“Hahaha!” Ling Tianyu naturally knew that Monet was paralyzing himself! But it’s nice to see Monet’s beautiful smile!

“Miss Monet, didn’t you think about leaving Doflamingo? Whether it is strength, handsomeness, or personality, brother is much stronger than that guy! Ling Tianyu smiled slightly and said confidently. The eager eyes also swept Monet’s whole body, this bumpy body is absolutely superb!

“That’s absolutely impossible!” Monet smiled slightly, but categorically refused!

“Gee…” Ling Tianyu shook his head, but knew that Monet’s answer was normal! This girl is obviously too brainwashed by Doflamingo, and urgently needs her own righteous tune.~ Teach to save ah!

“One punch Ling Tianyu, I want to see how powerful you can be!” The silent Virgo spoke, and even more launched an armed color domineering, and – and burst out with all his strength!

“Bang!” Virgo’s whole body clothes were shattered, directly revealing the terrifying body of the black body, which was wrapped around the whole body by the armed color domineering!

Monet: “Oh! “Sound, obviously he didn’t expect Virgo to use his armed color domineering power so quickly!

Ling Tianyu immediately appeared by Monet’s side in an instant, hugged Monet steadily, and asked gently: “Beautiful Miss Monet, you weren’t frightened by this exhibitionist teaser, right?” Don’t look, this goods are undressed is Tuxiang, your beautiful eyes just look at me! ”

Ling Tianyu directly ignored Virgo, and only the beautiful Monet in his eyes!

As soon as Monet was praised by others, he was already coquettish, completely forgetting that this person was still their enemy, and muttered with a red face: “It’s really annoying~”

“Ling Tianyu! You actually dare to ignore me! Virgo also finally realized that this Ling Tianyu was ignoring himself, so his anger instantly broke out, and he directly used the moon step to instantly come to Ling Tianyu!

At this time, Ling Tianyu just put Monet down, and this Virgo actually took advantage of people’s lack of attention to suddenly strike! It’s just death!

When Virgo used the moon step to come to Ling Tianyu’s side, his next move was his finger gun, which was directly aimed at the back of Ling Tianyu’s neck! Virgo sneered, thinking that for an arrogant guy like Ling Tianyu, this momentary negligence was Ling Tianyu’s death!

“Ugh!” However, Virgo burst out with all his strength, stabbing Ling Tianyu in the back of the neck, and it was Virgo who screamed!

“Click” a sound of bones cracking! Virgo’s fingers suddenly showed abnormal twists, as if there were no bones… But not a single drop of blood was shed, apparently a crushing fracture!

“Uh-huh!!! My fingers! Wei Lian took several steps back, and his face turned pale because of the pain coming from his fingers! Ten fingers connected to the heart! The effect of such an attack is tantamount to torture!

But what shocked Virgo the most was Ling Tianyu!

“This guy, obviously did not exert domineering, how can it be so terrible… Did he make diamonds…?” whispered Virgo in shock and anger.

“Alas, in fact, brother really doesn’t understand, to die?” Ling Tianyu turned to Virgo, his face full of leisure.

If this guy hadn’t attacked when he was soaking his girl, maybe he would have played with him for a while, but it was good to die, Virgo not only sneaked attack, but also interrupted his own girl! This is simply unforgivable!

Ling Tianyu took out a package of fried peanuts from his pocket, and said in a deep voice while eating: “Since you like to die, then I will reward you with a word, death!” ”

At this time, Luffy and the others, who were standing in the distance, also began to pay close attention to the battle situation here, of course, they also quickly noticed Virgo’s abnormal twisted finger hanging down!

Everyone knows what this means, but it still feels unbelievable… A man who beat Luffy to the ground, was actually so simply broken by Ling Tianyu’s finger!


Or Virgo sneaked up and inserted his finger into Ling Tianyu, but Ling Tianyu was fine, and Virgo’s finger was broken…

How can this look so funny…

“Ling Tianyu is actually so powerful… Although he had long known that he was very tough, he did not expect that he would still be so easy to deal with such a difficult guy! Robin looked at Ling Tianyu’s figure and sighed in shock.

······ Ask for flowers…

“Lord Virgo! Are you okay! Monet was startled, and then asked, hateful! If it weren’t for this man suddenly confusing himself! She will definitely be able to help Lord Virgo!

“This guy, at this critical moment, he actually has the leisure to eat peanuts…” Nami also sighed in shock, no matter how many times he witnessed Ling Tianyu’s toughness, this guy could always refresh their understanding of his terrifying power again and again!

“Hahaha! Arrogant man! The lip service is very powerful! Virgo straightened his fingers, but if you looked closely, you would find that Virgo’s corrected fingers were still trembling slightly!


“Hehe, less nonsense, Brother’s moved, come and send it to death!!!” Ling Tianyu hooked his finger and threw a peanut into his mouth by the way, so leisurely!

“!” Virgo was instantly outraged, and the arrogant man actually dared to leisurely eat snacks when facing the enemy!

“Hmph! Stupid guys! Pay the price for your underestimation at this time! Virgo snorted softly, using the moon step to come to Ling Tianyu’s side, and raised his hand to attack down!

And Ling Tianyu lazily raised his eyes to look at Virgo’s movements, in the eyes of outsiders, Virgo’s movements may be fast, but in Ling Tianyu’s eyes, this tease is simply slower than a snail! It’s so slow that it moves people to tears!

Such a pleasant comparison, Ling Tianyu thought about it, well, let’s reward him with a peanut, look, brother is still very generous!

“Snap!” With a sound, Ling Tianyu flicked with one hand, Luffy and the others couldn’t see how Ling Tianyu attacked, and for a moment, they could only see Virgo’s sudden stop in action!

At this time, Virgo had already been hit in the shoulder by a small peanut from Ling Tianyu, and that peanut directly penetrated Virgo’s shoulder blade, driving the Xiaoice sound of “Woooo _

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