Inside the Martian exclusion zone.

A giant beast lay on the ground, its

pitch-black body, stretching for hundreds of meters.

On its side

, groups of camel transporters are constantly going back and forth,

tirelessly dragging the carcasses of prey for feeding tasks.

After fusing the genes of the Frost Dragon,

the image of the second generation of the Mother Emperor has undergone a drastic change.

On the whole,

it looks like a half-dragon and half-worm creature.

The body like ink

, the layers of hard dragon scales

stacked up, a pair of inverted wings attached to the forefeet,

the hideous dragon head and the dragon eyes as deep as the stars.

If it weren't for the huge fat abdomen that also occupied most of the body, it

would have been difficult to see the slightest appearance of the mother emperor.

The evolution of the lodger worm is based on survival.

First of all, it will instinctively select several of the strongest biological

genes, and then in order to balance the life structure

, or strengthen a certain part,

and then select and fuse some special genes.

Just like the Destroyer War Bug, it's basically based on animal genes.

And the dragon clan is strong.

Apparently the previous generation of female worms completely discarded the other genes.

Choosing a single dragon gene as the main body,

the second generation of the mother emperor who evolved appeared with such almost dragon-like characteristics.


, the Mother Mother stopped eating, raised

her huge dragon head, and

looked at the gradually manifesting figure in the sky.

"Juggernaut!" came

the Mother Queen's voice.

At the same time, bow your head in anticipation of the coming of the Creator.

"How about the gathering of the clans?" Qin

Tian asked as he walked in front of the Mother Emperor.

Fused with dragon genes,

the mother emperor has the ability to speak.

Qin Tian was a little stunned at first, but

slowly got used to it.

I'm not too surprised, dragons

are already intelligent creatures.

Although it can't be compared with a truly intelligent species, it's

not much worse.

"In accordance with the will of the Lord, 38,465 third-generation war insects have been assembled. "

Well, from now on, we will make every effort to reproduce the fourth generation of war bugs. Qin

Tian conveyed the order.

In addition to intelligence and appearance,

the dragon gene has also made the second generation of the mother queen extremely strong in all aspects.

Especially the physique,

which is almost comparable to the real dragons.

This directly affects the reproductive efficiency of the mother queen.

A strong physique can support the greater energy expenditure required for spawning.

For example,

the previous Mother Queen could only lay 300 Destroyer eggs at a time.

And the second-generation mother emperor directly soared to 1,200!

The four-day planet in the outside world had been continuously reproducing for four years

, and with the previous number of nearly 10,000

, the scale of the third-generation destroyer war insects had increased to more than 38,000!

Qin Tian randomly selected 10,000 of them to step on the spatial passage that gradually opened in the air.

Dabi has no combat power requirements, and

according to the strength of the three major civilization races, only different number restrictions are set.

For example, the Zerg civilization is limited to 10,000.

Imitation of the internal competition of the big competition,

naturally also maintains this rule.


On the surface covered with yellow sand,

Zhou Feng's consciousness stood proudly in the air.

Behind him,

a dense swarm of blue-gray bees as large as a fighter plane and more than ten meters in size gathered.

The humming roar of the fluttering wings almost pierced the entire land.

"We'll have to suppress some of the people later..."

"No, at least half of the race will have to be suppressed to die.

"It's better to win this battle with a very heavy victory.

"In this way, we can maximize benefits, win favor, and win affection."

Zhou Feng muttered secretly.

In this battle,

he is ready to damage most of the tribe by himself.

The race under his command is gone, and it

can be restored after a period of reproduction.

If he missed this rare opportunity

, how could he be willing?

Zhou Feng raised his eyes to look at the space passage opposite, and his

face couldn't help but flush with a touch of melancholy.

It's easy to say

, but it's hard to do, and

the most important thing is that the other party can't be too weak.

"Brother Qin, Brother Qin, your species must be stronger, otherwise no matter how much I send you to death, it won't help..."Zhou

Feng suddenly froze.

What is that?

In the crack in the opposite space

, a sharp and straight 'spear' first stretched out

, then a pair of eyes full of anger like a falcon

, then


streamlined head full of grooves,

and a pair of jaw-dropping exaggerated giant wings...

Zhou Feng was stunned and looked at the 'thing' that took half a minute to slowly float.

The pupils gradually contracted

, the mouth grew

larger and larger, and at the end, the

whole person completely solidified into a humanoid sculpture.


Also solidified is the huge battlefield.

Everyone kept the same look as they had a second ago

, some smiling

, some slightly raising their eyebrows,

and some pursing the corners of their mouths

, as if at this moment

, time stood still, instantly

fixing the various postures on everyone's faces.

They stared in shock at the behemoth that took up almost the entire view of the light curtain.

In the blank mind,

the same question popped up almost at the same time.

What kind of creature is that?


, it's not a creature!

That slender body like a spear born entirely for killing,

that wings that are so large that they are completely beyond the normal structure of life.

Taken together, it

completely subverts the inherent concept of living things for all people.


Under the platform

, the instructors subconsciously held their breath and

almost completely forgot to breathe

, even Xu Jian was no exception

, even if he knew Qin Tian's species combat power in advance, he

never thought that the appearance of the species would be so terrifying.

Through the light curtain

, he could almost feel the fierce aura bursting from those javelin-like creatures!

After a long time

, Xu Jian woke up from his state of confusion

, swept towards a few other branch instructors who were still stunned not far away, and

coldly let out a nasal voice:

"Don't laugh

?" "Dumbfounded?"

"A bunch of snobbish things!"

"You deserve to be ruined!".

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