It may be a bit inappropriate to use the word 'fear' to describe war bugs


Under the will of the Lord.

The swarm is fearless and undaunted!,

but there is no order from the Juggernaut.

Every living thing has an instinct to seek advantage and avoid harm.

Obviously, the

Destroyer Bugs probably sensed the danger.


"There's obviously nothing down there!" Qin

Tian floated down.

On the ground where the aquatic plants are formed,

a layer of shallow water half a finger deep accumulates.

In this humid water-type planet.

It's normal.

It's like a destroyer bug.

In just a few moments,

the carapace outside the body was covered with some droplets of water dripping down.

The most important thing is that the

water is crystal clear and

there is no source of danger.


Qin Tian summoned a war insect.


was a destroyer warbug that was still afraid of the advance just now.

At the moment when Qin Tian's will was issued.

As if stimulant, he

screamed in the sky and spread his wings and flew fiercely.

Qin Tian's gaze was firmly fixed on the figure of the war insect.


there are no anomalies.

Until Qin Tian ordered the Destroyer War Worm to descend to a certain height.

Suddenly there were ripples in the water.

The next moment,

the water surface in front

of the "Lala!!lala"

war insect was like a monstrous wave, and the

entire water layer suddenly rose and rolled upside down.

Wrapped the Destroyer Worm in mid-air.

"Not liquid water?"

Qin Tian frowned.

The huge wave did not sway down through the body of the war insect as expected.

Rather, it takes on a state of transient stillness.


, it cures quickly, and

it quickly condenses into an amber-like character.

"What the hell is this?"

Qin Tian looked at the giant amber that stood up strangely.

This is supposed to be a living thing.

But such a bizarre ability.

It's a bit beyond people's imagination.

Over time, the

amber dries up as if it had been baked at a high temperature


Cracks gradually appear in the amber.

The cracks are getting bigger.


, with a crisp "


the entire huge amber tower,

along with the Destroyer Worms sealed inside, collapsed

and shattered into splinters all over the ground.

In a few moments,

the pieces of amber gradually melted again.

It's not as thin as water as before,

but it's a mass of slime.

It began to squirm and fit into each other, eventually

condensing into a clear jelly-like creature like a slime.



" "It's split and merged!" Qin

Tian was slightly stunned.

Immediately attaches consciousness to a Destroyer bug

and orders the bug to approach slowly.

Faced with the approaching enemy, the

slime turned to look.

I didn't panic at all.

While slowly devouring the food in his mouth, his

body 'flowed like water'.

It didn't take long for it

to turn into a piece of water again.

Qin Tian controlled the Destroyer Battle Worm to fall to the ground and continue to move forward.

Stop at the periphery of an area covered by shallow water.

Try to get the bugs to stick out of their long beaks.

The front was calm as usual, with

no expected attacks.

Qin Tian no longer hesitated, and

immediately ordered the Destroyer War Worm to take a sip of water at the edge.


Before flying back into the passage, the

Destroyer Warbug spat out the water from its mouth.

Perhaps detached from the main body

, this small ball of water solidified a little, and

kept wriggling on the ground like mud.

"This thing. "

Is it too strong or too weak?"

Withdrawing from the consciousness of the war insect,

Qin Tian curiously floated down to take a look.

Let's say it's strong, no

matter how weak a creature is,

it can easily take out a part of its body like this.

It can be said that it is weak,

once it penetrates into the shallow water area that it has turned into.

Covered by the currents it stirs up, there

is little chance of survival.

The water will flow through the holes in the body and enter the body.

Then kill the prey by quickly curing and fragmenting.

"Genes that have the ability to split. "

For the evolution of war bugs.

"It doesn't seem to be working. "


it is also an extremely special and rare gene. "

Order one of the Destroyer bugs to be brought back to the Slime Order.

After conveying the will to explore in other directions to the air battle insect swarm.

Qin Tian returned to Mars.

Communication opened the space channels of the other three Warcraft planets.

After assigning the exploration task,

Qin Tian flashed back into the forbidden area and

looked at a woman standing beside the mother emperor below.



Qin Tian responded, without

saying much, and

directly burst out to retrieve the origin of Mars to open the space channel of the outside world.

The woman curled up in a ball wrapped in Origin Energy was sent out.

Took control of the Bofu.

He didn't have to

find people in the inaccessible mountains to summon his creatures like he had done before.

Back to the outside world.

Qin Tian looked at the woman who had just gotten up from the ground and


"Leave for Wu'an County immediately."

"Do everything you can to spread your child!"

"I hope that before I leave for the fiefdom,"

"Control and understand every grass and tree there!" "

The woman

is the second parasitic queen who ordered the mother emperor to reproduce before Qin Tian left yesterday


After finishing speaking,

Qin Tian summoned five demon dragon guards and

conveyed his will to protect the parasitic queen and go to Wu'an County together.

If it weren't for his safety,

he wouldn't have summoned the superfluous Parasitic Queen.

For one,

a parasitic queen is far from enough at the moment.


, just like in front of him,

he will inevitably divide his few defense forces.

The Queen of Parasites is not a combat species that evolved specifically for killing.

It's okay to deal with some ordinary people, but

the creatures that meet the creator are by no means opponents.

In the event of death,

the parasitic host larvae it bred will lose control.

Unless the Juggernaut intervenes to take control.

But that's not realistic.

It was impossible for Qin Tian to stare at the swarm network all day long to gather intelligence.


Qin Tian suddenly felt something.

Immediately sink into consciousness and enter Mars.

"Kyo... Welcome to the Juggernaut!"

"What's the matter?"

Qin Tian asked as he flashed over the Mother Emperor.

As soon as he was in the outside world,

he sensed the strong fluctuations of the mother queen's consciousness.

The voice was even more trembling with a clear tremor.

It's the first time

, "Domination

!" "Slave, I've found a way to speed up the reproduction of the race!"

The excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

In fact, the

mother queen has not stopped experimenting with fusion and modulation of genetic sequences,

so as to evolve higher-level offspring to improve the efficiency of reproduction.

Even if it comes at the cost of its fall.

The Zerg will not allow the coexistence of two Mother Emperors.

The birth

of the next generation will indicate that the previous generation of the mother queen is destined to be eliminated.

But there is no such thing as 'stealing a living' for the Zerg.

In their thinking and cognition,

there is only the continuation and development of the entire race.

"The next generation of the Empress. "

No... No! Domination! slave... A new way of development may have been discovered!"

The Empress seemed to be a little incoherent with excitement, and

lowered her head to look ahead.

Qin Tian followed the mother emperor's gaze and

saw the squirming transparent body like a slime.

Stunned, he said

, "Slime's organization?" "

Yes, Domination! The genes of this species are very likely to achieve the development of our race that spans more than two generations in a row!"

The Mother Emperor stopped speaking and

sent an extremely complex message of consciousness.


Qin Tian's eyes widened suddenly.

Breathing almost froze.

If all goes well, it's

like the message of the Mother.

The only words that came to his mind

were four words:

'Infinite Soldiers!'

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