The carriage stopped in front of the giant venue.

A group of participants got off the bus one after another.

Around the huge venue.

In addition to some dignitaries and wealthy businessmen who entered the market in advance.

The largest number were groups of soldiers arranging their seats.

There were dense circles around the venue.


Dabi not only set up the infield,

but also arranged the outfield.

Expensive tickets compared to the infield.

The outfield is also bound to be not much cheaper.

In front of the circle of seats,

there are many engineers from Andong Guo installing projection instruments.

Dark blue modern overalls with a white round hard hat.

At first glance,

it almost made Qin Tian feel like he had returned to his previous life.

As a scientific and technological power.

Andong's industrial chain spreads throughout the major towns of Shikoku.

The large projector needed to prepare for a large event is their most basic product.


!" "Black maggots have a heart!"

the fat bear scolded when he saw the rows of seats.

For a person who loves money and likes to make money,

this scene is like being full of purple gold cards but not being able to bend down to pick them up.

In the carriages ahead, the

dean led several instructors to get out of the carriage.

Now Qin Tian's strength has not been officially certified.

Xu Jian did not take over the Zerg Academy for the time being.

Therefore, this big competition still needs the dean of this session to take the lead.


, the seven instructors, including the dean,

all faintly looked at Xu Jian's horse and

accompanied them with smiling faces.

On Qin Tian's side,

all the students gathered consciously after getting off the car.

"Brother Qin, I haven't seen you for half a month, how is your racial development

?" "Cheng Song, this is not what you are asking, even if Brother Qin has not developed much in the past half month?" "

It's also oh, with the strength of Brother Qin's internal competition, it should be easier than winning the top twenty."

"Not to mention the top twenty, have you forgotten Brother

Qin's dragon creatures?" "Hahaha, in my opinion, those dragon clans are definitely only stronger than Brother Qin's three generations of evolutions. "

Yes, even if Brother Qin scores in the top ten, I'm not surprised.

"With Brother Qin here this year, our Zerg Academy can finally be beautiful.

Facing the pursuit of a group of people around him,

Qin Tian just smiled implicitly.

But he was noncommittal.

If he is in the top ten,

why should he be busy on the planet all day and night during this time.

"Look. "

The people from the Botanical Academy are here. Someone

shouted to the rear.


Dozens of wagons are slowly approaching.

Pulling the cart in front are all kinds of tall tree people.

After a while,

a student dressed in a turquoise green coat stepped out of the carriage.

The Creator of the three major colleges all have similar styles of clothing.

Uniform special gold silk kaftan

But in order to distinguish each other

, in addition to the racial civilization nameplate embroidered on the chest, the

color is also extremely distinct.

For example, the Zerg Academy is all gray.

And the botanical college is green.

"I've heard from people from the Botanical Academy that there have been a lot of ancient-level civilizations in their academy this year.

"Isn't this normal, there are so many students in the botanical academy every year, there will always be some lucky people. "

No, and..."

"I don't know if it's true or not, it seems that there is a female student who has fused with an ancient-level planet!"


?" "Huh! so terrifying?"

The group of people who didn't care just now

suddenly gasped in unison.

Even Qin Tian couldn't help but be shocked when he heard it.

Among the branches of biological civilization,

plant civilization is the most special and the most frustrating outlier.

They can't evolve quickly by devouring their own kind.

The strength and weakness of different plant species are also not obvious.

The only means of evolution

is to rely on long growth times to build up slowly.

The longer it grows, the

stronger it gets.

The Creator cannot intervene.

Therefore, plant civilization does not

measure the strength of a race according to evolutionary algebra like other biological civilizations.

It's time, and

it's divided into seven levels.

Within 100 years, it is collectively referred to as the new level.

It is followed by the ancient level of more than 100 years, the ancient level of 10000 years, the ancient level of 10,000 years, the ancient level of 100,000 years, the ancient level of 10 million years, and the eternal level of 10 million years.

The reason for the chicken ribs.

It is because when the creator of the plant civilization merges,

the initial level of the plant race on its planet

basically determines the final upper limit.

The life of the Creator is finite.

Even if you can live for a hundred years.

One hundred years in the outside world,

more than thirty thousand six hundred years in the planet.

It is calculated by the universal neonatal planet within a hundred years of the fusion of plant civilization and creators.

In his lifetime, he

can only reach the ancient level of civilization, and cannot break through to the ancient level.

When merging, you can see the end point at a glance.

The evolution of other biological civilizations also needs to be a little lucky.

But no matter how dark the face is

, as long as you keep trying,

every time you reproduce, you will always be a little stronger than the previous generation.

Accumulation over and over again will eventually reach the standard of evolution.

And plant civilization is really completely dependent on the face.

This is also the reason why the person who just spoke

described it as luck rather than genius.

"The freshman level within a hundred years has a combat power of several hundred. "

There are thousands of them at the ancient level. "

The ancient level ranges from tens of thousands. "

And the ancient level..."

Qin Tian silently calculated in his heart.

The time interval between the classification of plant civilization is very large.

There is also a big gap in its combat power.

For example,

the combat power of the 10-year freshman and the 90-year-old freshman level

must not be comparable.

However, there has been a more accurate frame of reference over the years.

"Ancient plant race combat power. "

It is equivalent to the 11th to 12th generation of evolutionary bodies under the normal standard evolution of the Zerg civilization. "

Start at least 100,000!" "The highest is around 200,000!" "If the combat power is infinitely close to 200,000..."Qin

Tian pursed his lips.

looked at the female student in the distance, who was obviously surrounded by a group of botanical academy contestants,

as if she was being held by everyone.

Suddenly I feel that

this year's big competition seems a little tricky!

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