
Hearing the mosquito woman’s words, Hell Blowing Snow was suddenly stunned.

This is, what’s going on!?

At this moment, even Xia Ning was a little surprised when he heard this.

What does mosquito woman mean?

But soon, Xia Ning vaguely thought of something, and a playful look flashed in his eyes.

He did not immediately ask the meaning of the name of the mosquito woman, but first asked about the Evolution House.

“How, have the tasks I gave you completed?”

The mosquito girl immediately smiled and said: “Master rest assured, the House of Evolution has been completely destroyed, but Dr. Kenos’s body seems to have escaped.”


Xia Ning’s eyes narrowed.

Kinos fled?

For this situation, Xia Ning was not much surprised.

After all, Kenos is a guy with a high IQ, and if he knows that something is wrong, it is a matter of course to escape.

Although the mosquito woman has good strength, he has so many clones, it is not difficult to escape.

However, this situation made Xia Ning confirm the original guess.

The previous Asura Unicorn Immortal should have been sent by Kenos.

After all, the mosquito girl may have escaped by herself like the original, but the Asura Unicorn Immortal will definitely not be released by Kenos casually.

Moreover, the attitude of the Asura Unicorn Immortals coming straight to them also explains a lot of problems.

In fact, it was precisely because of this speculation that Xia Ning decided to destroy the House of Evolution.

After all, today is the Asura Unicorn Immortal against them, if it is against other people, the damage that will occur at that time is absolutely immeasurable.

And now, Kenos should be “afraid of crime and abscond”, right?

For this situation, Xia Ning also did not care much.

Because if the Asura Unicorn Immortal was sent by Kenos, the death of the Asura Unicorn Immortal definitely hit him hard, and I believe that the other party also doubted his life, so he went to the old road of the original book and went to sell octopus balls.

Even if the Kinos belief is not defeated, it doesn’t matter, after the destruction of the Evolution House, it is naturally difficult for the other party to make a comeback.

All in all, the escape of the Kenos body is not a concern.

Coming back to his senses, Xia Ning did not dwell on this matter, but looked playfully at the mosquito girl who was half-kneeling in front of him.

“It’s okay for that guy to escape, but what do you mean by that?”

When the mosquito girl heard this, her evil face suddenly showed a look of pity.

“The master should know that I am from the House of Evolution, and now that the House of Evolution is gone, people are already homeless!”

“The master should not bear to see people living on the street, but can you take people in, I am willing to do anything…”

At the end, the mosquito woman’s tone became provocative.

I have to say that the current mosquito woman is really very charming.

After the limbs and feet on her body turned into human legs and feet, the whole person was actually no different from humans.

And the scarlet armor on her body, although symbolizing her ability, looks a little strange, but it also looks a little heroic.

At this time, she said in an unusual tone, and with that coquettish face, it was simply not too tempting/confusing.

Even Hell Blowing Snow was stunned when he saw the flattering state of the mosquito girl.

But after reacting, her pretty face surged with anger.


Hell Blowing Snow couldn’t even help but scold secretly in his heart.

But after scolding, she was stunned again.

Why does she feel angry when she sees a mosquito girl like this?

Why scold like that?

Why, seeing the mosquito girl pretending to be flattering in front of Xia Ning, my heart will be very awkward and uncomfortable?

“What’s wrong with me?”

Hell Blowing Snow muttered, a little stunned.

And the other side.

Xia Ning, who faced the mosquito woman at close range, also felt the temptation/seduction that the mosquito woman carried at this time.

At this moment, Xia Ning’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of eagerness.

This is not his intention, just the body’s instinctive reaction.

However, it is not wrong to say that Xia Ning was seduced/confused.

Because he did react.

The mosquito girl also seemed to feel it, and immediately struck while the iron was hot, half knelt on the ground, and then hugged Xia Ning’s thigh.

Wiped and wiped on a certain part.

The eagerness in Xia Ning’s eyes became even stronger.

But soon, his eyes returned to clarity.

The mosquito woman obviously did not expect that Xia Ning, as a young man, could sit so calmly, and couldn’t help but be stunned.

Xia Ning suddenly smiled and quietly broke away from the mosquito woman’s arm.

His body did react.

But don’t forget, he’s a flesh ball fruit power!

And he is also a flesh ball fruit ability of the awakening realm!

Nothing is played, but it’s not just talk.

Even air, mental power, blood, fatigue, and even earth pressure can bounce off, not to mention a little jade hope?

“Stop telling lies, let’s be honest, I want to know what you really think, this is your last chance.”

Xia Ning immediately said directly, and in Qingming’s eyes, calm as water.

The mosquito girl trembled with excitement, and her heart was shocked.

From that calm as water-like gaze, she seemed to see the corpse mountain and the sea of blood!

Gu was shocked, the mosquito girl hurriedly said: “Master, don’t kill me, I really don’t want to die, as long as you don’t kill me, let me do anything!”

At this moment, she finally said what she really thought.

Yes, mosquito women are afraid of death.

In fact, when she returned, she began to think about it.

After getting the House of Evolution, what will Xia Ning do to her?

No matter how you think about it, there seems to be no possibility of survival.

The mosquito girl also thought about escaping, but she also felt that the chance was slim, that is, she had a clever move just now, and thought of using her own beauty now.

So there was the scene just now.

But unfortunately, it is still useless for Xia Ning.

In desperation, she had to confess.

When Xia Ning heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“What… All right? ”


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