In the hazy sky, the

wind was raging.

On the bare plains, sand

and dust are filled.

Qin Tian controlled the consciousness body to constantly rise and rise.

What you see is still a decay and desolation,

with no signs of green vegetation or life on the entire planet!


Qin Tian put his heart down a little.

This is indeed a decaying planet whose life is dying.

But there are still some creatures that are tenaciously surviving.


a swarm of Destroyer War Bugs had poured out.

Qin Tian floated down

, attaching his consciousness to one of them,

driving it to fly towards the group of creatures it found with all its might.

Ten minutes later,

a group of demonic beast creatures that resembled golden-winged Dapeng birds gradually appeared in sight.

It is comparable in size to the fourth-generation whip-tailed dragon, with

wings spread up to 100 meters.

The number doesn't seem to be too much,

maybe only a few dozen.

And it seems to be killing each

other, looking from a distance

, one after another figures are flying up and down, chasing each other.

The fierce struggle was mixed with bursts of mournful screams, and the ears were endless.

More than a dozen thinner Roc Demonic Beasts are being hunted by other clansmen.

"Thunder Demonic Beast?" Qin

Tian noticed the purple lightning magic shuttling through.

This was not a surprise to him.

From the name of a Warcraft planet,

you can basically see its magic system.

After all,

the name of each

planet was given by the Creator according to the characteristics of the planet.

In this short interval

, under the brutal siege of a large number of their kindred, the

emaciated Dapeng birds soon let out a miserable roar and fell to the ground.

The sturdy people immediately swooped down and began to scramble to peck at the corpses on the ground.


At this moment

, Qin Tian felt an explosion coming, and

his vision shook violently, and

then there was a rapidly falling trembling surface.

In the last perspective of the war insects,

several Dapeng Demonic Beasts that were being slaughtered appeared.

"Have you found out? Qin

Tian was out of consciousness and

didn't care about the death of a mere destroyer war bug.

His gaze swept across

the passage below, gathering outside the entrance on the other side, and

all the flying insects that had received the order immediately rushed into the passage.

Madly pounced in the direction of the Roc bird.

"How could a Warcraft planet fall to this point

?" "What the hell happened?"

Qin Tian looked curiously at the surface of the Thundercloud Star.

Under normal circumstances,

without the interference of the Creator

, a planet will reproduce and develop better according to the laws of nature.

It is simply impossible to move towards self-destruction.


Qin Tian looked up at the gray and gloomy sky.

The only possibility

is external factors,

such as the ecological extinction caused by a huge meteorite falling to the surface of the planet.

In a few moments,

Qin Tian conveyed the will to explore.

In the rear, groups of destroyers and war bugs immediately dispersed and flew into the distance.


, soon, Qin Tian summoned them back,

leaving only more than two hundred to continue to explore the surroundings.

For the sake of one's own momentary curiosity, there is no need to waste the life of war insects.

That group of Dapeng Demonic Beasts should be the main species on this planet.

Even they have reached the point of cannibalism, and

one can imagine the extent to which food is scarce on the planet.

It is likely that

those dozens of Roc birds

are the only creatures on the entire planet that have survived.

In the case that there is a high probability that there is no food supplement on the road,

it is undoubtedly necessary to let the Destroyer War Worm fly in the endless sky.


"2 million?" As

soon as Qin Tian left the planet and returned to the outside world,

he saw Xiong Hanlin coming in a hurry.

Holding two purple gold cards in his hands.

The purple face value is 1 million

, and the internal competition has not ended at this time, and

it will last at least a day or two.

These two gold cards should have been exchanged by the fat bear man who went out to the money shop to redeem them.

"The total amount of bets received was less than 2.03 million.

"According to the nineteen percent we agreed in advance, I'll just make it whole.

"Brother Qin, don't be polite, I'm a person, I love money is love money, but I prefer to enjoy the process of making money. "


," "My Xiong family is also a rich and noble family, and millions of dollars are really nothing." "

Anyway... Hey. The

fat bear squeezed his small eyes with a more obscure but understandable look.

"Okay, thanks.

Qin Tian accepted it politely.

The other party is obviously the same as Xu Jian, and

he wants to take advantage of this to hug his thigh.

No matter what the future development is

, with the strength he has shown so far,

he does have the qualifications to make friends.

"Brother Qin, then I'll go first, the internal competition is not over yet.

"Okay, go slowly. After

Xiong Hanlin left,

Qin Tian didn't stay in the school house for long.

After leaving the academy, I came to the Planet Chamber of Commerce again.

The Thundercloud Star, whose ecology was almost extinct,

frustrated its plan to plunder the genes of the Demon Beasts and evolve the fifth-generation war insects.

I have plenty of money right now.

Just go and buy a new one.

However, Qin Tian was not in a hurry for a moment, entered

the Chamber of Commerce and went straight to the second floor.

The first floor is leased and sold on the planet of biological civilization, and the second floor is the planet

of technological civilization and transcendent civilization.

Compared to the overcrowded first floor, the

second floor is much more deserted.

There are hardly a few people to see, and

even there is only one counter.

There are very few creators of the other two major civilizations in Pingxi.

There is very little left of the planet's heritage.

Due to the scarcity of quantity

, the rental price is also extremely expensive,

almost far beyond the limit of the average person's affordability.

"Hello, sir. The

guy at the counter hurriedly greeted Qin Tian when he saw him coming.

"Is there a planet that hasn't been leased?"

"Yes, my lord, and another one." "


Qin Tian raised his eyebrows.

Although the other two major civilization planets are very expensive to rent.

But there is no shortage of rich masters in this world.


, whether it is the various novel scientific and technological weapons and equipment in the science and technology

planet, or the various magic and immortal techniques in the transcendent planet that move mountains and reclaim the sea and destroy the world,

plus the national alliance established by the intelligent races and the magic faction of the immortal cultivation sect

, everything

is deeply attracted to people's curiosity.

No matter how expensive the price is, it is in short supply.

The children of wealthy families who are not bad for money

will not wait in line like the civilians downstairs, and

generally arrive on time according to the rental number plate they get.

Qin Tian's trip was also a bit of luck

, but he didn't expect to really pick up a leak?

After paying the sky-high price of 1,000 gold an hour,

Qin Tian followed the maid to one of the rental rooms.

The interior decoration is magnificent, and the

space is much more spacious than downstairs.

In addition to a dark blue crystal ball on the middle table,

there is also a brief history of the planet.


" "No wonder you can pick up the leaks." "

After reading the information about this planet in a brief history.

Qin Tian couldn't help but smile.

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