother queen,

hundreds of insects with countless limbs and shaped like a basin have gathered.

Some were sorting the prey brought back by the war bugs,

some were feeding the mother, and

some were dragging some prey into a sloping pit next to it.

More often than not, they carry eggs into another pit in groups of three or five.

Qin Tian threw his consciousness down, the

pit was not deep, and it was not bad.

Originally, he had only one message of will to transmit to the lodger.

Breed at full strength!

This area has been designated as a forbidden area by him.

Naturally, he didn't want the lodger to waste time on such a pointless thing as nesting.

The bottom of the two potholes is connected.

One place is densely packed with insect eggs, there are thousands of them.

The other is the larvae, which are also in the thousands.

Some have just come out of their shells, and their bodies are still soft and white.

Some of the carapaces of the bodies have begun to turn red and harden.

The two improvised pits were opened separately,

presumably to better protect the eggs and larvae from being burned by the heat outside.

Leaving the lair,

Qin Tian came to the periphery of the forbidden area.

A few hundred meters away from the exclusion zone, by a lava river.

A swarm of war bugs is hunting a giant crab that is more than three meters tall.

The war bugs are divided into two squads, the front and rear, and

the first team is responsible for attracting in the front.

The other team took the opportunity to rush forward and spat out a small stream of hot flames that scorched the crab's carapace.

As the cancer feels the pain and turns around.

The team that had previously been in charge of attracting immediately bowed its head and began to sprint.

Using the spikes in front of their heads, they

slammed into the crab's carapace, which had been softened by burns.

Even so

, under Qin Tian's gaze,

this group of war insects rushed for more than a dozen rounds before breaking through the Giant Crab's defenses and hunting it down.


!" "It's too weak!"

Qin Tian shook his head.

Even if these war insects show an extremely rare sense of wolf cooperation,

even if the opponent is several times larger than them.

But Qin Tian was still not satisfied.

Very dissatisfied

!"The fastest species on the planet!"The species that is the fastest on the planet!"The species that is the most attacking

on the planet!""The species that responds the fastest on

the planet!"


Qin Tian's series of orders, the

light curtain flashed one after another.

In a few minutes,

the system screened out nearly a million species with top advantages and special abilities in all aspects out of 10 million species


In the next moment,

Qin Tian's will descended on the territory of these species at the same time like thousands of rays of light shed by the sun


As the Creator

, as the God of this planet,


can do whatever he wants.


, this time, Qin Tian didn't have the same crazy urgency as the previous Flame Devouring Gold Worm.

He just told the rest of the group to rush to the restricted area on the premise of ensuring safety.

After all

, these species are only strong in one aspect, weak in the whole

, and too far away, and

some are almost on the other side of the planet.

Under such a large-scale group migration

, if it is allowed to run wild at any cost, it is

estimated that most of them will be swallowed up by other insect swarms on the way.

At the same time,

Qin Tian conveyed the will to suspend breeding to the mother emperor in the forbidden area.

After doing all this,

Qin Tian summoned the system and

first named the planet according to the rules.

There is nothing to hesitate about in the name of the planet.

Directly named Mars.

Volcanic magma everywhere lives up to its name.


Planet Name: Martian

Civilization Race: Host Zerg

Evolution Stage: One Generation Evolution Race

Number: 5048 Auxiliary

Functions: Super God-level Deduction Technique


Host Insect Battle Insect

Rank: 1 Meter Evolution Body

Size: 1 meter

Combat Power: 135 points

, 4015

Abilities: None


After selecting the main civilization race,

the corresponding data information is updated on the interface.

Among them,

the evolutionary body is an evolutionary index that measures the race of biological civilizations.

The criterion is

that the combat power of the next generation of a group is at least twice as high as that of the previous generation.

The first reproduction,

let the host worm directly judge the evolution of the generation.

But just as Qin Tian had sighed before,

it was still too weak.

Even if the combat power value is increased by a hundred times compared to the original body, it still can't change the initial weakness.

You must know that the

primitive combat power of other biological civilizations

can reach thousands or even tens of thousands.

However, Qin Tian didn't care.

This is just the first generation.

Without the trouble of biological civilization relying on chance to evolve

, the host insect war insect that has evolved by combining the advantages of tens of millions of species on the entire planet.

With each reproduction generation,

its combat effectiveness will inevitably soar exponentially.

After returning to the outside world and

simply packing his luggage,

Qin Tian came to the Creator Recruitment Office of the Pingxi Kingdom in the capital.

According to the original plan,

he finally chose Pingxiguo.

Only by joining a nation will

the Creator enjoy the most basic security of life and the benefits of a good fortune.

In addition,

the most important thing is that

there will be a platform and opportunity to win the development of the top.

For example,


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