I woke up early in the morning and stretched comfortably.

The sunlight fell from the window and spilled on Saitama’s body, warm and comfortable.

The wind is beautiful, and the flowers, birds and insects are chirping.

Don’t worry about life, don’t worry about work, salted fish every day.

Such a day is life!!

“Huh? Left so early? ”

Looking at the empty tatami mats next to him, and the neat stacks of clothes with Kirin’s body fragrance, Saitama scratched his head.

There is a note on it.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Saitama Great Devil! Next time you have a chance, don’t let me sleep half of it, I’m going to sleep half (naughty face), by the way, every week I will come over to rub rice, hum (shy face). ”

It seems that Qilin got up very early and came over every week to eat? Is this really your home?

Saitama slandered for a while, casually threw the note, and then brushed his teeth and washed his face to eat breakfast, all in one go.

However, recently Saitama became obsessed with a show that only exists in China.

“Not all secret places are hidden in virgin women’s lands in lofty mountains, bustling cities, but also unknown secret places, open-air boiling oil fires, deep stove iron pots, cooking fragrant street food. Fresh shrimp wonton, handmade bamboo noodles, soft and glutinous beef tendon, fresh shrimp, thick taste, deep into the mottled years of this community. Tenacious taste memories call people to follow along the way…”

On the TV, the magnetic sound, coupled with the rolling oil of the picture camera, the fragrant dishes.

Saitama’s stomach gurgled, “It looks so delicious!” ”

“Huaxia on the Tip of the Tongue” was a food show that swept the country almost overnight, and it also successfully became an intimate paradise after Saitama’s work made Saitama have the urge to chase dramas.

However, Saitama-sensei is a practical talent, and he will only use practical actions to realize his dreams.

“Hello, Mr. Saitama, please check your identity information, this morning the ticket to Guangdong City, please prepare for boarding in advance, I wish you a happy journey.”

After placing an order to select a ticket, soon the airline customer service also specially called to confirm the call.

It happened that the tickets were discounted for the past two days, and Saitama casually booked the morning flight.

Traveling is also an essential skill for salted fish life.

I took a little luggage with me, including my combat uniform, banknotes, etc., and quickly went downstairs to a new life.

The air outside is full of freedom, travel, I’m coming, hahaha ~~~

The plane at eleven, now it’s past nine o’clock, and it takes about half an hour to get to the airport from here.

Calling a taxi, Saitama said directly, “Airport.” ”

Tianhe City is a prosperous large city, with high-rise buildings one after another, bustling and lively.

It was the first time he had gone far away in this world, and Saitama looked curiously at the rapidly receding buildings outside the window, arriving in an unfamiliar place always made people feel a little excited.

However, during this time period, it is obvious that Saitama’s experience of going out is not rich enough.

“Little brother, this is your afternoon plane, right?”

The taxi driver took a puff of his cigarette and looked at the long convoy of traffic jams in front of him, and he was in a good mood.

After all, running on the Tianhe side, traffic jams are the most normal, especially when passing through the third ring, this jam opportunity can not move.

“Eleven o’clock, why don’t you leave?”

Looking at the ticket time, Saitama wondered.

“Look, it’s all blocked like this, there is no hour that can’t pass, but you can rest assured, as long as you pass these hundreds of meters, after the third ring road, it will be smooth.” But little brother, I’m afraid you’re going to change your booking in the afternoon, and it’s impossible to catch up in the morning. “The driver is experienced.


Saitama muttered, if you change your ticket, you have to make up more than a thousand, and the afternoon passes, it seems that which store the show says may be closed?

Opening the window, Saitama poked his head out and looked at the convoy in front of him.

It’s so long….

With no end in sight, this is estimated to be comforting for an hour.

“I’m going to go over the morning.” Saitama said seriously.

“Little brother, don’t joke, unless you walk over, but there are still dozens of minutes to go, I’m afraid it will be in the afternoon, no matter whose car it is, the traffic jam in the third ring road of the Tianhe River is famous!” Driver Road.

That’s just getting off.

Open the door directly and the luggage is still in the car.

“Hey! Little brother, you? You forgot this salute! No way! By the way, you haven’t given money yet, you haven’t given money!! Did you really walk over like that? Don’t be silly! Hurry up, just wait, little brother, I said… Yes!! Groove-”

The driver’s anxious shouts turned into screams.

It was like a woman being screamed in horror by Qiang J, not only him, but the surrounding vehicle drivers were about to pop out their eyes, stretching their necks one by one, seeing the expression of a ghost, and looking in the direction of Saitama dumbfounded.

“This guy… What is he going to do? ”


“Oh my God! What do I see! ”

“Hurry up and record it, scared Lao Tzu’s gallstones for many years have fallen!”

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