Under the setting sun, the

remnant sun is like blood.

Thousands of beasts fled in terror across the land.

If it's a little slower,

you'll be swarmed by the periphery war bugs.

When it dispersed,

only pools of scarlet blood remained.

The effect of the murderous drive



In less than half a day,

thousands of brute beasts were driven into the crack passage.

"Ding, Planet Origin +0.001. "

Ding, Planet Origin +0.001. "

Ding, Planet Origin +0.002. "

Ding, Planet Origin +0.001.


to the system prompts that kept sounding in his consciousness,

Qin Tian's mood had already stabilized.

It's just a little overlooked.


in order to find a way to increase the origin

of the planet, countless Creator predecessors have also tried to plunder the creatures of the unowned planet like this.

But it will not be a mass plunder of thousands of heads, but

more of an experimental nature.

But the little bit of origin that grows from a few dozens of creatures is so pitiful that it is almost negligible, and

it is impossible to perceive it at all.

If it weren't for the system's deliberate prompt,

I wouldn't be able to detect the slightest.


Planet Name: Martian

Civilization Race: Host Zerg

Evolution Stage: Second Generation Evolution Population

: 20580

Planet Origin: 81622

Auxiliary Function: Super God-level Deduction


Qin Tian summoned the system information.

On the interface, there

is an additional source value.

This is a new addition to the God-level Creator Auxiliary System.

In the form of data, the origin of the planet is displayed more intuitively.

The original origin of Mars is only more than 80,000, and

the gap between the countless body-side war insects that he imagined to summon in his heart is very huge.

But with the method

, all that remains is accumulation, and

one day this goal will be achieved.


, in contrast, stealing

the genes of living things can

be driven much faster than hunting and killing.

After conveying a will to the Mother Emperor,

Qin Tian withdrew from the planet.

The war insects that hatched later,

the mother emperor will follow his order and continuously send them to the Ten Thousand Beast Stars.

As for the spatial rift channel

, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to cut off the connection, it won't close.

Back in the outside world,

Qin Tian came to the counter with a crystal ball.

Under the surprised gaze of the guy, he

directly bought this beast planet for five thousand gold.

Subsequently, Qin Tian came to the Warcraft Planet counter again, and

in that guy's equally surprised look

, he bought two Warcraft Planets at a sky-high price of

90,000 yuan.

The two guys looked at Qin Tian's back

as they left, and couldn't help but shake their heads, sighing

in their hearts that being rich is capricious.

After all

, in their opinion

, just for the purpose of training the creatures under their command

, they bought a few expensive planets, which was simply inhumane!

After returning to the schoolhouse,

Qin Tian re-threw his consciousness into Mars.

Two Warcraft planets purchased,

one level 1 and

the other level 2.

He didn't plan to immediately open the space passage to round up the demonic beasts on these two planets.

Whether it is the strength or number of war insects,

it is far from enough to develop a new Warcraft planet at the moment.

In addition, opening the channel also requires continuous consumption of the planet's

origin, although it is minimal

, but compared to the nearly 1,000 brute beasts that can obtain 1 point of origin,

it is extremely precious.

The province is still a province.

Over Mars.

Qin Tian habitually patrolled inside and outside the forbidden area first.

Now that he bought the Beast Planet,

he wasn't in much of a hurry.

The millions of insect species selected before are still arriving one after another

, the farthest group may take hundreds of years, Mars

is too big

, according to Qin Tian's estimate,

it must be at least the size of ten earths in the previous life.

The distance is too far

, and the whole group is migrating on a large scale

, crossing mountains and mountains along

the way, and avoiding countless other Zerg species on the way, the

time it takes can be imagined.

This one was not in a hurry

, and after the inspection,

Qin Tian entered the Ten Thousand Beast Star.



Qin Tian basically spent every day on the planet except for resting and eating.

Sometimes he patrols his own planetary territory

, sometimes he goes to the Ten Thousand Beasts Star to see the alien scenery,

or he personally directs a few round-ups from the perspective of war insects

, plus the consciousness has no concept of time on the planet, and the

days are not boring.

Before you know it,

two months have passed in such a hurry.

Two months in the outside world, sixty

years in the planet.


Planet Name: Martian

Civilization Race: Host Zerg

Evolution Stage: Second Generation Evolution

Population: 405681 Planet

Origin: 127435

Auxiliary Function: Super God-level Deduction


Slayer Insect

Rank: Second Generation Evolution Body

Type: 5 metersCombat

Power: 980 points

; 357486

Ability: None


In 60 years

, the entire boarding insect population has frantically expanded

to more than 400,000! In addition to more than 40,000 camel insects similar to 'worker ants',

and the death and consumption of war damage are removed.

The scale of war insects has also reached nearly 360,000!

In the Ten Thousand Beast Star

, everywhere you look

, there is a tide of black and oppressive insects, and there is

almost no end in sight.

However, such a scale of war insects

did not improve the efficiency of origin acquisition.

On the contrary, it is gradually decreasing.

Follow the time in the planet.

In sixty years, only more than 45,000 origins have been added.

On average,

you can only earn 2-3 points per day.


, there was no way,

as the brute beasts near the spatial passage were rounded up.

War bugs must travel long distances to find herds.

By now, the

distance has reached thousands or even tens of thousands of miles.

The further back you go, the

less efficient it becomes.

Retracting his gaze,

Qin Tian returned to Mars.

The nearly one million insect groups selected have rushed to Taiban, except

for some selected by each group for the mother emperor to absorb genes, most

of the rest are scattered around the forbidden area to survive.

At this time

, the area of the forbidden area, in order to meet the huge number of host insect groups, has

long been no longer limited to the original area of more than ten miles.

Under Qin Tian's will,

its range almost radiated tens of thousands of miles around.

Coming to the sky above the Mother Emperor,


Qin Tian conveyed a slightly trembling order to him.

There is excitement

, emotion

, vicissitudes,

such a long accumulation, such a long wait

, for the sake of


isn't it this moment.

Below, the

mother queen's fat body trembled,

probably fusing countless insect and brute beast genes in her body.

Qin Tian waited patiently,

this wait

was half a month.


, on the sixteenth day, the

mother queen made a move and

began to lay eggs.

Unlike the previous white,

these two-meter-tall eggs are speckled and colorful,

and exude an extremely clear and fierce aura.

After waiting for another two months, a

roar gradually came from the huge insect hole that had been reexpanded.

"Buzz !!"

with a strong roar like a fighter plane crossing the border.

In Qin Tian's expectant gaze,

huge black shadows

fluttered their wings and

soared straight into the sky!

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