"I see. Sorry to bother you then."

The female reporter didn't get the answer she wanted, but she got the affirmation from the Hero Association headquarters, so she stood up and prepared to leave with satisfaction.

"Okay, take care, Miss Bei."

The relevant personnel of the Hero Association said in a formal tone while leading the reporters and cameramen out.

The screen is switching....

As the screen switched, the screen instantly switched back to a live broadcast room.

"I believe that everyone has also received the confirmation of the first news like me. The relevant personnel of the Hero Association headquarters have clearly informed us that this incident was not done by a weirdo but by a hero, so please rest assured that the world is safe and there will be no doomsday situation."

While explaining, the female reporter vividly imitated the tone of the relevant personnel of the Hero Association at that time

"The second piece of news is about the third S hero who suddenly dropped out of nowhere from the Hero Association. Speaking of this, I believe that everyone is as curious as I am about this unfamiliar third place and does not understand the intention of the Hero Association headquarters at all. Why would they let a person that no one has ever heard of drop out of nowhere and become the third place?"

"Moreover, not only is this third place exaggeratedly called"God-like Man", but even his photo and name have not been released. What is the intention of the Hero Association Headquarters in doing this?"

"Just when we were all confused, we didn’t expect that the hero, handsome guy and star in our minds would come out and answer our questions!"

"Let's review the scene at that time and see how the most popular hero Sweetheart Mask evaluated this mysterious S-class hero No. 3!"

The female reporter said and switched the big screen behind her to the previously recorded video.

"~~~~~~(Video loading)"

"Sweet Masked handsome guy, what do you think of this mysterious S-level third place?"

"~~~~~~~~~~(Starry eyes from a beautiful reporter)"

In the video, a female reporter blinked her starry eyes at her idol and passed the microphone in her hand to Sweetheart Mask.

"~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart mask with a serious face)"

"I need to explain one thing to all the people here!

"At this time, Sweetheart Mask had already been to the Hero Association headquarters to watch the video of Uchiha Madara's attack.

Facing the suspicion and distrust of many netizens online, Sweetheart Mask, as the most popular and most popular hero, naturally needed to take the initiative to show up and explain.

Sweetheart Mask also knew that the reason why the Hero Association headquarters asked him, an A-level hero, to go was nothing more than hoping to use his popularity to ease the emotions of the people.

"~~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart mask with a serious face)"

"Regarding the third place that everyone has been guessing, I think both the title and the ranking are very reasonable and fully worthy of being the third S-level hero of the Hero Association."

"This third place has the strength that matches the title, just like a god, very powerful!"

Speaking of this, Sweetheart Mask also paused, because the senior executives of the Hero Association headquarters have repeatedly mentioned that the deeds of that terrifying existence cannot be made public, but now if he does not tell some actual facts, the public may not be convinced, so Sweetheart Mask is thinking about whether he should make some deeds public.

"~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask with a slightly hesitant expression)"

"~~~~~(Sweetheart Mask is thinking)"

"~~~~~~~(Sweetheart mask with a serious face)"

"In fact, the blue-white light column that everyone has been talking about was created by this"God-like Man"!

And the hero who really eliminated the vaccine man is actually this third person!

"After hesitating for a long time, Sweetheart Mask decided to announce the initiator of the blue-white light column that everyone was talking about.

In Sweetheart Mask's opinion, this matter will be known to the public sooner or later.

In this case, it is better to say it here by himself.

With his popularity, announcing it by himself will definitely make the public more convinced.

"~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart mask with a serious face)"

"So everyone must believe in the decision of the Hero Association, and the heroes will always protect everyone."

"~~~~~~~~~~(Sweetheart mask with a smile on the corner of the mouth)"

"Finally, don’t forget my new film and new album."

Finally, Sweetheart Mask also promoted his new film as usual, and then handed the microphone to the female reporter next to him.

"I see~ Thank you to our big star hero Sweet Mask for telling everyone such important information. Thank you very much. Finally, I also wish everyone in advance that the new film of the handsome Sweet Mask will be a big hit."

After hearing such hot news from Sweet Mask, the female reporter who was already a fan of girls became even more obsessed. From the expression on her face, it seems that she can't wait to become Sweet Mask's girlfriend.

"Well~, the two pieces of news that everyone has been paying attention to recently have been fully announced. Let's summarize the two pieces of news and we will find that in fact, the news that everyone has been paying attention to recently is fixed on one person, that is, the third most mysterious and eye-catching S-class hero of the Hero Association, who is known as the"God-like Man"."

Screen switching...

As the video ended, the screen was switched back to the live broadcast room.

"Here we would like to thank the big star Sweet Mask for his friendly report. Finally, let us look forward to the third place who will come like a god."

"~~~~~~~~(Reporting is ongoing)"

"~~~~~~~~~~~(The screen continues to play)"

"~~~~~~~(Madara looks bored)"

"Click~. (Turn off the TV)"

Uchiha Madara read the news, and after a while he found it a bit boring so he turned off the TV.

Uchiha Madara sat in the living room of the Bald Demon King and glanced at the Bald Demon King who was still busy in the kitchen. He sighed that this was the daily life of the Bald Demon King. He obviously had the power to defy the heavens but still chose to act as a passerby.

"Phew. (Take a deep breath)"

"~~~~~~(Madara slowly stands up)"

"~~~~~~~~~~(Madara looks serious)"

"It seems~, I should be more serious too!"

Exhaling slowly, Uchiha Madara also stood up.

"~~~~~~~(Madara explodes with energy)"

"tong~....(The blue light ring visible to the naked eye spreads outwards)"

"Boom~. (Infrasound of energy)"

Standing up, Uchiha Madara directly exploded the energy in his body, and the shocking power rushed into the sky.

The blue chakra wrapped around Uchiha Madara released the violent power unscrupulously, and its power seemed to tear the space apart. The huge power also caused vibrations around.

It's no wonder that Uchiha Madara released energy like a vent. It turned out that after so many days in One Punch World, he only gained 18 points of data energy. This upgrade journey is simply a long way off.....

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil with an angry face)"

"Uchiha Madara, what are you doing here, you bastard? You're almost destroying my home!"

As Uchiha Madara released his violent energy, the surrounding buildings began to tremble regularly and looked like they were about to break. Feeling the vibration and watching the cracks gradually appearing on the glass, Saitama immediately ran out of the kitchen and yelled at Uchiha Madara, who was still releasing violent energy in the living room.

"~~~~~~(Somewhat embarrassed Madara)"

"Ah~, oh~, sorry, I forgot about it."

After hearing the roar of the Bald Demon King, Uchiha Madara came back to his senses. Looking at the Bald Demon King with an angry expression on his face, Uchiha Madara remembered that this was the Bald Demon King's most cherished home. It was no wonder that the Bald Demon King was so angry that his home was about to be demolished. Uchiha Madara had to apologize.

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil with an angry expression)"

"What? Forgot about love? Just for this reason, you almost demolished my house!!"

Saitama still looked at Uchiha Madara with an angry expression.

You should know that the furniture in the house was saved by Saitama's frugality. Each piece of furniture was saved by Saitama after several months or even longer. At this time, the glass in the room had more or less cracks. This meant that Saitama lost money, money! Lots of money!

"~~~~~~~(Ban Ye looks contemptuous)"

"You want money, right? I'll give you 20,000 later."

Uchiha Madara said with contempt after seeing the angry expression on the face of the Bald Demon King. He had obviously seen through the Bald Demon King's plan, which was obviously to blackmail him.

Fortunately, the Bald Demon King was not particularly obsessed with the amount of money. Generally speaking, you only need to give a price slightly higher than the original price to easily get rid of the Bald Demon King. In layman's terms, he is a little greedy but not black.

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil instantly smiles)"

"Hahaha~, don't forget it next time. I'm going to continue cooking."

"Tap tap tap~....(The bald devil walked back to the kitchen)"

Hearing that Uchiha Madara was willing to give him 20,000 yuan, Saitama's mood instantly improved. His originally furious expression turned into a warm and hospitable expression in a second. With a smile on his face, Saitama turned around and returned to the kitchen to continue his previous cooking task.

"~~~~~~~~~~(From Madara-sama's disdainful expression)"

"Whoosh~. (The Art of Instantaneous Movement)"

"~~~~~~~~(Bara-sama's figure instantly moved to the outside of the old residential area)"

"Tap tap tap~....(Madara walked into the dark alley)"

After appreciating the dramatic change of the bald devil's face again, as the bald devil turned around and walked back to the kitchen, Uchiha Madara also used the instant body technique to move directly to the outside of the old residential area.

Looking at the deserted old residential area around, Uchiha Madara also specially searched for an empty dark alley, and then walked in.

Uchiha Madara prepared to advance his plan!

There were too few monsters, and Uchiha Madara felt that he could not always wait for monsters to appear. Uchiha Madara believed that he needed to take the initiative!

"Ninja Technique: Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang~......(The clones appear with the smoke)"

As Uchiha Madara quickly formed hand seals, 24 identical Uchiha Madaras appeared around him.

Uchiha Madara planned to have his clones go to each city and mark the teleportation mark in each city. With the marks already made in City A and City Z, the 24 clones would mark the remaining 24 cities. Then Uchiha Madara could teleport freely in the 26 cities of One Punch World!

"~~~~~~~~(From Madara-seriously face)"

"(Madara glances at the clone)"

"Go ahead."

Looking at the 24 identical clones beside him, Uchiha Madara gave the order in a cold voice.

"whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(The clones in action)"

Following Uchiha Madara's order, the 24 clones also moved rapidly in different directions.

"Whoosh~. (Instantaneous Body Technique)"

After giving his instructions, Uchiha Madara turned and left. However, Uchiha Madara did not immediately return to the Bald Demon King's house. Instead, he used the Instantaneous Body Technique to move directly to the nearest bank.

"Tap tap tap~....(Madara walks towards the bank)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Madara is taking money)"

"Trample Trample~....(After withdrawing money, Madara walks out of the bank)"

"Step~..(Walks towards the deserted back street again)"

"Whoosh~. (The Art of Instantaneous Movement)"

"~~~~~~~(Bara-sama appears next to the old residential area of the bald devil)"

"Bang~. (Madara puts the cash into the item scroll)"

"Tap tap tap~....(Madara is heading towards the bald devil's house)"

Uchiha Madara walked into the bank and directly exchanged 100,000 in cash. After taking the money, Uchiha Madara walked to an empty back street and used the instant body technique again to move to the old residential area where the bald devil lived.

Uchiha Madara put the cash into the item scroll and walked back to the bald devil's house.

"~~~~~~(The bald devil with a curious look on his face)"

��Where did you go just now?"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who appeared at the door, Saitama asked curiously, obviously afraid that Uchiha Madara would run away without paying.

"~~~~~~~~~(Madara looks calm)"

"I didn't have cash, so I went out to change some."

"Step~....(Madara walks to the table, takes out the cash and puts it on)"

Walking into the room, Uchiha Madara said as he took out 20,000 yuan in cash from the item scroll and placed it on the table.

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil drools at the cash flow)"

"Step~....(The bald devil staring at the cash quickly stepped forward and took the cash off the table)"

"Oh~, I see. The beef hotpot is ready too. Let’s eat it together."

"Trample Trample~....(The bald devil walked back to the kitchen again)"

Saitama quickly put away the 20,000 yuan, and then said to Uchiha Madara while walking, and then Saitama also walked towards the kitchen again

"Tap tap tap~....(Madara walks to the living room)"

Hearing the bald devil say that the hot pot is ready, Uchiha Madara also hurried to the living room and sat on a stool, apparently waiting for the bald devil to bring the pot and start eating

"Step~....(The bald devil walked out of the kitchen carrying the ingredients)"

"(The bald devil holding the food stared at Uchiha Madara sitting on the chair with a look of resentment on his face.)"

"Hey~, why don't you come to help?"

Saitama in the kitchen walked to the living room with the cooked ingredients in one hand and the pot in the other. As soon as he arrived in the living room, Saitama saw Uchiha Madara sitting on a stool waiting to eat. Looking at Uchiha Madara with a leisurely face, Saitama shouted angrily, obviously dissatisfied with Uchiha Madara's behavior of not helping to eat.

"Tap tap tap~....(The bald devil puts the ingredients in his hand on the table)"

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil has an unhappy expression on his face)"

"Come and help me, there are still some ingredients and seasonings left."

"Tap tap tap~....(The bald devil turned back to the kitchen again)"

Saitama put the ingredients on the table and said something to Uchiha Madara, then turned back and walked towards the kitchen.

"~~~~~~(Madara with a lazy expression)"


"Step~....(Madara walks to the kitchen)"

After complaining, Uchiha Madara also stood up and walked to the kitchen

"Bang~....(Food on display)"

"Bang Bang~.....(More food is being delivered)"

"........(Time is accelerating)"

"~~~~~~(A large table of delicious food is ready)"

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