One Punch Hunter

Chapter 58: Thunder Martial Arts School

Yunzhou City is a very special central city.

Most central cities are built as a super city with many satellite cities around them.

During the catastrophe, these satellite cities fell one after another, and the population was concentrated in the central city. Later, these small satellite cities became military bases and also assumed the responsibility of protecting the central city.

This is not the case with Yunzhou City.

Before the catastrophe, Yunzhou City was a twin city. The two super-large cities were originally very close to each other, and after continuous expansion, they were even connected together, and the city area became an "8" shape.

After the catastrophe, under the attack of wild beasts, the half of the city closer to the sea was lost, and now it has become a paradise for wild beasts.

The other half of the city survived under the protection of the particle barrier, which is now Yunzhou City.

Unlike other central cities, Yunzhou City has satellite cities as buffer areas. It can be said that it is the central city closest to wild beasts.

In the abandoned half of the city, there are high-level wild beasts everywhere. General-level wild beasts can be seen everywhere, and even lord-level wild beasts often appear.

A large number of wild beasts use the city ruins as the front line to attack Yunzhou City. The number of wild beasts gathered here is even several times more than that in the wilderness area!

However, it is precisely because of this that Yunzhou City has become the most prosperous central city for martial arts schools.

Su Ye also mentioned a little about martial arts schools to Bai Ye.

Awakeners can improve their genetic energy through continuous practice. However, the method of practice is extremely precious and cannot be bought and sold casually.

For children of big families like Su Ye, they can directly learn the method of practice in the family, but for ordinary people without any background, if they want to learn the method of practice, they can only become apprentices and join martial arts schools.

Therefore, many martial arts schools in the past have prospered again. By recruiting disciples, they attract those awakened people with potential. This is a win-win deal for martial arts schools and disciples.

In addition to daily practice, actual combat is also essential to become stronger.

The advantage of Yunzhou City is that it is very close to the nest of wild beasts. Unlike other central cities, if you want to find a powerful wild beast, you have to search dozens of kilometers away from the central city.

There are hundreds of martial arts halls in Yunzhou City, big and small, but there are only two largest martial arts halls, namely Benlei Martial Arts Hall and Phantom Martial Arts Hall.


In front of Benlei Martial Arts Hall, Bai Ye, wearing combat uniform, looked at the map on his watch and confirmed his location.

"Well, it's here."

In front of Bai Ye, there is a silver-white building, which occupies a larger area than an ordinary high school. There are many awakened people wearing Taoist uniforms walking around in the martial arts hall, which is very impressive.

In the central city where every inch of land is valuable, being able to occupy such a large area to build a martial arts hall also shows the strong financial resources of these high-level awakened people.

Bai Ye came to the main entrance of the martial arts hall, and two martial arts apprentices wearing Taoist uniforms stopped him.

"Is this gentleman here to visit guests? Do you have an appointment?" One of the apprentices asked.

The two apprentices were very polite to Bai Ye. As soon as they saw Bai Ye wearing combat uniform, they knew that he was not an ordinary person.

Bai Ye said: "No appointment, I want to see Tan Ying from your martial arts hall."

The two apprentices were stunned and looked at each other.

"Sir, Brother Tan is now our master and is busy. If you want to see the master, please make an appointment first and we will arrange it for you."

Bai Ye thought for a while and took out his hunter badge from his arms: "I am a two-star hunter. I am looking for your master for work."

The two apprentices were stunned for a while. After confirming that Bai Ye's identity was correct, one of the apprentices said: "In that case, please wait."

After the apprentice finished speaking, he walked a few steps to the side and turned on his watch to report.

Bai Ye's speculation was correct. As a four-star hunter of the Hunter Alliance, Situ Yuan's martial arts hall must have a close relationship with the Hunter Alliance.

A moment later.

The apprentice returned quickly and said to Bai Ye respectfully, "Our master invites you, please follow me."

Bai Ye followed the apprentice and went directly into the martial arts building. After passing through the huge martial arts hall, he took the elevator to the top floor of the martial arts building.

In front of the master's room, the apprentice knocked on the door very respectfully.

"Come in." A voice said.

The apprentice opened the door and bowed slightly: "Master, I invited Mr. Hunter."

After the apprentice led Bai Ye into the room, he left.

Bai Ye came to the master's room and saw a middle-aged man in his thirties sitting on the chair in the center of the room.

He had a strong body, and powerful muscles could be vaguely seen under his Taoist uniform. His hair was very short, with a strand of white hair on each temple, and his eyes were like lightning.

Bai Ye had already used the hunter watch to check his photo and knew that he was Tan Ying, the second disciple of Situ Yuan and the current master of Benlei Martial Arts Hall.

Next to Tan Ying was an old man who looked to be in his sixties, standing with his hands hanging down, looking at Bai Ye with a scrutinizing eye.

Bai Ye noticed that Tan Ying's face was a little pale and her body was not in the best condition.

Tan Ying stood up and said to Bai Ye: "What do you want from me, sir?"

Bai Ye took out the diamond-shaped pendant that stored the essence of the Remnant Shadow Thousand Fold Palm from his arms and placed it on the table in front of Tan Ying.

"I came here this time to return the essence of the Remnant Shadow Thousand Fold Palm to you, as entrusted by Mr. Situ Yuan before his death."

Bai Ye was too lazy to beat around the bush and directly explained his purpose.

Tan Ying was stunned for a moment and suddenly said: "You...what did you say!"

Bai Ye pointed to the diamond pendant on the table.

Tan Ying grabbed the diamond pendant and found that it was a storage device. After connecting the pendant to the watch, countless data was instantly read.

"This...this is indeed the essence of the Shadow Thousand Fold Palm!"

Tan Ying's voice was trembling. He never expected that he would see the essence of his master's secret book at this time and in this way.

The old man was also inexplicably excited and said to Tan Ying: "Master, it really is..."

Tan Ying nodded, his voice trembling a little: "Uncle Liang, it is indeed the essence of the master's martial arts! I almost thought that the Shadow Thousand Fold Palm was going to be lost..."

The old man called Uncle Liang had some tears in his eyes.

After a moment, Tan Ying came to his senses and bowed to Bai Ye: "I'm grateful for your kindness. What's your name, little brother?"

"My name is Bai Ye. It's not a big favor, it's just a small favor." Bai Ye waved his hand.

Tan Ying shook his head: "Little brother, you don't know how important this essence is to our martial arts school. It can be said that if there is no such thing, I'm afraid that in one or two years, our martial arts school will be expelled from Yunzhou City!"

Uncle Liang also nodded and said: "Yes, little brother, you have helped our Benlei Martial Arts School! If the Remnant Shadow Thousand Fold Palm is lost, I really feel ashamed of the old master..."

Tan Ying came to Bai Ye and bowed deeply again.

Bai Ye was embarrassed and helped him up.

Tan Ying said: "Brother Bai Ye, I have something to ask you. Can you tell me the specific circumstances of my master's death?"

Bai Ye nodded: "Of course, I was going to tell you."

Tan Ying was very happy and turned to Uncle Liang and said: "Uncle Liang, arrange a reception room and cancel all the schedules for today. In addition, arrange a place for Brother Bai Ye to stay!"

The first two chapters of the new chapter need to transition the plot

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