"~~~~~~~~~(Eleno with a thoughtful expression)"

"I think we should invite Sweetheart Mask to join the discussion, not only because Sweetheart Mask knows Madara-sama's strength, but also because of Sweetheart Mask's influence on the people. I believe that after he truly sees Madara-sama's god-like power with his own eyes, he will be more attentive to guide the people to accept Madara-sama. After all, Sweetheart Mask is also a smart person who knows the importance of this matter!"

Eleno calmly analyzed the influence behind Sweetheart Mask in front of many senior executives.

"Support, Sweetheart Mask’s influence among the people is indeed beyond imagination!"

"Yes, the influence of Sweetheart Mask is indeed crucial."


"Agree to invite Sweet Mask."

After listening to Eleno's analysis, more and more senior executives also thought that Sweet Mask should be invited to join the discussion. After all, Sweet Mask's public influence is very huge. With Sweet Mask's wholehearted support and guidance, the public will surely accept Uchiha Madara more quickly.

In fact, the senior executives of the Hero Association and Eleno have similar ideas. They all hope that the public's dependence and enthusiasm will impress the terrifying man, so that the terrifying existence will be connected to the Hero Association or the public, so as to fight for the earth and protect the world.

"In this case, let's immediately arrange for someone to notify Miss Tornado, Silver Fang and Sweet Mask."

After some discussion, it was finally decided to notify the three heroes, Tornado, Silver Fang and Sweet Mask, to participate in the discussion of this secret meeting within the Hero Association.

The official website of the Hero Association:

At the same time, netizens' reactions.

In order to intensify the publicity of Uchiha Madara's deeds and popularity, the Hero Association's promotion efforts were very strong and the speed was very fast. When Uchiha Madara just defeated Babulu, the Hero Association headquarters had already issued a notice.

"Please rest assured, residents of City Z, the Hero Association's S-level hero"Godlike Man" has already dealt with the extremely terrifying Dragon-level monster in the Jingmao area of City Z. Please also rest assured that the heroes of the Hero Association will always protect everyone's safety."x1

"Please rest assured, residents of City Z, the Hero Association's S-level hero"Godlike Man" has already dealt with the extremely terrifying Dragon-level monster in the Jingmao area of City Z. Please also rest assured that the heroes of the Hero Association will always protect everyone's safety."x2

"Please rest assured, residents of City Z, that the S-level hero of the Hero Association,"Godlike Man", has already dealt with the extremely terrifying Dragon-level monster in Jingmao District, City Z. Please also rest assured that the heroes of the Hero Association will always protect everyone's safety."x3

Based on the principle of saying important things three times, this report was also broadcast three times in several cities.

"A god-like man? I've never heard of this name. Is he Shinpu's S-class hero?"

"It should be the new S-class hero."

"Forget it, let's just check the announcement on the official website of the Hero Association."

Most people still don't know about the unfamiliar title of"Godlike Man" for the S-level hero, and only a small number of people who are particularly fans of heroes will notice these details when they keep refreshing the official website of heroes. At this time, hearing the surrounding hypermarkets, shopping malls and public places broadcasting this information, curious people also took out their mobile phones and logged on to the official website of the Hero Association to check it out.

"Wow~, is this true? This is too exaggerated, is this a conspiracy?"

"Yes, yes, this new S-class hero won't be a shady character like the previous A-class hero, and this time it's too exaggerated that he actually made it to the third place."

"Yes, yes, what is the Hero Association doing again? This must be a conspiracy! Otherwise, how could a person with no record suddenly become an S-class hero and even the third place? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Yes, and the title of this new S-class hero is actually"Godlike Man", which is really too exaggerated~"

Seeing that a person who had never been heard of suddenly became the third S-class hero, most people were still skeptical, so they speculated whether there was any inside story this time.

"The ranking is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that the third place is the same as the most mysterious S-class hero, Blast, with no photo or name, only a title! ?"The first netizen who clicked on the official website of the Hero Association quickly discovered that the third place did not show the real name and photo, but only an exaggerated title of"God-like Man", so he made a post and posted it with the purpose of stirring up trouble.

"Is this true? Not only does he not have his real name, he doesn't even have a photo?"

"It's impossible, how can such a hero exist?"

"Yeah, this shouldn't be possible, how could the Hero Association make such a low-level mistake?"

Most netizens still don't believe this post. After all, how can a hero, a public figure, only have a title, no photo, and no name?

"Oh my god, there really isn’t anything!"

"Holy shit, it's actually true. What's wrong with the Hero Association? Why didn't they even release the names and photos of the heroes?"

"Why would a hero make such a mistake? You guys are not agents, right? I'd better click it and see for myself........Fuck, it’s true!"

"There are so many dog-sitters and they are entertaining themselves? To be honest, I envy those of you who have two mobile phones!"

"Don't disbelieve the above, if you don't believe it, just click and see it yourself"

"That's right, you have no manners at all and yet you call others a shill? Why don't you go and check it out yourself?"

"The person above who doesn't believe it is right. It's really like that. I just watched it. If you don't believe it, you can just click and watch it."

"........(different reply)" x99

"............(Different replies)" x99

As netizens continued to debate and posts appeared, more and more people also noticed the updated hero list and hero information of the Hero Association, and found that the third place did not show a name or photo, only a title of"God-like Man" ranked third in the S-level hero

"This must be a shady deal. How could a person with no combat record suddenly become the third S-class hero?"

"Yes, yes, I also think this is the Hero Association's shady dealings."

"By the way, is this because of the money paid? Or?"

People who are caught up in YY are also speculating whether this third place relies on some unspoken rules, titles and rankings?

"Stop fantasizing about it. How can you become a hero just by having money? There is no shortage of rich people in this world. To become a hero, you must have extraordinary strength. Although heroes have a shining name and identity, they have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting everyone. This is definitely not something you can do just by having money!"

"Yes, don't fantasize. If you have money, you can do it. Now every rich man should have a hero title. After all, the title of hero is not just for show, but has many privileges and advantages."

Looking at the people in YY, some more rational people also posted jokes.

"Godlike Man, no matter how many times I hear this title of hero, it still feels too exaggerated. How could the Hero Association agree to give him such a name? It's too exaggerated."

"Yes, the title of"God-like man" scares me to death just by hearing it.~~!/Laughing and crying~"

Seeing the title of"Godlike Man", many netizens couldn't help but post to ridicule this title. Obviously, most netizens think this title is too exaggerated.

Godlike Man, what does God mean? It means invincible! Doesn't it mean that the man with this title has the strength to compete with God? We have to say the truth of these netizens' YY~~!

"A god-like man, could it be that this hero also possesses god-like strength?"

"I think that should be the case, otherwise why would he be called a"god-like man"?"

"Hey~, stop fantasizing. If he is really that strong, how could he only be ranked third? ?"

"Yeah, I don't think so. If he is really that awesome, why would he be a hero? If I had god-like power, I would just overthrow the world and become its master!"

"Could it be that he didn't get first place because his record was not good enough?"

"Stop fantasizing. This has nothing to do with your record. If you have god-like strength, why would you want to be a hero?. Think about it from another perspective. If you have god-like strength, would you still be a so-called hero who protects ordinary people?"

At this time, netizens couldn't help but think of such a question in their hearts; yes, if you think about it from another perspective, if you have reached the god-like realm, why would you do this? What are the benefits of doing this?

The game between Uchiha Madara and Saitama in City Z continues:

"Step~....Tap tap tap~.....(Uchiha Madara running)"

"He is indeed a born cheater, this speed..."

Although Uchiha Madara has activated the partial complete form of Susanoo and increased his speed several times, he still cannot catch up with the bald devil in his serious state.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~...(Continuously using the Instant Body Technique)"

In order to prevent the bald devil from really defeating him, Uchiha Madara decided to cheat a little and kept using the Instant Body Technique to teleport forward.

"~~~~~~~~(From Madara-sama’s seriousness)"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~.....(Uchiha Madara's figure keeps flashing)"

"~~~~~~~~(A joke from Madara-sama)"

"Saitama, it looks like you are doomed to lose."

Uchiha Madara, who possesses the amazing insight of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, can accurately find the location of the distant landing point. After using seven or eight instant body techniques in a row, Uchiha Madara also saw the bald demon king who was still running in front of him. Uchiha Madara quickly ran to a place not far from the bald demon king and continued to provoke Saitama in a teasing tone.

"Tap tap tap~....Tap tap tap~....(The bald devil running at full speed)"


"~~~~~~~~(The more serious bald devil)"

"Damn it! I still don't believe I can't get rid of you. I still have to say thank you~ I haven't felt this nervous and stressful feeling for a long time, so I'm going to go all out next time!!"

"Super serious, must-kill series!"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil who is becoming more and more handsome)"

"Step~....Trample Trample~.....(Speed display)"

Saitama's state of mind at this moment can only be described as"excited", because the strong opponent brought huge pressure and made Saitama, who had always been invincible and gradually numb, feel passionate and enthusiastic for the first time in a long time.

However, Saitama's special move series was really too exaggerated. Ordinary running could no longer be called speed, but more like a bug-like skill!

Saitama, whose original speed was so fast that even the gods could not see clearly, increased by more than fifty times!!!

"~~~~~~~~(Saitama in a super serious state)"

The space seemed to be distorted wherever Saitama ran past. It is no exaggeration to say that Saitama, who maintained this speed, has entered a state of slowing down time!!


"boom~..Boom~....Boom boom boom~.....(The bald devil moving forward)"

"~~~~~~~(The figures of countless bald demon kings advancing)"

"~~~~~~~~(Time is slowing down)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Splashed dust)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Dust flying in the air)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The figures of countless bald demons moving forward at a speed as fast as teleportation)"

"~~~~(Madara looks confused)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Dust still flying upwards)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Countless bald demons keep disappearing and reappearing in the distance.)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Dust still flying upwards)"

"~~~~(Madara is still in a state of confusion)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(The disappearance of countless bald devils)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Dust still flying upwards)"

"~~~~(Madara is still in a daze and unable to come back to his senses)"

Speed up the time appropriately...

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Dust slowly drifts downwards)"

Time speeds up again...

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Dust slowly falls to the ground)"

"boom~..Boom boom boom~....Boom boom boom~.......(Sonic boom)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Madara with a"you're cheating" expression on his face)"

In Uchiha Madara's sight, it was as if countless Saitama appeared, moving forward and disappearing in an instant. Saitama's speed was so fast that even Uchiha Madara couldn't see him clearly. Uchiha Madara could only see the dust raised by the bald devil because of his incredible speed, which was raised, flew, fell to the ground, and finally produced a sonic boom! As for the bald devil himself, he disappeared long ago.~~~To put it in one sentence

: At the speed of the Bald Demon King, the normal Uchiha Madara is not even qualified to eat dust~~~

"~~~~~~~~~(Anger from Uchiha Madara.GIF)"

"Don’t think you’re the only one who has built-in cheats, I have them too!"

"Data body (fake)!!!"

Uchiha Madara, who was also caught up in the emotion of winning or losing the game, didn't care whether it would cause any impact or not, and directly entered the data mode!!!

【There is no level setting for data bodies! If you have to say it, it is"infinite"!】

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(The figure of Madara becomes increasingly blurry)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bara-no-Ya looks like a mosaic)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Bara flying forward)"

After entering the data mode, Uchiha Madara's body also became hazy and illusory, and the whole person was like a screen without signal and the screen was distorted. If you stop time, you will be surprised to find that at this time, Uchiha Madara's body will have different ripples even when time is still, just like a human-shaped mosaic that keeps distorting the screen.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Madara is analyzing the structure of the world)"

"Data analysis~..."

"Analyze success~..."

"Parsing the data~..."

"Restructuring Data~..."

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