One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

026 Sisterhood, Fubuki's Determination! (Ask For Flowers And Comments~)

In comparison, the Tornado in the projected space has obviously broken defense more seriously.

Even Fubuki was shivering in a corner.


【"Can't you move your hands and feet?"】

[In the projection screen, Saitama is running fast. Although these attacks are not even tickling for him, but... for the hero who loves his clothes the most among all heroes. 】

[ Saitama said, it's okay to fight, just don't break my clothes, I'm poor...]

[And behind him, the Tornado who broke the defense once again turned into a violent Tornado wind. 】

[It's a pity that it's not a thunderstorm day, otherwise, with rain, dark clouds and lightning, it would definitely be a visual feast. 】

【Hmm... Such a large-scale domestic violence scene is enough to be regarded as the most powerful domestic violence scene in this parallel world. 】

Fubuki looked at the extremely violent elder sister in the projection space, and then glanced at the projection screen. The violent elder sister was already terrified and didn't know what to do.

"Saitama-kun, you... really touched my sister's bottom line..."

"You have to run fast, if you get will definitely be an overwhelming you can't hold on, it's not like you lost your possessions...Bah!"

"If you really dare to think that way...I...I feel that my sister will really crush it for you and use it as fertilizer..."

Fubuki, who didn't know what to think of, felt a little embarrassed.

Of course, she didn't realize it herself... She actually felt a little bit of victory

【Of course, when the projection screen changed, in Tornado's windstorm, Tornado saw Saitama running around, and immediately felt relieved. 】

【But as arrogant as she is, she must smile contemptuously, raise a small hand to cover her flying hair, and point the other to Saitama. 】

【"It's so useless!!!"】

【"Then I can't give Fubuki to you!"】

【"Get away from Fubuki quickly!!!"】


"Do you know how powerful I am?!"

"Smelly bald~!"

Tornado in the projection space also smiled complacently, and the storm of her telekinetic force disappeared along with her.

Only then did Fubuki dare to lean over slowly.

From afar, Fubuki saw Tornado stamping his little feet while cursing in relief.

"Hmph...that's it? How can you let me feel at ease...give Fubuki to you? You can't even protect Fubuki...what right do you have to think about me?"

"Hmph~ I don't need anyone's protection..."


Fubuki could only grit his teeth and think to himself: 'You are really my good sister...why don't you ask me? Although... what if he has thoughts about you? '

‘ Saitama-kun doesn’t seem to have accommodated me like this before... Bah! '


【"I really want to go home...This problem child is worthy of being a sister with Fubuki...It is also troublesome."】

[ Saitama's inner complaints were projected out. 】

Fubuki: "..."

Tornado: "..."

Bald guy (Saitama-kun) are you playing with fire? !

[However, in the projection screen, after Tornado broke the defense, he chased Saitama and output, but he became more and more excited. 】

【"This kind of virtue! I can never give Fubuki to you!!"】

【"Disappear from Fubuki!!"】


【Followed by a chattering witch, Saitama's fighting spirit fell to the bottom. 】

【"I really feel like going home..."】

[Zi la——~! ! ! 】

【Saitama: "..."】

【"my clothes!!!"】

【"Ah~!!! You don't need money for clothes, do you? Woohoo~!"】

【The smile on the corner of Tornado's mouth became more and more intense. She raised her hands, and that petite and exquisite beast stood proudly. 】

【"It's not over yet!"】

[pong! ! 】

[The voice fell, and Saitama, who was feeling sorry for his clothes, was hit hard on the back. 】

[A huge force hit, Saitama didn't respond at all, and was just blown away, like a ball, and shot away. 】





【Then, Tornado kept sending Saitama flying with telekinetic shock waves. Tornado's mood quickly improved after repeated repetitions. She completely forgot the phrase 'little man' that broke her defense...】


"A mere b-level stinky braised egg, do you know how powerful I am, Mr. Tornado?!"


"You are really resistant to beating, my lord has a lot, so I will barely forgive you... You should thank me very much!"

Tornado in the projection space looked at Saitama who was constantly flying upside down on the projection screen, his beautiful eyes were shining with dazzling light, and his two little hands couldn't help but close together.

Fubuki looked at her, as if he had found something precious, and felt a chill behind him.

‘Sister, are you trying to treat Saitama-kun as a personal toy? '

But she didn't dare to say anything, who knows if the elder sister who just broke the defense will become angry from embarrassment because of her words?

But she couldn't help but murmured:

"Hell Fubuki, what are you doing?"

"If you don't come out, my sister and Saitama-kun will..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw her proud figure appearing on the projection screen.

【"If you can't leave Fubuki, I will separate you!"】

[As soon as the screen turns, Fubuki's pretty face is reflected in the projection. 】

【She lowered her head and said with complicated eyes: "Sister said something like that, nothing can change her mind."】

【Fubuki closes his eyes with a solemn expression. 】

【"Master Fubuki..."】

[The Fubuki team member next to her called softly. 】

【Then, other Fubuki team members also said: "I'm very sorry, we can't do anything about the situation just now."】

【Hearing the sound, Fubuki raised his head to look at those subordinates. 】

【"Such a gaffe will never happen again!"】

【"So, what is that organization called Yuedu, what exactly is it, please at least..."】

【However, Fubuki turned his head away and interrupted their words. 】

【"Fubuki group, disband."】

[? ? ? 】

【"I said, the Fubuki group is disbanded, you are too weak, and you will only achieve nothing."】

【Fubuki turned around again, his face returned to that cold look. 】


[The members of the Fubuki group are all in a daze. 】

【But Fubuki obviously didn't give them a chance to speak. With a thought, the power of the thought wrapped around his body and flew towards the huge hole opened by Saitama. 】

【"Just leave it here, don't follow me."】

Seeing this, Fubuki smiled wryly, if not, these people would definitely follow.

After understanding Tornado's good intentions for her, she decided to disband the organization in advance, otherwise...not only will she be in danger later, but most importantly...she will never allow the future, because of her reasons, to make Tornado appear A dangerous situation arises!

Tornado loves Fubuki deeply, and Fubuki also deeply loves his sister.

She will never forget that time, when her blood-covered elder sister broke open the window, a tender look appeared on her cold, bloodthirsty little face, "Fubuki...I will always protect you... "

ps: The little author is asking for data again~

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