Outside the exclusion zone.

In front of a space passage that had just opened,

Qin Tian turned to look at the Destroyer War Worm soaring in the air.

He glanced at the Slayer War Worm that was entering and exiting the Ten Thousand Beast Star.

In the end,

I gave up the idea of carrying war bugs.

The planet of the intelligent race is different from the planet of creatures.

Dare to see a huge monster beyond their knowledge.

It is bound to plunge the whole world into a panic,

which will cause alarming and cause unforeseen trouble for yourself.

Beyond the passage

is a mountain forest.

It's not barren mountains, it's like a


At the end of sight.

You can clearly see the tall buildings rising up one after another.

"Crimson Star. "

Sure enough, it's the 'star' as its name suggests.

Qin Tian looked at the red building in his sight.

As with biological civilizations.

Whether it is technology or extraordinary civilization

, the names of planets are chosen by the creator according to his own preferences,

or according to the characteristics of the planet.


While he was looking,

Qin Tian suddenly faintly heard a light laugh.

Float past the direction of the sound.

On the north side of a small hill,

Qin Tian saw two 'people' snuggled together.


" Is this the Crimson Star Terran?

Qin Tian curiously came to the front of the two.

It is affected by various factors such as the geographical environment of the planet.

Among the intelligent races,

there are very few humans who are not as different as the Blue Yang Star and the Great Xia in the outside world.

According to the definition of the Creator.

Generally speaking, as long as there is a head on the shoulder

, hands and feet, and

facial organs are comparable,

they can be collectively called Terrans.

Just like these two in front of you.

Two-meter-tall but extremely thin.

The skin is like a red-hot Luo Tie.

There is no hair and a

high forehead.

The eyes form a slit when a normal person squints.

The nose is also the size of a thumb.

A hole in the top.


male and female characteristics are very similar to those of humans.

And it can be easily seen from its 'hooked shoulders and back' posture,

as well as the woman's facial expression of wanting to refuse and welcoming shyness


These two people....


" "I'm tuning... Yes. Looking

at the movements in his male hands

, if he came a few minutes late,

the two of them would probably go straight to the point.

Qin Tian looked up in the direction of the spatial passage.


A suppressed, high-pitched hiss interrupted

the further movements of the man below.

In the distance, a

swarm of killer war bugs rushed towards them.

Two of them pounced and

dragged the two unlucky wild mandarin ducks who erupted into screams of terror towards the passage.

"Scatter!" Qin

Tian descended.

The remaining Slayer War Bugs immediately scattered.

Do a small sweep around the passage.

After a few moments, all the

war bugs returned.

After making sure that there were no other hidden dangers,

Qin Tian controlled the consciousness body and floated towards the city in his sight.


some vehicles began to appear on the ground.

It is very similar to the 'car' in Qin Tian's memory,

but it has no wheels.

The entire suspended ground flies a few centimeters.

It's like a 'magnetic levitation' device.

Perhaps it also has something to do with the road paved with red substance.

Follow the road to the city.

As far as the eye can see, the traffic is busy, and the

streets are full of people.

Some are in a hurry to get to work,

while others are walking slowly as if they are wandering.


the life of the Terrans is very different.

After floating around and observing for a long time,

Qin Tian left the city.

Like the plant civilization under the branch of biological civilization, the

strength and weakness of the level of technological civilization are also very large.

According to the division of the creator of scientific and technological civilization.

As long as the planet that gives birth to science and technology can be called a first-class scientific and technological civilization.

A second-level technological civilization must at least develop powerful weapons of destruction.

For example, the 'nuclear weapons' in Qin Tian's memory.

Leaving the planet where you live and

starting to explore outer space

is the minimum standard of a third-level scientific and technological civilization.

The next level of the fourth-level scientific and technological civilization.

It is to have the ability to colonize alien planets.


, just from the external part,

it's hard to see how technologically advanced this planet really is.

Only by using large-scale war insects

can we get an estimate.

But there is one thing that Qin Tian can be sure of.

This crimson star

should be biased towards genetic technology.

Because in many of the buildings that resemble research labs,

he sees a large number of images of various genetic structures.

Returned to Mars,

closed the passage.

Qin Tian flashed into the forbidden area.

Not far from the side of the Mother Emperor,

there was a group of behemoths lying on her stomach.

Countless camel insects

are dragging animal carcasses back and forth to feed.

It looks like it's

a very busy scene.

Except for the original Queen of the Slayer Bug.

There is also the Queen of Destroyers who bred during this time.

It is several circles larger than the war insect, and

its tail also extends from a huge belly.

At this point, all of them are squirming slightly.

Eggs are being rapidly produced by it.

In terms of speed, it

is obviously not comparable to the Killer Bug Queen on the other side.

"How many eggs can be laid per day by the three generations of Destroyer War Worms?"

"Juggernaut, 408 eggs per day.

"It's only more than 400 pieces.

Qin Tianmo calculated.

Soon, the

dissatisfaction that had just risen in my heart immediately disappeared.

The two-month growth cycle of the Destroyer Warbug remains the same.

With the Worm Queen not stopping

, every day after two months,

408 Destroyer War Bugs will be added.

That's more than 130,000 a year.

"Ten Bug Queens..."

"Planet a year," "The outside world can increase by more than 1.3 million Killer War Bugs a day!"

"Plus the production of 330,000

Killer War Bugs per day." "

Enough for now. "

After hatching a large number of worms, the purpose of breeding the Destroyer War Worm is

to develop Aoki and quickly obtain the origin.

Thus summoning Zerg creatures to protect themselves.

But now, since the four countries will not break out in the short term, a national war will break out.

You don't need a lot of manpower.

At present, the forces of the outside world are sufficient to ensure their own safety.

Too much, and

it's easy to get into trouble.

Unless you can instantly summon a Zerg creature that is enough to crush the four countries.

After thinking for a while

, Qin Tian opened his mouth and said to the Mother Emperor, "

Suspend the reproduction of the Destroyer Worm Queen. "

The other three dragon species,

" "Each breeds a worm." "

The rest of the time,

" "Using all the stored genes," "

an entirely new species has evolved."

"Combat power comes first, and reproduction efficiency comes second.

"In addition,

" "It's best to evolve a few more war insects with special abilities!" Qin

Tian thought for a moment and

added two more words:

"There's no need to rush for a while.

"We had to find the best solution for the entire gene bank. "

Fusion genes and

the evolution of new species

are not just random matching genes.

It is the result of the mother queen's first experiments in the body and

thousands of failures.

For example, the Killer War Bug

, if it is the product of the 1,000th successful attempt to fuse several genes.

Subsequent experiments

may also lead to the birth of a more all-round species.

But because the Slayer War Bug was the first success story, it was

retained by the Mother Queen and became a member of the clan.

If you continue to reproduce insects, you

will inevitably slow down the evolution time.

Only by concentrating can we evolve a new generation with higher combat power faster.

The race war of the four countries,

Qin Tian planned to fight for it.

Although with the current strength of the Zerg, it is a bit of a fool's dream.

But after all, it is about their own fiefdom.

Besides, if

the territory he has acquired is gone,

what is the point of his three-month efforts?

If you lose the hot potato, you will lose it.

The point is,

war is almost impossible.

And Wu'an County has an excellent geographical location.

The heart of Great Xia, the

center of the Four Kingdoms.

It belongs to the land of four wars.

In the future, you have a strong enough force to

fight wherever you want.

Isn't it uncomfortable?

After arranging the development,

Qin Tian flashed and came to the Ten Thousand Beasts Star Space Passage.

Floated in.

Under the big tree not far from the passage, the

Roc bird still lives there.

It's basically already used as a nest.

"Yo, Lord Creator, you're finally here. "


Qin Tian chuckled.

I didn't care about the resentment in the other party's words.

Surrounded by several Destroyer War Bugs all day long.

It's a person

, it's not going to feel good, it's not

crazy to go around blindly, just

complaining a few words is already extremely valuable.

Qin Tian floated down

, came to a position at the level of the Dapeng Bird leaning on the trunk of the big tree, and


"I want to know everything about that cosmic creature.

"Didn't you say you didn't need to?

Dapeng Bird tilted his head strangely and glanced at Qin Tian.

Immediately drooped his eyelids:

"Besides, what if you know, is it possible that you still want to fight it?"

Hearing this,

Qin Tian nodded very seriously.


Yes." "

You're right.

"I do intend to... Make it !!


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