One Punch: Exposing Saitama, Tornado Is Still Arrogant!

090 Elder Centipede Appears! The Head Of A Hundred Feet! ! (Seek Full Order For Customization~)

【Hypnotic incense!】

"Don't talk about martial arts! Birth! Do you want to hypnotize yourself?!"

"Oni-chan~!! (Holding hands tightly)"

"Impossible, mere ghost level, the strength of the metal bat is still very strong!"

"Well, anyway, it's better than a disgusting certain vest!"

In the hot spring hotel, the Venerable Vest had already curled up his legs and squatted in the corner.

【"Consciousness has begun..."】


【Senior Centipede will naturally not give up this opportunity, so he will resolutely attack!】

[The metal bat fell to his knees, his body trembling constantly, and his consciousness began to blur. 】

【"Then...that's it, good night!!"】

[Senior Centipede showed a smile uglier than crying on his disgusting sarcoid face. 】


【Just when the two weirdos thought the battle was over, the metal bat suddenly raised the bat, and hit them hard on their foreheads!】

"I didn't expect that one of the metal bats would be educated by my own stick."

"No, the only one who let him in?"

"Fencing to labor and management!!!"

【The overlord is stunned, "Are you beating yourself up?!"】

【Senior Centipede: "Stop making unnecessary resistance!"】

【During the speech, Senior Centipede has already attacked the metal bat!】

[The next moment, "click

[With a crisp sound, the sawtooth on the head of the senior centipede was interrupted by the metal bat that woke up after self-mutilation! 】

"I boil!"

"To be honest, this metal bat is definitely not the kind we usually see.


"The bat must have been bought from that super jerk doctor, and... probably out of the sky!"

"Look at Senior Centipede's hard armor..."

"If a bat goes down, a normal bat will definitely break directly. On the other hand, the bat in the hands of the metal bat...could it be said... that the ability of the metal bat is to make the bat hard?"

" are really not right!"


【"Much more comfortable..."】

[The metal bat looked up to the sky and screamed as if it was resurrected with full blood. 】

【This scene stunned Senior Centipede, "What?!"】

【"It's actually resurrected...and, compared to just now, the power has increased...?!"】

【"It's impossible to wake up from my hypnotic incense so easily... What happened?!"】

[The metal bat with blood on its forehead said coldly: "As long as you have momentum, it's basically fine!"]

【"Did you have fun beating me just now?!"】

【"Now, it's my turn!!"】

【"But...I'm very gentle!!"】

"Ah~ Oni-chan~ the most gentle~"


"Little sister, be good, these are too bloody, my little friends can't see them."


"I see what happened to Oni-chan's battle?!"


can't afford to provoke

【"One stick for everyone!!"】


【The speed of the metal bat has increased a lot, while the Overlord Smelly Flower is still in self-doubt, in the blink of an eye, the metal bat came in front of it, and stomped hard on the top of its head.

On 'Big Chrysanthemum'...]

【The bat followed closely behind and smashed down heavily. If it was a knife, it would have been cut in half, but even if it was a bat, it would have been flattened. 】

[Turn your head, flick the bat violently, and knock out the centipede senior who is about to attack the latecomer. 】

【Senior Centipede's disgusting sarcoid face, his eyes, nostrils and mouth spurted a mouthful of old blood!】

【"Haha! Your reward is here!!"】


[Senior Centipede's original sarcoid color began to fade away, replaced by bloodless paleness, and cracks appeared on the entire head!]

【After a crisp sound, Senior Centipede's huge body fell down straight!】

[The metal club leaves without looking back, behind him is the picture of Senior Centipede exploding. 】

"A real man never looks back!"


"I didn't expect...I always thought Metal Bat was a punk type...He is so handsome~"

"Hehe, squeak."


"I can't compete with them, so I'll settle for the second best."

"Oni-chan is mine~!"

[The sky was still raining blood, and the metal bat said very unhappily: "I haven't concentrated my momentum for a long time, and I'm covered in blood."]

【Suddenly, he was shocked, "Huh?!"】

【"I forgot to ask the weirdo what his purpose is... I didn't pay attention..."】

【On the other hand, the father and son are sleeping soundly now】

【"Phew~ It's a good thing these two didn't get hurt...Hey! Get up you want to wake them up?"】

"Hahaha...Sure enough, the metal bat is still the same, although it is still very reliable at critical moments, is still a mess at ordinary times.

"You are not allowed to speak ill of Oni-chan! Hmph~!"

"Little sister, your brother is amazing, my sister always likes it~"

"No!! Don't get close to my Oni-chan~! Slightly~"

【Tap Tat Tat...】

【"We are here to support you!"】

【"We have to fight too!!"】

[B-level hero Pineapple...C-level hero Mohawk...]

"Are these two...are they playing a role-playing game?"

"Pfft...Although it's funny, but there are people who are not A-level heroes, even if they are not A-level heroes, they will come to support without hesitation when facing Ghost-level...but I can't help it

"Airplane Head, Pentagram, my name is Mohawk Head, remember!"

"Pineapple head, pineapple body, my name is Pineapple Man, remember!"

【"Oh...has it been resolved yet?"】

【"So fast!"】

【"Wait! That's a ghost-level monster?!"】

【The metal bat didn't care about this, but said: "Please help me take the father and son to the hospital."】

【"I promised to accompany my sister to go shopping..."】


"True Lover of Sisters"


【"Wait! Why is the ground cracked again?!"】


[Just as the metal bat was about to leave, dense cracks appeared on the ground behind them. 】


【The next moment, a huge, purple armor shell!】

[The pineapple man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief:]

【"That... that is... Damn! It's a big monster! Elder Centipede?!!"】

【The metal bat turns around and asks in confusion: "You know?!"】

【Pineapple Man: "Every time it appeared in the past, it would definitely cause damage to the town, and then disappear without a trace!"】

【Mohican head: "It's undestroyed...Designated vicious monster!!!"】

【"Its disaster level is classified as 'dragon'!】

【"Cut!" Metal Bat curled his lips, as if he was upset because he was about to miss the promise with his sister. 】

【"Is it a dragon-level monster?!"】

【Mohawk quickly said: "I'm going to notify the Heroes Association to ask for support!"】

【"Let's retreat for the time being."】

[The metal bat said in a deep voice: "That guy's goal is the father and son!"]

【"During my battle with it, take them away!"】

【Finally, the corners of the mouth of the blood-stained metal bat raised slightly. 】

"Damn it! The mouth of the metal bat is crooked! Hurry's my own..."

"If you're not your own, you're going to sew someone's mouth on again?!"

【"I'm going to do my best!" The metal bat rested on his shoulder, with one hand in his pocket. 】

【"It's the first time I've encountered this kind of body type... What should I do next?!"】

[An old sarcoid face appeared on the head of the centipede elder. Its face was extremely gloomy, and its eyes were fixed on the metal bat. 】

【"hurry up!!"】

【"Looks like you're looking over here?!"】

[Pineapple Man and Mohawk head each holding one, running quickly to see

【"Don't run away!!!" Elder Centipede's voice was sharp and piercing. 】


"@怪人会·Disaster Dragon Class‧Elder Centipede, didn't you say that you are a good citizen?!"

Monster Association·Disaster Dragon Class·Elder Centipede: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...that's not me, that's me in the future. Now I've come to my senses and decided to abandon the evil and follow the good!"

"Two villains with one big heart."

Monster Association · Disaster Dragon Class · Elder Centipede: "What do you mean?"

"From the heart...Count!"

Monster Association·Disaster Dragon Class·Elder Centipede:""

【"Going to rush over!!!"】

[The metal bat roared angrily, looking at the huge armored head that fell from the sky, he didn't avoid it, behind him were the two heroes who were quickly fleeing here, and the pair of districts]

"A real man!"

"That's right, the battle of metal bats is so bloody!"

"Seeing it makes my blood boil!"

"I just came back from running out and doing push-ups and I feel like I'm doing it again!!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

【"Don't look back! Run, run!!"】

【"Where's Mr. Metal Bat?!"】

【"Hey...if you don't run away..."】

[The metal bat suddenly raised its head, bent its legs, moved forward instead of retreating, made a lunge, and kicked hard! 】


【A crisp sound!】

【The metal bat leaped high and hit Elder Centipede's head hard. 】

[It's a didn't cause such substantial damage...]


【Elder Centipede's huge sarcoid old face slowly twists in the direction of the metal bat. 】


"It's disgusting... But, it's really strong!!"

"That's right... If you read it right, that was a full blow from a metal bat just now!"

"Even a ghost-level centipede senior can't hold a metal bat down..."

"Sure enough, a dragon-level disaster... no, it's a disaster dragon-level weirdo who can escape from the tenth-ranked blaster boss! It's so terrifying!!"

ask for flowers......

"It's over... How do I feel, the metal bat is about to gg after a face-to-face meeting?!"

"Oni-chan~Come on!!"

【"Well, well, hard!!!"】

[The whole body of the metal bat was shaken by the force of the rebound, and the hands were numb, as if the tiger's mouth would split open at any time


【"Can't you even hit the wrinkled shell with a full swing?!"】


[Just as the metal bat shocked Elder Centipede's strength and doubted himself, Elder Centipede's sarcoid old face suddenly turned to him, "Get in the way!!"]

【The sawtooth on the elder centipede's head also hit the metal bat!】


[No accident happened, the metal bat was protecting the bat in front of him at the last moment, but the huge force made him fly backwards!]


[The metal bat slams into the building behind him. 】

[Countless gravel fell, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the figure of a metal bat appeared. 】

【He half squatted on the ground, according to the law of smoking without injury, he stood up again. 】

【"Dodging my bat to hit him in the face..."】

【"Then, there is only one possibility, as long as I aim at that disgusting face..."】

[At this time, Elder Centipede also thought that he was dead, so he swung his huge body, stepped on the ground, and moved forward quickly. 】

【"Oh?! The opportunity is here!!"】

【The metal bat sees the timing and jumps suddenly. 】


【The metal bat fell on Elder Centipede's purple armor, and there was a sound of metal collision, which was enough to show how hard Elder Centipede's shell was. 】

【As soon as the screen turns, you can see the metal bat continuously crawling on the armor on Elder Centipede's back, crawling towards Elder Centipede's head!】


" this all right?!"

"Looks like the metal bat is going to fail..."

"Huh? How to say?"

"I see that the metal bat has found the weakness of that dragon-level monster Elder Centipede..."

"And, you see, the metal bat was completely undetected by the big bug!"

"No... buddy, forgot the title?"

"That's right, boss Saitama vs Elder Centipede...Damn it! Why are dragon level monsters so strong?!"

"Oni-chan... woo woo..."

The client's metal bat was also twitching out of the corner of his eye. Unexpectedly... he finally became the protagonist once, but he just killed the ghost-level centipede senior...

In the face of dragon-level monsters, there is still no power to fight back!

【"Going to catch up!!"】


【"Wait...Look at the top!!"】


[I don't know when the metal bat has stood on Elder Centipede's sarcoid old face. 】

【He held up the bat in his hand, the muscles in his arms soared!】

【"Million · Accumulation"】

【Elder Centipede also reacted, its huge sarcoid face just raised up. 】

【"Angry Luo Yan Critical Strike!!!"】


【Bang bang bang bang!!!】

【The next step is the dazzlingly fast machine gun strike!】



"I have a bad feeling..."

"Why is Fat Si...why does this Elder Centipede seem to be in no pain!"

"Metal bat, run!"

"Elder Centipede...Damn it! Is the defense so terrifying?!"

"This random beating...every hit is powerful enough to blow up that senior centipede!"

"Unexpectedly, facing this old disaster dragon-level weirdo, Elder Centipede, it would be useless at all!"

"The problem is, this is still the most vulnerable place of Elder Centipede... How can it be repaired!!"

【Elder Centipede suddenly raised his head!】



[The metal bat immediately lost its center of gravity, and the attack was forced to stop. 】

【"Century Flip!!!"】

"Cut! It's just a bug!"


The audience was frightened, but Saitama's family calmly started eating hot pot......

After a glass of wine, Ryuuki sat next to Saitama, squinting his eyes, begging to be petted like a kitten, just like in a hot spring hotel.

Fubuki was stunned, and almost let the smoking ham sausage just picked up fall down the mountain!

Saitama was about to refuse, but glanced at the wine Tornado was holding, the best wine he had ever seen...


The red-faced Tornado squinted his eyes, glanced at the dumbfounded Fubuki, opened his mouth slightly, and called softly:



I'm cracked!

But the next moment, Tornado's feeling at this time was also captured by telepathy.


The Steam Girl has appeared again with Shuang Ni.

'Sister...what are you doing...helping test or to help yourself...


The next moment, Fubuki gritted his silver teeth lightly, and also 'lost' his strength, leaning on Saitama...

You use this to test the cadres? Corpse!.

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