The robot leader fell silent.

The truth is just like what Qin Tian said.

He couldn't refuse.

Nor would logic allow him to refuse.

Soon after, the construction of the

starship will be completed.

His people will go on a journey to explore unknown star fields beyond their home system.

Unknown dangers

are bound to arise.

Before that, the

brain had been calculated countless times.

There are countless dangers that may be encountered.

One of them is the

threat from cosmic beings.

If you are able to do so before departure,

or if you can postpone your departure.

First, take a cosmic creature as the object of actual combat.

In the future, if they encounter similar cosmic creatures in the vast star field

, they will have the experience to deal with them, which

can increase the survival rate of the fleet by at least 10%.

This was also when the leader learned about Qin Tian's cooperation.

Logical judgment immediately asked him to agree to the meeting.

"I agree with your cooperation. "

No, you are not qualified to make conditions.

Qin Tian controlled the Demon Dragon Guards and raised his hand:

"You only need to expand the scale of the warship at all costs from today onwards. "

Against that cosmic creature," "

We need a huge number of warships." In

addition, there

will be four technological civilizations joining in.

"Probably what you consider to be an inferior race.

"But I want you to put aside prejudice and discrimination. "

Work with them for the time being. "


" "You can disagree.

"It's your freedom,

" "Isn't it?" "


The outcome of the negotiations went well.

The biggest feeling that coming into contact with the mechanical races gave Qin Tian

was that they were extremely rational.

The choice of 0 and 1.

Compared to the future, it was suddenly attacked by cosmic creatures in the universe

, resulting in huge losses, and

even the entire huge fleet was wiped out as a result.

Unite several races and civilizations to try to besiege a cosmic creature and accumulate battle data.

It is undoubtedly the best choice.

Leave Momesis.

Qin Tian communicated with the other three technology planets respectively.

All three planets are Level 3 civilizations.

One is called Tyrannic.

One is called Morton Star.

The other is called Sophia Star.

The level of civilization is not much different from that of Crimson Star.

There are not many warships, there are

no colonized planets.

This means having no scruples.

The killing on the planet is enough to threaten their survival at all.

Under the Qin Tian Pouring Swarm,

he brought it to the negotiating table in a semi-threatening manner.

In the end, it was successfully completed in a win-win cooperation like a crimson star.

Whether it is a civilization that focuses on genes, engineering, or mechas,

a cosmic creature

is an extremely valuable object of study for them.

The most important thing is that

Qin Tian agreed to provide them with technical support for the development of warships.

The technical advisor,

of course, is the Mobuxing mechanical clan of the fourth-level technological civilization.

During this period,

Qin Tian ventured to open the Thundercloud Star Space Channel.

Let the five clans see the existence of that cosmic creature with their own eyes.

It was confirmed that

a cooperation meeting of the five major scientific and technological races

, led by Qin Tian, was

held in Scarlet Star by representatives of each faction.

The details of the meeting,

and how the Mechanics can help the other four clans develop warship technology.

Qin Tian was not interested in knowing, and

he didn't go to participate.

Just like he said to the leader of the Automa.

Hunting cosmic creatures,

he is only responsible for providing space passages for warships to pass through.

and will not participate in the action.

After all, the

attack of that cosmic creature.

But it hurts the level of consciousness.

Thousands of miles from the forbidden area of Mars.

Qin Tian opened the spatial passage where the five major technological races were located.

It is spread out in the shape of a product.

It has not been closed again, so

as to facilitate the cooperation of the five ethnic groups in the future.

At the same time,

a hundred black dragon guards and a thousand-headed whip-tailed dragon were transferred to supervise them.

It is forbidden for the members of the Five Tribes to stay on Mars.

That's it all.

Before and after,

Qin Tian was busy on the planet for several months.

But fortunately,

it is stable for now.

The plan is going the way he envisioned it.

In one month in the outside world

, thirty years on the planet,

how many warships can the five major races develop.

In the end, can you rely on the numerical superiority of the battleship to damage that cosmic creature to obtain genes?

It's not something he can control.

At present,

this is all he can do


Neither the time of the start of the War of the Four Kingdoms

nor the small amount of money left in the Bofu

was enough for him to do more.

In case the plan failed

, he could only wait until he had accumulated enough wealth to

buy more high-level technology planets, and

then fight the idea of that cosmic creature.


that 'gene' won't run anytime soon.


Return to the exclusion zone.

Qin Tian came to the lair not far from the Mother Emperor.

Inside, there are densely lined up with eggs that are one person high.

Inside are the embryos of the black dragon guards, some of them

have just formed, some

are as big as children,

and some are about to finish growing.

The eggs of humanoids

are not like other war insects, and the larvae break through the shell before feeding and growing.

It is completely possible to grow directly inside the egg, and the

nutrient fluid in the egg can fully support them until they reach adulthood.

Rounded the tour.

Qin Tian dodged and came to an adjacent lair again.

Here is also a batch of humanoid eggs.

But it's different from the previous storage of the Black Dragon's Guard's lair.

Each egg inside has an origin layer wrapped around it.

It is used to protect the living organisms inside.

Through the Origin Layer,

some humanoid creatures that are about to reach adulthood can be faintly seen.

"Count the days. "

According to the time in the planet. "

It's going to be more than a year before I reach

adulthood." "

It's the equivalent of a day in the outside world.

"Almost. After

observing the meeting,

Qin Tian withdrew from consciousness.

Came to the hall and summoned the

No. 1 parasitic queen.

"Has the day of departure from the fiefdom been set?"

"Uncle Yu, it's set, three days later. "


Qin Tian nodded.

According to the practice of these days, he asked again:

"What about those people, what has changed?" "

As some time ago, there are no changes, and their plan is still to start on the way to your departure, uncle." "

Where's the manpower?"

There is no increase, there is no decrease, the forces of the six directions, excluding those ordinary assassins, a total of 46 creators, including 8 people from the Zhenbei country, 9 people from the Jingnan country, 11 people from the Andong country, 15 people from the Pingxi country, and among the remaining 3 people, there are 2 people in one of the families, 1 person in the other family, the creatures summoned by the creators of the two families are the weakest and can be ignored, the other four countries are very strong, and the slave has not yet explored clearly, but according to the slave's repeated observation in the past few days, their trip should be just a temptation, and they don't plan to really..."

Come on.

Qin Tian waved his hand.

"True or not, don't be careless, how is our plan prepared?"

"Uncle, rest assured, the basic deployment has been completed. "

Well, I'll start working on the rest in the next two days, hehe..."

Speaking of this,

Qin Tian suddenly smiled.

Raising his eyes to look at the parasitic queen in front of him, his eyes

narrowed slightly, and said,

"Forget about those big countries.

"Two small families would dare to attack my idea. "


"Are they getting impatient?"

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