On the periphery of the Martian exclusion zone,

at the exit of the Aoki Space Passage.

Qin Tian floated high in the sky.

The two-headed wolf, the unicorn and the countless other tribes that used to live nearby, the

comfortable life of an idle fish is long gone.

Everywhere you look, there

are bloody killings and encirclements.

Above the ground, the

black tide formed by the Killer War Worm was endless.

The figure rushing back and forth,

drawing ravines on the ground.

Small groups scattered all over the place.

Sometimes they are divided and surrounded, and

sometimes they are chased and killed.

A centralized network of consciousness allows them to work together almost perfectly.

Drive countless hordes of demonic beasts into the passages.

In the sky,

the arrows turned into the Destroyer War Worms sped fast.

The shuttling body

sent out a sonic boom in the air.

The lightning speed

made the flying demonic beast clan who wanted to escape a luxury hope

, and in the panic released a large piece of wood-based magic

, and after finding that it could not play the slightest role, they

instinctively panicked and flew to the direction of the only open passage.

"I was going to go to the fiefdom,"

and then slowly named one by one. "

I didn't expect that,"

"They actually dared to take the first step to jointly call their names." "


" "There are really people who are not afraid of death!" Qin

Tian smiled coldly.

Looking down at the spatial passage below, there

was a steady stream of killer war bugs and destroyer war bugs pouring out.

Compared to the beginning,

there are slight differences between the two types of war bugs.

The most striking

thing is the tiny holes in the carapace on their body.

This is an upgraded version of Qin Tian's order to evolve the Mother Emperor a few days ago.

Created for plundering Aokopiter's origins.

The main Zerg gene allows them to reproduce extremely quickly.

Ice Demon genes give them basic immunity to magical damage.

The holes in the shell of the war insect

are similar to the scales on the body of the devouring dragon


However, in order to reproduce supremacy

, the Mother Emperor stripped off part of the sequence of the Ice Demon gene, which

could only make the two war insects immune and unable to rebound.

The means of attack are still mainly physical.

In terms of combat power,

it has not declined.

On the contrary, it has improved a lot.

The number of killer war insects reached 50,000, and the number of

destroyer war insects was even closer to 100,000!

Returning to Mars,

Qin Tian glanced around.

In sight,

as far as the eye can see.

The swarm of insects is surging

, galloping back and forth,

and the chaos and busyness are full of extreme order.

A few days ago

, under Qin Tian's will, the

entire Host Zerg completely entered a crazy operation mode like a machine.

The only goal to point to

is the origin!

The world is impermanent, and the

plan can never catch up with the changes.

I wanted to suspend the acquisition of the origin and focus on the evolutionary race.

But some people force you to make changes.

Dodge into the penalty area.

Qin Tian looked at the mother emperor's surging abdomen.

Giant white eggs one after another are being produced rapidly.

Humanoid embryos loom inside.

In addition

, in a tunnel,

there is also a black dragon guard who has completed his growth and continues to appear.

They walked to an area not far away.


more than a thousand people have gathered!


, in the Bofu

, Qin Tian followed the practice of the past few days

, listened to today's 'enemy situation' report, and

waved off the parasitic queen.

I picked up the teacup and tasted it for a while.

A moment later,

the fat bear appeared outside the door after a ten-day absence.

"Uncle, these are the four ownerless planets that my subordinates have purchased all over Anton, and I have delayed a lot of time, and I hope that Uncle will forgive me!"

"It's hard work."

Qin Tian signaled that it was fine.

Unlike Pingxi, Andong has

strict control over the unowned planet, and

generally does not allow domestic technology unowned planets to flow into other countries at will.

Of course,

money can make the devil grind.

The four in the bear fat man's hand are the

results of his running around during this time.


, the whereabouts of the fat bear are

always under the surveillance of the parasitic queen

, except for the contact with the people of the palace once during the period, which

exposed the identity of the undercover agent,

the rest of the time is indeed conscientiously handling the things explained by Uncle Qin.

"Uncle, four unclaimed planets, a total of cost..."

"Okay, the price details don't need to be reported, I believe you, I've been traveling for many days, let's go down and rest early."

Qin Tian opened his mouth and interrupted.

"Yes, thank you for your trust. A

look of shame flashed in the fat bear's eyes, and

he hurriedly stepped forward to hand over the brocade box containing the unclaimed planet.

When he turned around

, his body paused, and

finally walked away.

Qin Tian shook his head slightly.

His gaze swept to the four brocade boxes at his side.

The general process and planet information of the bear fat man buying the planet.

The Queen of Parasitic Sites had just reported to him.

Qin Tian took one of the brocade boxes.

Inside the box is an accompanying brief history of the planet.

Qin Tian picked up the brief history of the planet and looked through it.

According to a brief history.

This planet is a fourth-level technological civilization.

It's called Mobus.

The intelligent race also belongs to the human race.

Biased towards construction machinery technology.

Let's get a general idea.

Qin Tian sank into consciousness.

Inside and outside the Martian exclusion zone,

it is still a busy scene.

The area where the Black Dragon's personal guard is located.

The number of people has increased quite a bit.

It looks densely packed and massive.

"I hope I don't need it. "


Tian glanced at it.

These people are just prepared.

Prepare for the worst.

In other words,

it is a retreat from a dead fish.

The crystal ball of Mones Planet, which communicates with the outside world,

opens up the spatial channel.

Qin Tian floated directly into it.

There is no such thing as Crimson Star, where

the gathering of insect swarms comes to show a wave of power first.

Then bring it to the table.

Level 4 technological civilizations already have the ability to colonize alien planets.

With at least one colony in their own system,

the killing on the planet is simply not enough to threaten them.

This is Qin Tian's embarrassment.

No matter how strong the swarm

is, no matter how numerous it is,

what is the use of not being able to kill people in space and not touching people?

This is actually one of the reasons why he urgently needs the genes of cosmic creatures.

The other side of the channel.

As soon as Qin Tian appeared, the

whole person fell into a long-lasting stunned state.

In front of you

, there are no mountains or waters, and there

is a jungle of buildings made of steel.

Some are thousands of meters high, while

others are in the shape of a disc that reaches into the sky.

It may even have extended into outer space.

The point was that

Qin Tian didn't see even a single human race.

The whole world was dead silent.

His first impression was endless coldness.

"According to a brief history of the planet,

" "Mork should have exploded."

"And it's not like it's going through an internal war.

"There are no traces of war damage on the ground.

"It's clean.

"The air doesn't seem to be polluting.

Qin Tian recalled a brief history of the next planet.

Control the consciousness body to constantly fly upwards and expand its vision.


Qin Tian looked at the ground thousands of meters to the west.

It was the only area in sight that was not covered by buildings.

And the range is extremely wide.

There are some huge covers on the ground that look like manhole covers.

One after the other.

The most important thing is that

Qin Tian finally found a figure next to those manhole covers



flew over the figure, and

when it got closer,

Qin Tiancai found that it was not the imaginary human race.

Rather, it was a two-meter-tall icy mechanical body.

And the whole body is extremely smooth.

It is like a humanoid product poured with molten iron.

The black, iron-colored face has no facial features.

The neck is slender, and the

arms and hands are equally slender.


the robot is flipping a large manhole cover in front of it.

It's just that

, through the gap that was about to close

, when he saw the mountains of skulls piled up inside

, Qin Tian frowned, raised

his head again, and

subconsciously looked at the countless manhole covers that were spread out in the distance.

Glancing at the departing robot again.



" "The Terrans of this planet.

"It's very likely that the robot was created by himself,

" "Extinct?",

"Turned into a...",

"A world ruled by robots?"

Just as Qin Tian was surprised.

The sound of feet on the ground suddenly came,

becoming more and more urgent and


Qin Tian immediately floated up.

At the end of the line of sight,

a robot with the same name as the one before

was swarming out of the otherwise silent steel buildings.

A long queue was formed

, and they quickly gathered together,

condensing a huge army of robots that occupied almost the entire field of vision.

"Sure enough, it's a planet occupied by robots!"

Qin Tian sighed.

The next second.

He seemed to think of something.

Turning around, he glanced at the location of the spatial passage.

He looked again in the direction in which the robot legions were coming.

I suddenly realized a possibility.

Quantities of this magnitude.

Such a big move.

It's hard to do it,

they want to...

Anti-invasion of their own planet?

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