One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

079 Shocked! Moon: I'm Fucking Cracked! ! ! (Please Customize~)




[The feeling of a strong hit, it seems that the winner is determined! 】

【Poros said with a hint of pride: "On a planet with an extremely harsh environment, our ten races who have won the survival competition...have the natural healing ability that is second to none in the universe!】

【"I am among them, regardless of natural healing power, physical functions, or potential energy, they all belong to the top category!"】

【"For you, serious injuries that are fatal enough, I can heal them in just a few seconds."】

【"If the arm is broken, as long as you concentrate your ability, you can greatly improve your healing ability!"】

【"Let the arm grow out like this!"】

【"In comparison, your injuries will only keep increasing!"】

【"Physical strength is gradually being consumed..."】

【Saitama is very speechless, "It's so noisy!"】

【"Huh???" Poros froze for a moment, and then his face was full of astonishment. 】

【"Are you over yet?"】


【Ola Ola Ola...!!!】

【Poros took a deep breath, angry, he clenched his hands into fists, and a horrible breath erupted from his whole body. 】

【As he roared, a dazzling light erupted from his body again, and those who didn't know it thought he was about to transform into a Super Saiyan. 】

【The huge spaceship vibrated violently because of Poros' transformation. 】

[The one below is still trying to penetrate the spaceship...]

【"What...what's wrong?!!"】

"Hmm...It's a bit embarrassing that boss Saitama is fighting with boss Boros upside down, and the bottom is still working hard on scraping..."

"Hey! Catch! You brat! How dare you say that about me, Boss Tornado?"

Poros, the overlord of the underworld and the universe: "Okay, miscellaneous fish, don't blink, I'm going to start pretending to be X, Saitama just ignore my words."


"It's true, people who have fought against Saitama... still have a lot of psychological shadow."

Egg Crushing Ninja·Sonic Sonic: "???"

"It's none of your business, Boss Saitama never hit you, you hit him all by yourself."

Stranger: "Run! The big brother who drives the spaceship!!"

【The light that exploded on Poros changed from blue to purple again!】

【At the same time, his body also began to change!】

【Terrifying and huge energy, you can feel it through the projection!】

【"It's not over!!"】173

【"Meteor Burst!!"】

[The voice fell, Poros put one hand on the ground, and at this moment, his body faded from black and turned into a white body! 】

[I don't know when the hair dye was changed. 】


【Boros bent his legs, kicked suddenly, and attacked Saitama at a speed countless times higher than before. 】


【Responding to this, Saitama was also taken aback for a moment, and his pair of dead fish eyes, which seemed to be unchanged forever, also slightly widened, as if surprised by the power of Poros. 】

"Am I not mistaken?"

"That's right!!"

"Surprised... Boss Saitama is surprised!!"

"Ahem... for the first time since the discount at the supermarket, Mr. Saitama has emotions"

"This... this Boros boss is awesome! The only one that can make Saitama boss... change his expression..."

"It's not strength... It should be said that Boros was a little surprised by his speed after his transformation."

"This look... That's right, Boss Saitama is surprised, he has emotions! Be careful to prove that Boros Boros is strong!"

"Look! I'm going...this is the only time the bald caped man's cape shattered!!!"

"This...this should be described as disaster god level..."


[Poros came to Saitama, and the sonic boom he brought was already at a lot of his speed. 】

【Poros swung a heavy punch, and Saitama was not in the middle, just like that, Poros punched heavily on the face!】


[Strong power, one strike succeeds, the surrounding environment seems to be distorted by the aftermath of this punch. 】


[And after a punch, Poros seemed to be frozen in place, but his fist erupted with incomparably terrifying energy]

[The visual impact is huge, like a heavy laser cannon, the light laser cannon that can't see the edge, devours Saitama...][

【"What's the matter now?!"】

【Inside the spaceship, the trembling little monsters hiding in the corner were all startled by Poros’ punch, and the whole spaceship was trembling violently!】



【"It came from the side!!!"】

【The next moment, they were submerged in the purple laser cannon, and their bodies were torn apart by the powerful energy in the purple laser cannon in an instant!】


In the hot spring hotel, everyone's eyes widened in shock from the blow, and they stood up in unison, with disbelief all over their faces.

"It's impossible! Could this Poros face have such power?!"

"If he gets off the spaceship... Sigh~ that's scary!!"

Seeing this scene, the Atomic Warrior almost knelt down. I guess he would not dare to say anything in the future...My atomic slash, nothing can be cut continuously

At the same time, in the Weird Association and in the monthly reading organization, no matter whether it was the top combat power or the low-level combat power, at this moment, all stood up.

Not to mention audiences from all over the world, they all gave out exclamation marks.

"My mom asked me why I knelt down to watch the fight between Saitama and Boros...I asked her why she knelt and watched too..."

"What level of battle is this... Can anyone tell me!!!"

Association of Heroes·S Rank No. 1‧Blast: "Sorry...I can only say...above Dragon Class Disaster...!!"

【However, this is not the only thing that shocked everyone!】

【"Turn the energy in the body into propulsion and release it!!!"】

[Poros roared, bent his legs, and kicked again! 】


[The current Baiboros, even kicking his feet makes this huge spaceship tremble! 】


【There was another explosion, which was the energy brought by Poros' forward charge!】

【He came to Saitama and threw a whip kick!!】


【"Use this to gain speed and strength beyond the limit of creatures!!!"】

【 Saitama's stomach is dented by this kick!!】

[Bang bang bang——]

【Advanced version of Machine Gun Fist!】

【The figure of Poros keeps flashing around Saitama, appearing is a heavy punch!!】

【The sound of sonic boom from fist to flesh resounds endlessly!】

"Meteor Fist... This is just the aftermath... I can guarantee that even the monster of the dragon-level disaster... For example, the vaccine man will be smashed to pieces when he encounters a little aftermath


Underworld · Disaster Dragon Level Monster · Vaccine Man: "Although as a comparison of combat power... I became a counting unit... very unhappy...but...I can't find any reason to refute... !"




【This time, with the power of that punch alone, the top of the spaceship suffered from the blue light cluster that burst out from the eyes of Poros' chest before transforming again!】

[In an instant, the top of the spaceship was cut into a 'crew-headed boy' by Poros' fist!]

"I... ignite!!!"

"It's amazing! It's too hot! Big brother who drives the spaceship! Come on! If even you fall down, what will happen to the universe behind you?!"

"I heard the sound of countless bones breaking!"

"Boss Saitama won't..."

Underworld · Cosmic Overlord Poros: "Sorry to disappoint you... The sound of these bones breaking... is every time I attack Saitama... the sound of my body's bones breaking..."



【Poros jumped up high, and at this moment, the strength of his whole body was released without any waves. 】

【Knee hard on Saitama's belly!!!】


【The sonic boom, at this moment, has disappeared, replaced by (bacf), a distortion of space!】

[Where Poros and Saitama are located, within a circle with a diameter of ten meters around them, there is a phenomenon of space distortion! 】

[It seems that the two of them are surrounded by a black energy shield. 】

【The thunder light is transformed into light at this moment!】


【Poros suddenly raised his foot!】

【After a knee strike, take advantage of the momentum and kick up!】

【Then, the entire black space burst!】

【Poros landed heavily on the spaceship, once again causing a big crater to appear on the top of this cosmic-level huge spaceship!】

【From below, the spaceship was affected by the aftermath of this blow and sank a long distance!】

【At the same time, Saitama turned into a beam of light... and quickly flew backwards towards the sky!!】



【Suddenly, all the sounds disappeared!】

Just when everyone was wondering, the projection screen suddenly went black!


【There was no sound at all, but the impact of that terrifying impact can be clearly seen!】

[As soon as the screen turned, countless dust scattered, and a figure was embedded in the soil. 】

"This ground...why is the color wrong...and familiar?!"

"This... this... this..."

"I blanch!!!"

【Before everyone could react, Saitama sat up slowly and was unscathed!!!】

【Everything in the picture, see, Saitama is sitting on the ground, in front of him is a huge blue planet!!】

[It can also be seen that above Saitama's head, the space garbage L that keeps flying every now and then][


In an instant, countless question marks burst out from the barrage.

Moon: Thank you so much!!

Question marks erupted, like a tide, and never stopped.

At this moment, all the creatures on the earth showed disbelief, and even some of the brains that couldn't turn around had already died.

But without exception, they all stared at Saitama in the projection screen!

No, Saitama on the surface of the moon!

No one is posting barrage anymore, and neither are the weirdos.

All living beings held their breath and focused their attention on Saitama.

No one will post font barrage anymore, except for question marks and exclamation marks, there is no longer a single text.

At this moment, words can no longer express their feelings. Except for these punctuation marks, that is, exclamation marks and question marks, there is no character that can replace them.

When they saw Poros' strength beyond recognition, they were already terrified.

But, when they reacted again, no matter how powerful the overlord of the universe like Poros was, they couldn't let Saitama break through the defense, and even from the beginning to the end, they only showed a slightly surprised emotion, nothing else...

Moon: Is no one paying attention to me? I'm fucking cracked!!

But countless people have a question: If... If there is no moon blocking Saitama boss....


Even if there is no moon... there will be other celestial bodies in the way!

Now, silence is better than sound!

【Saitama, who was unharmed, stood up, turned his head to look around, suddenly frowned, raised his hand and pinched his nose, and the moisture on his forehead floated out when he shook his head... 1




【 Saitama looks at the earth in front of him... I don't know if he is thinking in his heart, his head seems to be round without the earth...】

[Afterwards, Saitama grabbed a piece of gravel on the surface of the moon, threw it, and calculated the gravity...]




【After a while, Saitama pinches her nose and bends her legs. 】


【He kicks hard!】

[The body is faster than when it came!!]

【And the surface of the moon under his feet...】

【Moon: I really's none of my business】


Deathly silence!

Surprised, there is no other sound on the earth except the violent beating heartbeat of the living beings.

【"Hoo! Hoo!!"】

【Poros on the spaceship looks up at the sky, his chest heaves rapidly...】

【"This form is like anaerobic exercise, it will cause a huge burden on the body!"】

【"In the end, it will lead to a sharp reduction in lifespan!"】

【"I wanted to stay at the end...end the battle early..."】

【His voice falls...】


【Saitama fell heavily on the spaceship E like a meteorite!】

[At this moment, the shock wave set off, all the rubble and flames on the surface of the spaceship...etc, were all blown away!】

[Even after Saitama himself landed, the flames on his body were instantly blown away by the shock wave. 】

【At the same time, the spaceship, which is so huge that it can't be seen at a glance, trembled violently at this moment!】

[The sound of creaking and creaking resounds endlessly. 】

"Right now, I can only say... damn it!!!"

【The bottom of the spaceship, "Tilted?!"】

[The metal bat exclaims. 】

[The black light and the sexy prisoner shouted excitedly: "It works! It works!!"]

【"Tornado! You are amazing!!"】

【Floating in the air, Tornado raised her snow-white neck, her whole body was surrounded by green light, and her beautiful eyes were looking at the bottom of the spaceship... After this incident, the spaceship was looking down quickly. 】

It hits the moon?!

The following still think they are mvp?!

At the same time, Tornado, who was standing in front of Saitama's house, was biting his tender lower lip, his pretty face turning blue and white.

"Damn big bald head...Hmph! I thought...worrying about you for nothing!"

"Also...why didn't you say when I asked...the spaceship is also because of you..."

swish swish...

She didn't notice that the moment her voice sounded, a beautiful figure in Saitama's house shook suddenly.

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