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"~~~~~~~(Eleno with a serious face)"


"Madara-sama, are the monsters really that strong this time?"

Unlike Tornado, Eleanor believed in Uchiha Madara very much, so when Uchiha Madara said without disguising that the power of the current S-class heroes of the Hero Association was no match for these monsters, Eleanor asked Uchiha Madara in an anxious voice.

"~~~~~(Bangko has a serious expression on his face)"

"It seems that this is really not an easy problem to solve."

Bang, who had also seen some of Uchiha Madara's strength, also slowly exhaled. Although he heard this bad news, there was no fear in Bang's eyes, but instead he was full of fighting spirit.

"~~~~~~~(Self-proof from S-class heroes)"

"Tsk~, don't mention the expectations, we will let you see the strength of us S-level heroes!"

"That’s right, they’re just three weirdos from outer space. Can’t we defeat them with so many heroes like us?"

"Each of our S-class heroes possesses strength no less than that of a dragon. Just look at how we beat up three weirdos from outer space!"

"That’s right, my baseball bat has been thirsty for a long time!"

"Defeated? I have an immortal body, I never thought I would be defeated"

"......(Different voices)" x3

Obviously, most of the S-class heroes don't believe what Uchiha Madara said.

S-class heroes are very proud. If they admit it, doesn't it mean that so many S-class heroes are a bunch of trash? Three or four S-class heroes can't beat a space weirdo?

So under the influence of this self-esteem, the S-class heroes also gathered their strength and made sufficient preparations, just waiting for the three space weirdos to come, and then they will take them down and finally slap Uchiha Madara in the face, and use facts to tell Uchiha Madara not to underestimate the power of S-class heroes!

"撇~. (Madara looks at the tsundere Tornado)"

"You may get hurt or even die if you go! Are you ready to die?"

Uchiha Madara ignored the other S-class heroes and spoke to Tornado in a serious tone. Although Uchiha Madara did not know whether Tornado had any other trump cards, judging from the data energy, Tornado's energy was completely incomparable to those three outer space weirdos. Even if Tornado had other trump cards, those weirdos could not guarantee that they would have other trump cards. So when he saw Tornado's angry expression, Uchiha Madara reminded her again.

"~~~~~~~(An angry and arrogant little Tornado)"

"What do you think of me? I am Tornado, the strongest S-class hero. I can easily deal with three weirdos!"

Obviously, the arrogant little Tornado did not accept Uchiha Madara's advice. She still had that confident expression, as if those three outer space weirdos were really nothing to be afraid of.

"~~~~~~~(Madara shakes his head)"

"Whoosh~. (Transmitting)"

Uchiha Madara looked at the self-confident legal loli and did not try to persuade her, because it was useless to persuade her at this time, so he was directly teleported to City X.

"~~~~~~~~(From the extremely arrogant and arrogant little Tornado)"

"That bastard Madara actually looked down on me. I’m going to teach him a lesson next time we meet!"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who suddenly disappeared, Tornado could only stamp her feet in anger. It seemed that she had remembered this anger and planned to return it later.

"~~~~~(Eleno is in a state of confusion again)"

"~~~~~~~(Eleno gradually comes back to his senses)"

"All departments are to be prepared and make every effort to investigate the situation in the sky above City X!"

"Step~....(Eleno is moving)"

After seeing Uchiha Madara suddenly disappear, Eleno reacted and immediately gave instructions to the relevant personnel around him. After giving instructions, Eleno immediately stood up and walked towards the conference hall.

""Everyone, do your best!"

Before walking out of the conference room, Eleanor turned around and said to the S-class heroes in the conference room.

This sentence did not belittle the S-class heroes present, nor did it encourage these S-class heroes to fight, because Eleanor believed in the truthfulness of Uchiha Madara's words.

Since Uchiha Madara said that this monster was extremely powerful and the S-class heroes were no match, then the fact must be so.

So when Eleanor spoke, he just said"do your best", which meant that if you can't beat them, just retreat.

Anyway, there is that terrifying existence to help clean up, so you don't need to fight to the death.

"Humph~, I will slap you in the face with facts. How dare you look down on me? Humph~"

"Tsk~, everyone looks down on us. We are the highest level S-class heroes in the Hero Association. If even S-class heroes don't dare to face monsters, what will the world become? I'm going first, see you in X City!"

"I also want to see how powerful these three outer space weirdos are."

"I'm not afraid of weirdos. Ha, X city, right? I'll go there right now!"

"Speed is power, and it is impossible to lose if you have the fastest speed in the world!"

"It just so happens that the Atom Slash has not yet killed the outer space weirdo. City X, here I come.

"......(Different voices)" x3

Obviously, neither Uchiha Madara's Eleno's words could cool the blood of these S-class heroes. Some of these S-class heroes have immediately taken action and witnessed the place where the three monsters are about to land, x city.

"~~~~~(Madara arrives in City X)"

"~~~~~~~(Madaru sitting cross-legged with eyes closed)"

When he arrived at City X, Uchiha Madara found a suitable place to sit cross-legged and close his eyes to rest.

At this time, Uchiha Madara was ready to welcome the three outer space weirdos at any time.

"Woo woo woo woo~....(Alarm sound)"

Less than a moment later, Uchiha Madara heard the broadcast sound that spread throughout City X.

"Alert alert alert!!!"

"Woo woo woo~...."

Instantly, the disaster broadcast spread throughout the entire city of X. It seemed that the reason why Eleno rushed to the conference hall was to inform the people of City X to flee.

"Alert alert alert!!!"

"According to the latest satellite news, three alien monsters are about to fall into City X. Residents of City X, please prepare to evacuate immediately!"

"Alert alert alert!!!"

"According to the latest satellite news, three alien monsters are about to fall into City X. Residents of City X, please prepare to evacuate immediately!"

"Alert alert alert!!!"

"According to the latest satellite news, three aliens are about to fall into City X. Residents of City X are requested to prepare to evacuate immediately!"

In line with the principle of saying important things three times, the broadcast also repeated it three times.

"The weirdo is coming, run!"

"Oh my god~, what's going on recently? Why are there so many weirdos? First it was city Z, then city A, is it our turn in city X now?"

"Okay, stop complaining and run for your life."

"Yeah, let’s stop complaining and pack up and get on the road. We can ask the Hero Association headquarters to send a city-wide broadcast that the monsters this time must be extremely powerful. Let’s get in the car quickly!"

"Yes, this place is about to become a war zone between heroes and monsters, so we should evacuate quickly."

"......(Different voices)"

After hearing the broadcast, residents of City X immediately took action, packing up their luggage and valuables.

"~~~~~~~~(People packing their luggage)"

"Step~..Tap tap tap~.....(People keep running for their lives)"

It seems that the people in One Punch World are already quite familiar with the monsters, so they are moving very quickly. After just a few minutes, there are basically no residents left on the streets of City X.


"Whoosh whoosh~....(Monsters are coming)"

After a while, three huge fireballs appeared in the sky above City X!

"Whoosh~. (Instantaneous Body Technique)"

Uchiha Madara looked at the three fireballs falling from the sky and immediately used the Instantaneous Body Technique to move to a nearby location.

"Boom~, boom~, boom~. (Sound of a fireball hitting the ground and exploding)"

"Boom~....(When the fireball landed, all buildings within 3 kilometers were destroyed instantly)"

"Click, click, click~....(Sound of the earth cracking)"

"Boom boom boom boom~....(Sound of buildings collapsing)"

"Bang Bang Bang~....(Countless buildings' glass was shattered)"

With three loud bangs, three fireballs officially fell to City X.

Since the three outer space monsters were not particularly large, they did not cause a fatal blow to City X, but the huge power still destroyed all the buildings within 3 kilometers around!

Along with the huge roar, there were ruins all over the ground and thick dust covering City X.

"Roar, roar, roar~. (We seem to have arrived at the blue planet)"

"(Yes, we have arrived. And judging from the energy, this planet doesn’t seem to have any particularly powerful guardians. We must get this huge resource!)"

"(Yeah, we have to get our hands on this piece of fat meat. It seems that being teleported here for no apparent reason is not a bad thing. We just arrived and encountered such a planet with unlimited potential that has not yet been developed. Moreover, we have not heard of any particularly powerful guardians. We can definitely occupy this planet and develop its resources.)"

The three outer space weirdos were communicating with each other using special roars and seemed very excited. They seemed very satisfied with this planet.

"~~~~~~(From Madara-sama's glance)"


At this time, Uchiha Madara also saw the true faces of the three outer space monsters. They were about seven or eight meters tall, orange all over, and similar to the dragons in Western mythology. At first glance, they looked a bit like the Charizard in Pocket Monsters, but they looked more ferocious and brutal. The energy fluctuations emitted by these three fire dragons were extremely powerful!

"Whoa~. (Who are you?)"

"(What a strange power. You are probably not a native of this planet.)"

Looking at Uchiha Madara who suddenly appeared not far away, the three dragon-shaped monsters shouted curiously

"My name is Uchiha Madara. Yes, I am not a native of this planet."

As a super consciousness, Uchiha Madara originally did not have any settings or could have made any settings, so there would be no language barrier. Hearing the curious questions of the three fire dragon monsters, Uchiha Madara also said it lightly.

In fact, Uchiha Madara was still quite curious. Isn't it popular to speak Chinese in the whole universe now? Why are these three dragons so different and don't speak Chinese?

"(Can you understand us? No way, we are speaking Dragon Language.)"

"Roar, roar, roar? Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar? (If you are not a native of this planet, why are you here? Do you want to monopolize the resources of this planet?)"

"(Since you are not a native of this planet and you came here before us, we will give you a quarter of the land.)"

The three fire dragons looked at the small humanoid creature in front of them without any contempt, because they could clearly feel the terrifying power contained in the body of the small humanoid creature, so they were willing to treat Uchiha Madara equally and share the planet with him.

"~~~~~~~~~(Madara with a bloody smile on his face)"

"No~, I am not interested in the resources of this planet, I am very interested in your strength."

Uchiha Madara looked at the three giant fire dragons with contempt and directly stated his wish.

"Hohohohoho? (You want to compare it to a battle between the three of us brothers?)"

"(Stranger, you better think carefully. There is no good ending if you go against the powerful Skyfire Dragon.)"

"Roar, roar, roar, roar~ (Stranger, are you really going to go to war with us?)"

Hearing Uchiha Madara's provocative words and contemptuous eyes, the three fire dragons immediately became unhappy, but after feeling the unfathomable strength in Uchiha Madara's body, they had to suppress their dissatisfaction in their hearts and persuaded him again.

Obviously, the three fire dragons did not want to go to war with Uchiha Madara directly, so they chose to negotiate.

The reason why Uchiha Madara received such treatment was definitely not because the three fire dragons were easy to talk to or not good at fighting.

The main reason for all this was due to Uchiha Madara's powerful strength.

The three fire dragons were not sure of defeating Uchiha Madara, so they were so humble and easy to talk to.

If Uchiha Madara was not strong, I am afraid that the three fire dragons would have taken action long ago!

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