On the wide plain

, more than 100,000 black-armored soldiers are moving south.

At the forefront, the

six princes sat on a war horse,

followed closely by a group of generals.

"Your Highness..."

"Lone knows what you want to say. The

sixth prince interrupted the words of the old general beside him.

"But the last general still has to say that this is most likely a trick of the enemy army, luring our army into the net. "

Is this necessary?" The

sixth prince glanced sideways at the old general:

"It was a death situation surrounded on all sides, trapped but not attacked, after a few days, the grain and grass were cut off, the news of the fall of Qiancheng came out, and our army collapsed, why did the fourth brother do more?"

"Isn't His Highness really believing in the words of the gods and ghosts?"

"Lonely, don't you believe it!"

"Then why..."

This is already the case, so why not take a look. At

this moment,

a group of scout sentries in front began to return.

"Report! No trace of the enemy has been found for 10 miles ahead

!" "Report! No trace of the enemy has been found for 15 miles ahead!" "Report!

No trace of the enemy has been found for 20 miles ahead..."

The six princes and the old general Wen glanced

at each other, and the other generals also looked at each other.

According to yesterday's sentinel investigation, the

enemy camp to the south was only fifty miles away.

They had traveled more than twenty miles, and

it stands to reason that

they should not have even failed to meet the enemy sentry.

After traveling more than ten miles

, several sentry riders came at a rapid pace,

all of them pale and frightened.

"Report the !!

" "Ten miles ahead of the enemy camp found!", "

The enemy army is destroyed!"

"The enemy army is destroyed!!" The

sixth prince looked at the sentry commander who was rushing over.


, "What's the matter?" "Your Highness, the enemy's 50,000 troops in the southern camp have all been wiped out!"

"Can you see clearly?" "


subordinates went deep into the enemy camp, and the camp was full of corpses, and none of them were alive, and... And the death is terrible!

" The sixth prince frowned, and

then said:

"Order, the whole army accelerates its advance!" After

a short time, more than 100,000

troops stopped in front of a camp.

The terrain of the camp is open and clear at a glance.

There is no possibility of deceiving the enemy into an ambush.

The horses slowly entered the camp, and

the faces of the six princes changed from stunned at the beginning to gradually shocked.

The generals beside him were no better.

Even if they had been on the battlefield for a long time and were accustomed to seeing the blood on the battlefield, they

were stunned by the scene in front of them.

In the camp,

corpses were piled up like mountains and rivers of blood.

Most of them were broken into several pieces.

The faces on each corpse

were frozen in hysterical horror.

Even the Sixth Prince, a person who is not very familiar with military affairs,

can also see it.

The entire camp was slaughtered in a wave and

did not put up any resistance.

At this moment,

there was a faint sound of rustling.

On the plain at the end of the line of sight,

an endless black tide is sweeping rapidly.


Enemy attack!" "Enemy attack

!" "Array!" "

The whole army is arrayed!" The

herald frantically shuttled through the military formation and gave the order to defend against the enemy.

"Oh my God! what is that

!" "Monster! Full body monster!"

"Heavenly... There are monsters in the sky, too!" As

the distance got closer, I

saw a fierce monster as black as a hill running in the distance.

All the soldiers

, including the six princes and a group of generals before returning to the battle

, all chattered their teeth, and

their bodies involuntarily began to tremble violently.


, run, under

the rule of endless fear.

Just when everyone instinctively wanted to flee in all directions.

The group of monsters that filled the line of sight suddenly braked suddenly, and

they collectively stopped a kilometer away.

"Come here!" a

voice sounded in his head that woke up the frightened six princes.

He looked at the terrifying beast that flew to the middle ground and hovered in front of him, and swallowed



he turned his head to look at the soldiers beside him.

Seeing that the others didn't seem to hear the sound, they

rubbed a little, so

they had to tremble and rush forward.

"Your Highness!" heard

the old general shout

, and then hurriedly followed with a team of guards who were also trembling.

"Do you want to be emperor?"

another voice came.

The Sixth Prince Lerma stopped

and looked up at the huge body that was 100 meters long in the air in the distance.

Holding back the numbness of his scalp, he asked,

"You... What are you?"

This world is devoid of dragons and related legends.

Therefore, the Six Princes did not know the creature of the dragon.

"Answer the question!"


I can help you to defeat all enemies!"

"That... Then I... What am I going to do?" The

sixth prince turned his head to look at the dense group of monsters

in the distance, and then at the enemy army Nanying that was trampled behind him, but

he still had a trace of sobriety in his mind,

and he was not whimsical enough to think that the divine soldiers had descended from the sky.

"You need to sacrifice tens of thousands of the most elite dead soldiers

!" "Now?"

"Ten years from now!"

"Okay, but..."

The six princes were about to ask

, and the next moment

, a roar broke through the sky

, the earth thundered, and

in his frightened gaze

, the black torrent surged out,

pointing straight in the direction of the imperial city to the west.

In the chaotic mind

, only an ethereal voice was left that faded away:

"Remember the promise! In ten years, I will come back to collect it!".

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