
A suppressed whisper began to permeate the atmosphere.

The figure of the meteorite is already clearly visible.

In the sky, it was like a big sun falling, and in just an instant, the huge Z City was covered with a large shadow.

The robot sent by the metal knight, jet soared, and suddenly rose to the highest altitude.

At that moment, the sound of clicking was endless.

But I saw that behind the robot, countless switches were suddenly turned on, and then a burst of fire suddenly appeared.


A large number of rocket launchers erupted from behind the robots.

Seeing this, Genos immediately raised his eyebrows.

It wasn’t that he saw anything.

It’s just that he knows that this move seems ordinary, but those densely packed with a large number of rocket launchers explode, and it will definitely form an amazing power!

And then, as if to prove his idea.

After those rocket launchers hit the meteorite surface, they exploded!

Bang bang bang!!!

Explosions sounded one after another, and in the sky, a fire suddenly erupted to illuminate the world, as if a brilliant and moving grand firework was opened.

At this moment, even if it was not a cyborgic like Genos, he deeply understood the power of this blow.

“It’s a metal knight!”

“This kind of power is estimated to be able to destroy one-third of Z City, right?”

“Was the meteorite blown up?”

Bangu and the others sighed with emotion.

Even the disdainful sweetheart masquerade was shocked by the power.

He asked himself that if he were to bear such an attack, I am afraid that it would be troublesome.

But soon, Sweetheart Masquerade sneered again.

I saw the explosion fluctuations in the sky, and suddenly disappeared, but it was a dragon-level meteorite, almost undamaged, covering a lot of explosive energy, and continued to fall down.

“It’s useless!”

Seeing this, Genos, Bungu and the others were all pale.

At the same time, the Hell Blowing Snow and the mosquito girl who stayed by Xia Ning’s side also changed their faces slightly, and they felt the power of meteorites more truly.

It seems to be the power of natural disasters that cannot be stopped by manpower!

But in the face of this scene, the robot sent by the metal knight was not disappointed, and after the mechanical blindfold lit up, it attacked again!


There was a sound of mechanical movement.

The opening and closing behind the robot closed, and in a flash, its chest position, and a dark gap opened.

The gap is facing the meteorite in the sky!


At the same time, a clear sound of electricity came from the robot, and it was visible to the naked eye that a large amount of electricity condensed into its chest on the robot.

Invisibly, an oppressive power rolled away.

“What’s that!?”

Seeing this, Bangu and the others suddenly shrank their pupils.

At this time, Genos is constantly scanning and analyzing with mechanical eyes.

He was able to clearly analyze that at this time, there was a powerful energy rapidly condensing on the robot.

Obviously, the rocket launcher just now, although not weak, should only be used by the metal knight to test the hand, and the current attack is the point!

“Electric attack?”

And Hell Blowing Snow and mosquito women are all cold in their hearts when they see this.

Even at this moment, even Xia Ning nodded slightly.

I have to say that the world’s technology tree is indeed very luxuriant.

The power of science and technology can even directly destroy the world!

And the current move released by the metal knight has clearly revealed such signs.


And just as everyone was silently thinking, the metal knight’s attack finally burst out.

A large amount of electric light condensed into one, like a blue sky pillar, bursting out from the robot’s chest!

At this moment, the intense fire in the sky seemed to be split in half by a blue antenna!


Like a thunderous sound, it suddenly exploded!

Except for Xia Ning, everyone present was shocked!

The metal knight’s pillar of lightning burst out and hit the meteorite straight down!

At this moment, it was as if the two natural disaster forces, both with strong destructive powers, were colliding!

In the sky, it was suddenly dyed blue!

Almost everyone was shocked by the power of this blow!

If the rocket attack just now can destroy one-third of Z City, then the current attack can definitely destroy half of Z City!

This is almost unquestionable, as can be seen from the aftermath of the collision between the two at this time.

The sky was blue, and the stirring electric light dispersed, as if a large number of heavenly thunder was raging in the sky!

Only soon, the blue electric light was replaced by the red fire!

The meteorite actually broke through the thunder attack of the metal knight, covered it again, and even, it has begun to break through the atmosphere!


Seeing this scene, the faces of almost everyone present changed.



Heroes Guild Headquarters.

After arranging everything, the person in charge Bond did not shake his hand, but has been closely observing the dynamics of Z City, especially the situation of Genos and others.

At this moment, almost the entire Z city is under the supervision of the association’s headquarters.

And after discovering that in addition to Genos and several other S-class heroes, they were present, and even the metal knight also sent robots, Bond and the others were naturally excited.

In their opinion, so many S-class heroes were present, especially even the top metal knights were rarely dispatched, and although the disaster faced this time was a dragon-level meteorite natural disaster, it should be quite certain.

But what they didn’t expect was that the metal knight had taken the lead in making a move, and even fired two amazing powerful moves in a row, but they didn’t stop the meteorite!

“Sure enough, it’s so strong, this level, in the dragon-level disaster, it is estimated that there are only a handful, right!?”

After the shock, Bond and others couldn’t help but sigh at the strength of the meteorite,

This is the real power of natural disasters!

Of course, Bond and the others still did not lose hope, they still believed in the metal knight.

It is worth mentioning that many of the equipment technologies of the Hero Association are supported and even developed by Metal Knight.

Therefore, Bond and others, under the eyes and ears, have a blind trust in the strength of the metal knight.

So, at this time, even if the robot missed twice, they still believed in the metal knight!

I believe he can also turn the tide!

It’s just that just when everyone was thinking like this, something unexpected happened.

The robot in the field, after bursting out the lightning attack, actually suddenly sprayed exhaust gas, without a trace of hesitation, and directly turned and left!

Seeing this scene, Bond and the others were stunned.

At the same time, Genos and the others were also confused by the robot’s clean departure.

What is this situation?


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