Inside the Lin'an City Library.

Qin Tian was flipping through several documents on the Warcraft civilization.

For the academy competition,

he was full of confidence.

But the two Warcraft races that suddenly appeared

undoubtedly made them have some haze.

"No wonder the winning rate of the system deduction is so low

" "The strength of the Warcraft civilization is indeed beyond imagination.

Qin Tian put down the literature.

As soon as he got the news from Xu Jian, he

immediately asked the system to simulate and deduce the host Zerg battle against these two major Warcraft species a hundred years later.

The results were disappointing, with

a win rate of less than 50%.

However, after reading the information in front of him,

Qin Tian was relieved.

In fact,

the Warcraft civilization and the magical civilization have significant things in common.

Both can wield a variety of powerful and even devastating spells.

The difference

is only the level of wisdom.

In other words, the

Warcraft civilization is a failed product of a planet with magical energy that cannot give birth to intelligent species.

But no amount of failure

can erase the essence of its magical creatures.

And the insect groups in Mars are

all ordinary creatures, and no matter how much the host insects evolve,

they will not be able to break through the upper limit of ordinary creatures after all.

There is an upper limit to this planet,


"Invade the planets of other creators!"

"Steal the genes of creatures from their planets!"

Having made up his mind,

Qin Tian left the library.

Invading a planet with a Creator is unrealistic, and

no one wants to let others kill on their planet.


Qin Tian was ready to find an unowned planet to try his hand first.

When the Creator dies a natural or accidental fall, the Merged Planet is left behind.

Countries will gather these unowned planets.

It is generally used for the training of other Creators.

Or for those who have failed to merge and take a sightseeing tour of the alien landscape.

Over the past 100 years, it

has gradually developed into a stable industrial chain.

Not long after,

Qin Tian came to the Planet Chamber of Commerce in the city.

This is the place to run the business of the Borderless Planet.

In the hall on the first floor

, people come and go, and it is very lively.

In some places, long queues have already formed.

But they are basically the children of rich families who have not been successfully integrated, mainly to see the strangeness.

Qin Tian glanced around.

His gaze stayed on the Warcraft Planet counter for a moment,

then he shook his head and

walked to the Beast Planet counter next to him.

With the current strength of the war bugs,

challenging the Warcraft is purely looking for death.

"My lord, please, please first!"

Seeing Qin Tian's costume representing a symbol of status,

the person at the front of the queue immediately flattered and gave up his position.

As the Creator,

you have this privilege and don't have to wait in line.

Even the chamber of commerce guy behind the counter also swept away his previous laziness, immediately cheered up, and

said very respectfully:

"Hello, Venerable Creator, do you

want to lease a planet?" "I want to lease a second-level planet.

Qin Tian nodded in response.

The planetary level represents the stage of biological evolution.

The second-level

planet is a planet where the main race has evolved to the second generation.

"How long do you need to rent?"


One day outside

is equivalent to a year on the planet.

It's enough for experiments only.

"Okay, renting a second-level brute planet for one day will cost 500 gold. The

guy said familiarly.

The price is not expensive,

at least it is cheap for Qin Tian.

The Creator received a monthly payment.

The monthly standard of the Zerg branch is

100 gold, and after being promoted to the elite school, it directly rises to 1000 gold.

plus the 100,000 yuan rewarded for the initial test, a

few hundred gold can only be regarded as a drizzle.

Qin Tian handed over the gold card.

After handling it,

the guy waved a maid and

took Qin Tian to the rental room in the rear.

There is not much space inside,

but there is everything you need.

On the middle table,

there is a light blue crystal ball.

It stores the coordinates of the corresponding planet.

Closing the door,

Qin Tian took the crystal ball and sat on a recliner.

Change into a comfortable position

, close your eyes, and

sink into consciousness.


Planet Name: Martian

Civilization Race: Host Zerg

Evolution Stage: Second Generation Evolution

Population: 20580 Auxiliary

Function: Super God-level Deduction Technique


Slayer Insect

Level: Second Generation Evolved Body

Size: 5 metersCombat

Power: 980 points, 18500


: None


Above the forbidden area,

Qin Tian summoned the information interface to check it.

After three days in the outside world

, that is, more than three years of development of the planet.

The entire boarding insect population has reached more than 20,000 individuals.

Among them, there are 18,000 and a half war insects!

" The mother queen lays 500 eggs each time. "

The spawning cycle and growth cycle take about a month.

"That's 6,000 a year. "

Converted to outside time, it's 6,000 second-generation war insects a day..."


Look at the entire Zerg civilization.

The speed at which the lodge worm reproduces is already terrifying.

But since they are preparing to invade a borderless planet and steal the genes of the creatures on the planet

, the faster the reproduction speed, the better.

After all,

the number of war bugs

will directly affect the efficiency of stealing.

But there is no way to do it at the moment.

The development of an ethnic group has its own balance.

If the forced intervention is to improve the fecundity, it

will inevitably lead to an overall decline in the combat power of the adults.

The gains outweighed the losses, closing

the information interface, Qin Tian's

gaze swept towards the forbidden area.

At its will,

swarms of black war insects immediately gathered like a tide.

At the same time

, through the coordinates in the crystal ball in the outside world's own hands,

Qin Tian quickly sensed the specific location of the second-level brute beast planet called the Ten Thousand Beast Star.

The next moment,

a spatial crack slowly opened.

Qin Tian floated into the passage first.

As a conscious being,

there is no danger at all from entering a borderless planet.

After a while

, Qin Tian stepped out of the passage, and

what appeared in front of him

was a vibrant and extremely peaceful world.

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