Inside the school.

The crowd looked at Qin Tian who went straight to the stage in astonishment.

"Does he really have the courage?"

"Some people always want some miracle." "

How can there be so many miracles? It's a waste of time!" a

group of people babbled.

In the past, there were many people who knew that they were invincible, and they would give up early.

But now there is such a strange thing.

With such a big gap,

there is still a need to fight.

Like everyone else, Xiong Hanlin was stunned.

When he

came back to his senses

, Xiong Hanlin was not the slightest dissatisfied, but showed a touch of ecstasy.

Then he shook his fat and ran to the battle table impatiently.

Sitting on the seat in front

of the stage, Xiong Hanlin didn't look at Qin Tian opposite him at all,

and immediately put his palm in the instrument and sank into consciousness.

As if I was afraid that the other party would come directly: If I don't fight, I will admit defeat!

On an open plain.

Xiong Hanlin's equally incomparably fat consciousness body was suspended in mid-air.


Fifty tabby tarantulas crept on the ground, letting out bursts of piercing and trembling sounds.

These tabby tarantulas

, each one a meter in size, have

two jaws protruding from their mouths like two sharp sickles.

The gap between the dense fluff covering the whole body,

what should have been a pale yellow tabby, has turned into a dark gold.

Eight limbs, also covered with golden tabbys, stretched out,

looking like a ferocious beast ready to attack from a distance.

Xiong Hanlin raised his head

, narrowed his eyes, and

took a deep breath of air that didn't exist.

On the transparent and thin chubby cheeks,

there is an extremely clear intoxication and enjoyment.

At this moment,

he seemed to be able to feel the shock of the students in the outside academy.


, both the number of tabby tarantulas

and their body size characteristics,

it can be easily seen that

this is a sign of evolution to the second generation.

The second-generation evolution with a combat power of nearly 200 is as high as two

generations in just three years on the planet.

Don't say that this year,

even the previous ones are very few.

What's more, it's still a strong species that ranks third in the Zerg civilization?

Being shortlisted for the Elite Academy is a sure thing.

And not surprisingly,

it can definitely be ranked first in the internal ranking of the elite academy.


, compared with the silent announcement by the instructor,

in front of more than 300 people in the initial examination, he showed his face in public.

The feeling of coolness

is always different.


Inside the school.

Just as Xiong Hanlin expected, the

whole thing exploded.

"Second-generation evolution! How did he do it?"

"The key is still the third-ranked tabby tarantula!" "The

last genius in our branch who evolved his race to the second generation in the first test seems to be five years ago.

"That person's Zerg seems to be only ranked tenth, and it is said that he soared into the sky and was knighted.

"Oh my God, is it possible that after five years, our Eighth Branch of the Zerg will produce another genius?"

"It's really... People can't look good!"

The students stared at the big fat man in front of the stage, and they were shocked beyond measure.

It's nothing to try to evolve your own racial civilization for a generation at the beginning


At least for the Zerg civilization, it is more common.

But two generations in a row,

plus the prefix of a top-ranked strong race....

Looking at the eighth branch of the Zerg over the years

, no,

the entire Zerg Academy is rare.

At this time,

countless little stars almost popped up in the eyes of some girls.

It seems to be at this moment.

The fat flesh on the fat man's body, which had made them disgusted before, suddenly became much more pleasing to the eye.

Xu Jian, who was sitting on the side,

also couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

If it weren't for the sake of image, he would have wanted to laugh out loud at this moment.

The previous instructor of the Eighth Branch of the Zerg

relied on the genius at the beginning to rise all the way.

was first promoted to become the vice president of the Zerg

Academy, and later went one step further and became the

dean, and until today,

he still sits firmly in the position of the dean of the Zerg Academy.

After he took over the post of instructor of the Eighth Branch

, why didn't he want to follow suit?



was five years.

Just when he was not hopeful, he

didn't expect this person to appear so suddenly.

And in terms of qualifications, it is even more outstanding and amazing.

The achievements in the future

are definitely above the genius of five years ago.

As an instructor, his

worth will inevitably rise, and

he even

directly replaced the dean who has always looked at him unpleasantly.


when Xu Jian was looking forward to his bright future, he

suddenly found that the originally noisy school instantly became audible.

Everyone's eyes

were stunned on the light curtain behind him.

They all had a ghostly expression.

Xu Jian turned around in confusion.

In the next second

, his pupils dilated sharply, and his eyes were full of horror.


"I'm TM..."

Over the battlefield,

Xiong Hanlin's eyes widened in horror.

The whole person has been completely frightened and stupid!

From the arrogant enjoyment just now, to the fear and helplessness at the moment.

In just a few minutes,

I have a deep understanding of what it means to have a big ups and downs in life.

It was like a cloud slamming into the abyss at the bottom of the sea,

making him feel endless cold and trembling in an instant!


, in mid-air,

Qin Tian's consciousness body stood with his head held high.

In the crack below,

a black torrent of insect monsters that are so large that they are completely out of everyone's knowledge

is swarming out!

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