As an independent county.

A quarter of the area of the vast central state.

The territory of Rangmuan-gun is very vast.

In addition to the 'capital' county seat

, there are more than a dozen acropolis, dozens of county seats, and many towns and villages.

The sheer size of the territory

has led to a long stretch of borders.

Pingxi alone borders it for nearly a thousand miles.

Lin'an City is located in the easternmost part of Pingxi Kingdom, and

can also be called a border city.

There is a wide and flat main road leading to Wu'an City and the capital further east.

People who come and go to do business

basically take this avenue.

It's convenient, fast and relatively safe.


A long and narrow border

usually means a long road.

It's like a large piece of silk thread that spreads out, and

it will eventually converge to the point of Wu'an City or the capital.

At this time

, in a wilderness hundreds of miles away from the main road,

more than a dozen men and women in ragged clothes like homeless people were hurrying away.

The word 'exile'

may be unfamiliar to the Four Great Powers.

There is a huge gap between the status of the low-level civilians and the creator in each country.

But as long as the posture is lowered, the idiocy does not take the initiative to provoke.

The creator of the people will not have nothing to do all day long, and they will cause trouble everywhere and not kill people.

The environment is quite harmonious,

so that ordinary people can barely live and work in peace and contentment.

And the land of Zhongzhou

belongs to the four regardless of the zone.

There are no garrisons in the four countries, how can there be public security,

except for the capital and county seats, and some areas near the big cities.

Elsewhere is largely in a perennial state of chaos.

There are countless bandits who occupy the mountains.

The horse bandits who specialize in robbing business roads are even more ignorant.

After all,

it's easier to rob money than hard-earned money.

Also more fragrant.

In this messy situation.

The resulting family destruction and displacement can be imagined.

It's normal for some displaced people to appear.

A group of men and women were weak and panting, and their steps were staggering.

Or rather,

only the dusty man in the front walked in vain and tired.

Others, though unkempt, seem to be miserable refugees.

But a pair of eagle-like eyes looked around vigilantly.


a small village gradually came into view.

There are not many houses,

only a dozen or so.

"How many strongholds are these?" Qin

Tian wiped the sweat on his face that was dirty because of the dust, stopped his tired body and looked at the small village and asked.

"Uncle Hui, this is the 274th stronghold. The

parasitic queen, who was also dressed in the same dirty costume of a village woman beside her, immediately replied.

"How many are there left from Wu'an City?"

"There are still 382 of them. "


Qin Tian nodded.

With the help of the parasitic queen, he walked towards the village.

There are only five villagers in the village


Three of the male villagers were strong and burly.

The other two old men were sallow-faced, hunched over.

But his body is also tall and muscular, like a strong man.

Especially in the eyes,

there is not the slightest cloudiness that an elderly person should have.

On the contrary, the spirit was radiant and the cold flashed.

Seeing Qin Tian's group of people walk in.

The five were speechless.

Some took out their chairs

, some took out the food they had prepared, and

two people scattered outside the village to be on guard.

"Today is the fourth day, right?"

Qin Tian asked as he took the food and ate it.

"Yes, uncle, it's almost noon. The

parasitic queen said after a moment's reckoning.

"Where's over there?"

"Have a safe journey. "

They haven't done it yet?" Qin

Tian was a little strange.

For the itinerary of these days.

He's been busy some time ago.

It's a bit of an exaggeration to keep your feet on the ground,

but it really doesn't stop.

Without him,

I am afraid of death.

Start by dividing two routes.

A bright line,

a dark line.

Even if the parasitic queen found out the exact news, the

other party was just testing and had no killing intent.

But Uncle Qin would never risk his own life to fight for the chances of the other party missing and killing.

Some time ago, the

mother emperor had a large number of black dragon guards.

He also evolved a group of ordinary humans under Qin Tian's orders.

Use the form of origin cysts to protect this group of weak human beings growing up on Mars.

One of them

, who was the same as Qin Tian in appearance,

took the main road to Wu'an City on the bright side instead of him.

The remaining ordinary humans replaced the original black dragon guards 'clones' and parasitic queens.

The dark line

is the side of the path that I walked.

Set up a stronghold every few miles.

There are hundreds of routes.

It stretches all the way to Wu'an City.

The thousands of Black Dragon guards summoned in batches were

all scattered in these strongholds.

There are as few as two or three people, as many as four or

five people.

It can almost be called 'five steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry'.

Only in this way

can the huge number of people be as hidden as possible and unobtrusive.

At the same time, security is maximized.

Of course,

the black dragon guards bred by the mother queen

afterwards were all different in appearance and form.

For example, the elders and villagers in this village.


, even with all the plans and arrangements,

accidents are always inevitable.

Just a moment after Qin Tian was eating.

The sound of horses' hooves rang out.

Outside the village,

a group of people from the south were galloping towards us.

A group of black dragon guards quickly gathered in front of the uncle.

The two on alert also immediately retreated.

Qin Tian sat in the middle, his

body tense.

In this route area, the

black dragon guards around each stronghold will be cleaned in advance.

And the strongholds that you have passed along the way will also be abandoned.

The black dragon guards in the stronghold will be disguised one after another

, and they will form a group of refugees on both sides of the uncle's

place, faintly in a circular protective formation, and

march towards Wu'an City at the same time.

In principle,

there will be no fish that slip through the net and come into contact with the core of the uncle.

The most important thing is that

Qin Tian noticed the direction where the other party appeared.

To the south

, that was the direction of the main road

, though the group rode horses, ordinary inferior mounts.

It is unlikely that the Creator of the Four Kingdoms sensed something and rushed to it.

But what if.

"Hum!" Qin

Tian's face was slightly gloomy.

The huge fluctuations of will are instantly vented in the network of the swarm's consciousness.

In just a few breaths

, before the group of people came to the outside of the village, in the

far distance, swift

figures began to appear one by one.

And counting.

A view from the sky.

Countless galloping figures on the ground

rushed like swarms of locusts to the small village in the middle.

"Yo, there are so many people here.

"I remember half a month ago, this place seems to have been swept away. "

Hahaha, yes, that little girl was really smart at that time, if it wasn't for the big boss, I would really be reluctant to give it to ordinary people." "

A group of pigs, do you know that this is the territory of our green wolf village?"

"Today the master is in a good mood, so I will let you go, there are enough slaves in the village, all consciously and send something valuable to them." "

Hey, the second master, there is a girl among them. "

Well, really, plus that little lady, while the master is happy, hurry up! Hurry up! Otherwise, you pigs and dogs will be slaughtered!"

a group of people stopped outside the village.

Holding a steel knife, he pointed at Qin Tian and the others inside, laughing insolently.

Hearing this,

Qin Tian's body slowly relaxed.

It turned out to be just a bunch of ordinary bandits.

Qin Tian glanced at the parasitic queen beside him, with

a slight dissatisfaction in his expression.


" "It's a slave's omission!" the

parasitic queen immediately bowed down and confessed.

The personnel arrangements on the route are basically coordinated by her in the consciousness network.

There are so many small fish and shrimp that are close to the uncle and are not noticed and removed in advance.

Failure to even give early warning

is indeed a very big dereliction of duty.

"Pay attention in the future!" Qin

Tian responded.

Didn't dig any further.

No matter how tight the protection network is, it is really foolproof.

Standing up

, Qin Tian looked at the group of bandits with interest, pointed

to the ground under his feet and said with a smile:

"The territory of the Green Wolf Village

?" "Your territory?" "In front of


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