"~~~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask with a horrified expression)"

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing sound)"

"What would happen if this attack was not a downward strike but a horizontal sweep?"

Sweetheart Mask asked Eleno while looking at the terrifying canyon. He was obviously very curious about what would happen if the power of this attack was converted into a horizontal sweep.

"Why~..(Eleno sighed)"

"We don't know this yet."

In fact, Eleanor himself also wants to know this question, but because the energy is too huge, the current Hero Association cannot calculate an accurate result.

Eleanor only knows that if this attack is replaced by a sweep, the consequences will be very serious, very serious!

"~~~~~~~~(A sweetheart mask who is trying to get to the bottom of things)

"What's the approximate value?"

"~~~~~(Bang is watching)"

Sweetheart Mask, who didn't get an answer, asked again for a rough answer. At this time, Bang also turned his attention to him, and it was obvious that he was also very curious about this question.

"~~~~~~~~~~(Analyst looks serious)"

"The approximate value is also unknown at present, but we can get some different results through the approximate conversion of data."

"Yes, because the energy of that attack is so huge and the uncertainty of various factors, we cannot give a fixed answer, but only some guesses."

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Analyst narrates in a deep voice)"

"Guess one: We believe that if this attack turns into a sweep, it will cause the destruction of several cities ahead. The exact number of cities is currently unknown, but based on our estimate of the energy, it will be no less than three cities!"

"Guess 2: We believe that if this attack changes to a sweep, it will cause the destruction of the world, because there are many uncertain factors in the world, such as whether this attack will affect the changes underground, whether it will affect the fluctuations in space, whether it will cause a chain reaction due to various uncontrollable factors, these are unknown to us, so this attack has the power to destroy the entire world!!"

The analysts in the conference room also said the data and reports that they had guessed before.

"~~~~~~~~~(Bangko with an expression that says"I was naive")"

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing sound)"

"Can it destroy the world? It's really scary. It seems that I still underestimated the power of that terrifying existence. However, this power is really shocking."

Listening to the analyst's analysis, Bangu couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Bangu always knew that the power of that terrifying existence was unfathomable, but he didn't expect that the destructive power was so terrifying.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask with a horrified expression)"

"Gulu~, this is such a terrifying power, but can you really control it?"

"What should we do if that terrifying existence becomes an enemy? Is there anyone who can stop it?"

Sweetheart Mask couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then he remembered that if Uchiha Madara became an enemy of himself and others, then which hero could stop this terrifying existence?

"~~~~~~~(Eleno looks depressed)"

"I don't know. We can only pray that the terrifying existence will not become our enemy, otherwise I really can't think of who can stop this terrifying existence."

Eleno said with a depressed look.

Obviously, Eleno didn't know who could stop this terrifying existence, King? Or Blast? Or Metal Knight? Although Eleno didn't want to admit it, Eleno also understood that there seemed to be a huge gap in strength between these S-level heroes and that terrifying existence.

"~~~~~~~~~(The sweet mask with an unwilling look)"

"Where is King? Can the man who is said to be the strongest man on earth and has the King Engine be able to fight him?"

Sweetheart Mask looked at the depressed Eleno and thought of King, who is said to be the strongest man on earth, so he asked. Obviously, Sweetheart Mask did not want to get a desperate answer, so he brought up King, who is said to be the strongest S-class hero on earth.

"Judging from the previous data, it seems that Mr. King's destructive power is very different from that of this terrifying existence. No, it should be said that there is no comparison."

Before Eleno could speak, the analyst next to him directly gave the answer.


"~~~~~~~~~~(Screen switching)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~(The screen is cut in half)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(Everyone is looking at the screen)"

The analyst in the conference room said as he switched the screen to two halves, one half was the scene caused by King (Saitama) and the other half was the scene caused by Uchiha Madara.

The result was obvious that there was no comparison between the two sides. In the picture, King (Saitama in normal state) only blasted open two buildings, while in the video, Uchiha Madara could create a spectacular canyon with one strike.

"~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask with an unwilling expression)"

"What about Blast? If we gather the power of all the S heroes, can we fight against that terrifying existence?"

Looking at the traces of destruction caused by King (Saitama) in the picture and the canyon chopped out by Uchiha Madara in the video, Sweet Mask naturally knew the gap between the two sides, but Sweet Mask still asked unwillingly. It was obvious that Sweet Mask could not accept the result that he and others would be destroyed if they became enemies.

".......(Dead silence)"

"Judging from the strength displayed by that terrifying being, the current Hero Association is not strong enough to fight against that terrifying being. If they insist on fighting, the result will inevitably be the destruction of the Hero Association!"

"Yes, the two sides are not on the same level at all, and cannot be compared at all."

"From the destructive power of both sides, strength, etc....Judging from the data, we are not on the same level. If we insist on being enemies, we will inevitably suffer a devastating blow!"

The analyst in the meeting room of the Hero Association headquarters analyzed the gap between the two sides and gave a formulaic answer, without caring about the ugly faces of the people present.

"~~~~~~~~(Eleno's eyes are slightly hopeful)"

"What do you think, Ms. Tornado? After all, you are the only one who truly understands some of Madara-sama's true strength."

Listening to the frustrated tone and desperate expressions of the people around him, Eleno had to turn his attention to Tornado, who had not spoken.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(A tsundere little tornado with a disdainful expression)"

"Humph~, it's just a small matter."

Tornado replied with a disdainful tone, seemingly not shocked by Uchiha Madara's divine punishment.



""Miss Longjuan, what do you mean?"

Hearing Longjuanfeng's disdainful tone, the other senior executives turned their attention to Longjuan and asked what Longjuan meant.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(The arrogant little tornado floating in the air still looks very disdainful)"

"It's nothing, I just said this attack is ordinary."

Tornado still commented on this attack with a disdainful tone. Tornado, who had seen the true power beyond the myth in the Moon Reading Space, would naturally not be shocked by such a small scene.


"Miss Tornado, do you mean that you can also cause such damage?"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(A group of senior executives with surprised expressions)"

Hearing Tornado's disdainful tone, these senior executives thought that Tornado could do such a thing.

"~~~~~~~~~~(A proud little Tornado with an embarrassed look on her face)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Somewhat blushing little torrent)"

"Luo, nagging~, I'm not talking about whether I can cause such damage, I'm talking about this blow is just a very ordinary blow to that man."

After hearing the misunderstanding of everyone, Tornado couldn't help blushing, and then he explained loudly in an angry voice:

"~~~~~~~~~~(Everyone looks shocked)"



"Gurgle~, Gurgle~, Gurgle~....(Occasional swallowing sounds)"


"Are you kidding?"

"Fake, fake, right?"

".........(Dead silence like the sound of a pin drop)"

"..............(Dead silence like the sound of a pin drop)"

All the senior executives fell silent upon hearing such a despairing answer, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room fell into silence again.

"Of course it's true. You haven't all forgotten the scene I once talked about, right?"

"~~~~~~~~~~~~(A proud little torrent with a slightly smug expression)"

"One punch shattered the space, leaving nothing but emptiness........"

"Hey~, I didn't lie to you, I saw all that with my own eyes"

"And even this giant is just that guy's entertainment mode. You seem to have forgotten that I said before that this giant has three modes for entertainment. Obviously, the current state of this giant is just for entertainment!!"

Tornado looked at everyone���Wang explained with a somewhat smug expression, as if the one who caused the miraculous attack on the screen was not Uchiha Madara but himself.

"~~~~~~~~~~(The senior executives all looked at each other with an expression of disbelief)"

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing sound)"

"No matter how you listen, it's hard to believe."

"Such a powerful force that makes people despair, is that terrifying being really a human being?"

"Yes, can humans really be so strong?"

Everyone in the conference room fell into deep thought again.

"By the way, Ms. Tornado, what about the giant’s form and entertainment mode that you mentioned earlier?"

"Yes, Miss Tornado, what do you mean? Are you saying that this attack was just a casual attack by that terrifying being?"

"Gulu~ I can't believe it. It seems that we are powerless to resist such an attack. If it is just a casual attack from that terrifying existence, where will the world go?"

".........(Different exclamations)" x25 analyzed the content of Tornado's words. Everyone in the conference room quickly grasped a key point, which was the giant state in Tornado's words and the entertainment mode mentioned by Tornado.

"~~~~~~~~~~(A proud little tornado floating in the air)"

"Just like you think, this giant state is just Madara's entertainment mode, not serious at all!!"

"Madara said before that the first three forms of the giant were just for entertainment. I have seen all three forms. The one in the video is the second form, which Madara called the bloodline form. The remaining two forms are one with only the skull shape and one with armor. Silver Fang has also seen two forms."

Tornado introduced the characteristics of the three forms that Uchiha Madara had mentioned to her before, and at the same time turned her attention to Silver Fang, who had also fought with Susanoo.

"~~~~~~~~~(People's eyes popped out)"

"~~~~~~(Everyone's jaw dropped)"

"What? Entertainment mode? ?! Three modes?"

"Oh my god~, what kind of existence is this? This kind of strength is completely beyond the gods recorded in mythology, didn't I expect it was just for entertainment?"

"Unimaginable...Is such a terrifying being really a human being?"

"Gulu~, if even this is just entertainment, then I really can't believe what will happen if that terrifying existence really gets serious. What kind of scene will happen? Earth? No, what kind of unpredictable disaster will happen to the galaxy or the universe?"

Suddenly, there were constant sounds of gasps in the conference room. It was obvious that the top leaders of the Hero Association had become numb to Uchiha Madara's strength.

"Although I had expected this result when I heard that terrifying being say it was a clone, I didn't expect it to be just for fun."

Bang had guessed it before, but when it was confirmed, he couldn't help but feel creepy.

"~~~~~~~~(The ugly sweet mask)"

"Bang~. (Sound of clapping on the table)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Angry Sweetheart Mask stands up)"

"Why did you call us here? It can't be just to see our desperate expressions."

"You mentioned the strength of that terrifying being on the phone before, and now you asked us to come so late to witness the video footage of that terrifying being taking action. What exactly do you want us to do? Just tell me!"

Feeling the desperate tone and the hopeless atmosphere around him, Sweetheart Mask slammed the table and stood up to ask Eleno what was the purpose of calling him and others here.

"~~~~~~~~~(Eleno with a serious expression)"

"I invited you to this secret meeting just to let you witness the strength of Madara-sama with your own eyes. After all, what you see with your own eyes is always more convincing than what you hear. As for inviting Miss Tornado and Mr. Bang, I want to invite you two to discuss the strength of Madara-sama, but according to Miss Tornado's description, it seems that there is no need to discuss this meeting anymore."

Eleno explained the purpose of this secret meeting and the reason why everyone was called here, but the purpose of this secret meeting was only half completed.

Eleno believed that after Sweetheart Mask had truly witnessed the strength of that terrifying existence with his own eyes, he would definitely seriously guide the emotions of the people and let the people accept that terrifying existence faster without knowing the strength of that terrifying existence.

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