He didn't look at the demon lying on the ground with a broken body.

Instead, Su Heng stood up, holding the giant sword "Ghost Seer" in his left hand, narrowing his eyes slightly, and looking around vigilantly.

Half of the ancestral hall had collapsed.

But there was no bright moonlight outside, and no buildings in the earthen fortress.

All he saw was a foggy darkness.

There was a strange gurgling sound in the darkness, and a strong stench, an unbearable sour smell.

It was like...

The flesh was wriggling, gastric acid was secreted, and something was being digested.

Su Heng's eyebrows jumped sharply.

He squatted down and reached out to touch the remains of the demon in the pool of blood in front of him.


The moment he touched it.

The headless demon suddenly jumped up, the corpse was torn apart, and it turned into a greedy mouth full of fangs, barely connected by flesh and blood like intestines, and jumped forward.

Even though Su Heng's body was much bigger than that of an ordinary person, he could still be bitten off in half with this bite.

A strong sense of crisis instantly exploded in his mind.

Fortunately, Su Heng was well prepared.

The ready-to-go Ghost-Seeing Sorrow swept across, the arc blade returned to the sky, the blood-colored halo condensed and did not dissipate, and a black and red flame formed by the burning of a layer of strength was lingering on it.

With a "puff", the flesh and blood were rotten, and the big mouth was split into two from top to bottom.

A large amount of acid splashed, corroding the floor, and thick smoke came out with a hissing sound, leaving a large area of ​​irregular pits.

Su Heng dodged sideways.

He looked up suddenly and saw that the demon with a sheep's body and a human face appeared on the beam above his head again.

The monster's hideous face was wearing a playful smile of playing with prey.

Not only the monster recovered...

Even the ancestral hall that was just blown up by Su Heng, it was unknown when it was restored to its original state.

But the bodies of the elders disappeared completely.

The ancestral hall looked a little empty.

"Boy!" The demon stuck out his tongue, licked his paws, and sneered, "This is the hell I control. Now that you're in, don't even think about getting out."

As the demon finished speaking, there was a loud rumble around.

The field of vision was scarlet.

Everything he saw was twisting, the floor was crackling, and hot magma and scarlet smoke were emitting.

Su Heng seemed to be thrown into a giant furnace, his body twisted, and he was burned by fire and smoke. In an instant, all the clothes on his body were melted and evaporated, and even the strong muscles like copper and iron were red, like melted brass.

In such a cruel and harsh purgatory, Su Heng laughed out loud.

The demon looked at Su Heng's extremely strong body, his heart skipped a beat, and his voice was a little unnatural.

"Little ghost, what are you laughing at?"

He had a bad premonition that ordinary people would be thrown into such a purgatory.

In a short time, it will be turned into a handful of pus.

The elders of the demon fetus realm of the Luo family are no exception.

But the man in front of him is of unknown origin, and his physique is incredibly strong, even harder than the Hundred Refined Diamond.

It activated the magic power, and Su Heng stood here as if nothing had happened. The ferocious and fierce smile on his face made the demon's heart beat.

"Hell, you beast are quite good at pretending." Su Heng opened his mouth, and a crackling sound came from his body, slowly expanding.

"What do you mean, I don't understand what you are saying!" The demon continued to activate the magic power.

But no matter how hard it tried, Su Heng's burly black body always stood clearly in the thick smoke, towering and motionless, giving people a sense of indestructible despair.

"Here, it should be your stomach." Su Heng's body expanded to two meters and seven, and then slowly stopped.

Such a body size.

Even a giant blade like the Ghost Sees Sorrow felt a little light when held in his hand.

Su Heng simply stuck the ghost into the ground, shook his head, clenched his fists, and wrapped them with a layer of black and red strength.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it."

His mouth slowly opened, pulling the skin and flesh, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, "You should be able to eat a lot, I want to see how many punches you can take from me!"

"You——" A sense of crisis exploded in his heart, and Taotie was horrified.


Without waiting for the demon to argue, he refused.

Su Heng had already punched forward fiercely, and the terrifying force exploded.

The wall of the ancestral hall was pierced without resistance, and the darkness outside the wall was stirred, turning the river upside down. The mist dispersed, and the terrifying force squeezed the air to form a white torrent that spread outward in circles, leading to a sharp and piercing whistle.

The bloody flesh wall appeared clearly in Su Heng's field of vision, suddenly slumped down, exploding blood and water, and setting off a wave.


The leisurely smile on Taotie's face completely disappeared, turning into pain.

Its eyes bulged out, bloodshot.

Blood gushed out of its big mouth.

"I was wrong, wrong!" Taotie shouted, "Fuck, stop, I told you to stop!"

"You're full after just one punch, not enough, not enough, how can you eat this little! Damn bastard, you're playing tricks in front of me, who gave you the courage! Feed me, don't think of dying happily if you don't get a thousand punches today!"

"Hahaha!" Su Heng laughed wildly, his black hair standing up.

The black and red iron fist wrapped in heavy bone strength was raised and smashed down, pulling out a large phantom, and each punch was more violent and brave than the other.

Under the special effect of Qingmu Changsheng Gong's Qi recovery, Su Heng's internal strength seemed endless, and the violent force poured out without reservation like a mountain torrent.

Taotie could scream at first, but soon it could only let out painful dry howls.

Many fist marks appeared on its body that were visible to the naked eye.

Broken ribs, hit kidneys, and half of the lungs were blown into smelly blood.

Half of the body exploded like firecrackers, and the pieces of minced meat mixed with internal organs splashed more than ten meters high.

Taotie's stomach was wriggling violently and rolling, trying to spit out Su Heng.

Unfortunately, it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away.

Su Heng's legs were like the roots of an old tree, firmly rooted in the stomach, and no matter how hard Taotie struggled, he could not shake it at all.

"The last blow!"

Su Heng's eyes were torn, and the black fascia on his body was hideous and terrifying.

He clenched his fists, raised them high, and smashed them straight down in front of Taotie's horrified eyes.


A loud noise that shook the world.

The ancestral hall that was destroyed beyond recognition completely collapsed, and Taotie's stomach was torn and covered with hideous bulges, and then it expanded to the limit like inflating, and exploded with a bang.

The clear moonlight sprinkled down, and the cold wind blowing from the mountain took away the scorching heat on Su Heng's skin.

"Hu..." Su Heng exhaled a foul breath, and his heart was full of a sense of violent catharsis.

Unfortunately, he looked around. He only saw the ruins of the Luo family ancestral hall, but did not see the remains of the demon.

"It should be that when it saw the situation was not good, it took out its stomach and threw it away, and cut off its tail to survive."

Su Heng secretly said in his heart that it was a pity.

But such a demon has strong vitality and strange magical powers, plus the experience and wisdom accumulated over who knows how many years of life.

It's not easy to kill it completely. After all, Su Heng's talent is basically focused on strength and physique. As for tracking, trapping enemies and other means, it's a bit stretched.

However, it doesn't matter.

His purpose this time is to destroy the entire Luo family. The demon just now was just an accident.


Su Heng raised his toes and knocked lightly on the floor under his feet.

Judging from the echo from inside, there seems to be a huge space under the Luo family's ancestral hall.

"Is it the ill-gotten wealth accumulated by the Luo family for so many years? Then I can't turn a blind eye!" Su Heng had a serious and righteous look on his face. He punched a hole with a bang and then jumped down directly.

Thanks to the book friend 20023090609 for the two monthly tickets. Thank you for your support. Please vote and read QWQ

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