"What’s wrong with you?"

Seeing the sudden change in Su Heng's expression, Su Li had a surprised look on her face.

"I..." Su Hengnong frowned and told Su Li what happened in Heikui Mountain.


Su Li's expression gradually became serious.

"What you mean is that these fogs are probably not formed naturally, but are caused by demons."

"The fog demon is very difficult to deal with." Su Heng nodded and added seriously.

Su Li took out the demon-seeking plate from her arms and injected her strength into it. Sure enough, the compass that had been unresponsive just now was now emitting a faint light. And as time goes by, the light on the compass is becoming scarier.

"Do you know the origin of the mist demon?" Su Heng asked, maybe there will be relevant records in the Demon Suppression Department.

"There are too many monsters in this world. Sometimes the talents are very similar, but the actual effects are completely different." Su Li shook his head.

She could not make an accurate judgment based only on the clues provided by Su Heng.

"I'll go out and take a look."

The fog demon has a very high IQ and has been staying deep in the Black Kui Mountain.

But now it actively invades the city, which shows that it has completed some kind of change.

This change is definitely negative for Changqing County. Su Heng cannot sit still and wait for death. He must see it with his own eyes and collect intelligence.

As for the danger, Su Heng was not worried.

The monster is more powerful than weird, and he is not afraid of real collisions.

"Me and you?" Su Li suggested.

"No." Su Heng shook his head, "You have to stay to avoid accidents at home."

"Okay..." Su Li looked helpless.

I thought that this time I would return home rich and show off my talents. In the end, Su Heng taught her a solid lesson. That kind of unreasonable power was really disappointing.

"Pay attention to safety." Su Li said.


Su Heng nodded and opened the door.

The tall and muscular figure quickly disappeared into the increasingly dense fog.

There was not a soul in sight on the empty streets.

The doors and windows of the shops on both sides are closed, and in the far corner is a five-story restaurant called "Heaven and Earth".

"Hee hee hee……"

There was a weird laughter, like a child playing in the mist.

Su Heng stopped and looked in the direction of the sound, his eyes solemn and a thoughtful look on his face.

He walked through the fog.

I saw four or five children playing the "jumping grid" game on the street.

These children were all eight or nine years old, dressed simply, and seemed to come from ordinary families.

"Why are you the only ones playing here, and where are the other pedestrians on the street?" A smile appeared on Su Heng's face, he approached the children, half-crouched on the ground, and asked softly.

One of the girls, wearing a red cotton-padded jacket and with braids, raised her head.

Su Heng's pupils shrank slightly.

The girl's face was painted with white powder, her face was pale, her lips were scarlet, and her eyes were dark. She looked like a doll in a ghost movie.

Although he was smiling, he gave people a cold feeling for no reason.

"Hee hee hee……"

The girl with braids smiled and said, "Xiaoya doesn't know. How about Xiaoya take her brother to find him."

"Okay." The smile on Su Heng's face remained unchanged. He took out a few coins from his arms and stuffed them into the pockets of the girls' cotton-padded jackets. "I'll leave this money for you to buy candied haws."

"Thank you, brother." The girl beamed.

She turned around and walked towards the mist, turned a corner and entered an alley.

Su Heng followed closely, but suddenly stopped after entering the alley.

The alley in front of me was a dead end.

At the end of the alley there should be a wine shop with a plaque reading "Creating the World" hanging on it. Su Heng had come to this wine shop many times to drink and eat meat, so he had some impressions.

One of the gates faces the bustling Fruit Street and opens to welcome guests.

The other gate is right in front of Su Heng, and is usually a dedicated passage for staff.

Just don't know why.

There is a seal on the door, a white seal with scarlet writing.

In the dark and quiet environment, it was a bit eye-catching to see, and the children also disappeared inexplicably.

"Is it a hallucination? It doesn't seem that simple." Su Heng pinched the corners of his eyes, but the scene in front of him still did not change.

The fog became thicker and thicker.

Can't see or hear.

The city that I had lived in for more than ten years suddenly became unfamiliar.

Su Heng stepped back from the alley step by step, returned to the street just now, continued to move forward, and stopped again.

The shops and houses on both sides of the street were locked up just now.

I don't know when, they were all opened, and figures stood at the door of the dark house.

They were all pale, with stiff and weird smiles on their faces, and their figures looked slightly blurry in the mist.


Su Heng instantly thought of Li Si before.

"I want to see what you are." The more you pretend to be a ghost, the more it shows that the monster cannot directly threaten you.

Such a strange sight did not make Su Heng feel much fear.

Instead, he strode forward, stretched out his hand, and pinched the face of one of the figures.

The result is no surprise——


Su Heng's palm passed directly through the figure's head.

The figure, like Li Si before, turned into a mist and dispersed.

Then came the second, third, fourth... until the fifth, Su Heng finally felt it.


This is the owner of a coffin shop.

His face was old, his eyes were cloudy, and he was wearing a pale shroud.

He was slapped to the ground by Su Heng, making a muffled bang.

The external force seemed to affect a certain balance in the old man's body, and wisps of gray mist emanated, which soon merged with the surrounding thick fog.

It seemed to be no different.

But Su Heng felt a slight numbness and itchiness on the back of his hand.

He looked down and found that a red spot like goose bumps appeared on the skin on the back of his hand at some point.

It was slightly red and swollen, and a little itchy.


Su Heng closed his eyes, felt carefully, and a surprised expression gradually appeared on his face.

"These mists don't seem to be real mists... but countless extremely tiny bacteria. It's just that there are so many of them that they look like thick fog."

"These bacteria can take root in the human body and absorb nutrients.

It's just that my physique is far better than that of ordinary people, and my resistance is strong, so these bacteria can only stay on the surface of the skin and can't act on a deeper level.


Even so, these bacteria are scary enough."


Su Heng's arms shook.

The powerful and hot anode energy was running in his body, his skin was red, and his sweat evaporated and turned into thick smoke, like a flame leaping in the void. Not only were the bacteria on his body completely evaporated and destroyed, but the surrounding air was also directly cleared.

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