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"~~~~~~~~(Drive Knight and Metal Knight reading on-site data)"

"Didi...Energy exceeds the upper limit, energy exceeds the upper limit, beep, beep, beep, beep~..(Mechanical electronic sound)"

"Beep, beep, beep, beep~....(As the energy was read, their eyes kept flashing red.)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Because the energy of the galaxy was too terrifying, the two of them were in a state of freezing.)"

Seeing the amazing momentum emanating from the galaxy, the Metal Knight and the Drive Knight, who originally wanted to rely on mechanical detection of the energy index, also fell into a dead state because their energy exceeded the upper limit.

"~~~~~~~~~(The desperate pretender King)"

"Ta-ta-ta~..chug~..Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta~....(The Emperor's Engine is getting louder and louder)"

King, who was already scared to death, was so frightened when he saw Xinghe directly disperse the terrifying flames and rush towards him and others that his Emperor's Engine started to malfunction.

After King saw Xinghe was still falling towards them, he closed his eyes and chose to wait for death, because King was completely desperate.

King had seen the strength of the S-class heroes around him and knew very well that this attack could not be blocked by S-class heroes.

I am afraid that except for the zombie man with an immortal body who was seriously injured, all other heroes would die in this attack.

Even the super alloy Black Light with the strongest body might not be able to survive this attack!

"~~~~~~~~(The three-headed Skyfire Dragon looks puzzled)"

"How could such a powerful being appear on this planet?"

"(Zogros, Zogsas, pay attention to defense.

This attack is extremely powerful.

Damn it.

We have conquered thirteen planets since we were teleported here, but we have never seen such a terrifying guy.

What is going on with this planet? Not only does it attract us invisibly, but it can also produce such a terrifying existence? This shouldn't be the case.

Based on our understanding for so long, it seems that the universe here has some kind of restrictions.

We can only barely circumvent some restrictions by relying on our special racial talents.

But how did this terrifying guy in front of us achieve no restrictions?)"

"(I can't figure this out either. Should we continue to stay here? It seems that even if we use that trick, we can't defeat this terrifying existence in front of us.)"

The three Skyfire Dragons were shocked by the countless galactic energies that fell from the sky. It seemed that the three Skyfire Dragons were also very shocked by the power of this move, but what really shocked them was the person who used this move. According to the understanding of the three unlucky Skyfire Dragons, every creature in the universe here seemed to have a limit, but it was obvious that the terrifying guy in front of them seemed to have far exceeded the power within the limit.

"jiujiujiu~....(Countless galaxy energies rush down)"

"Roar, roar, roar! (Use your ultimate move directly. I don’t believe that the three of us can’t withstand this attack!)"

"Roar~! (Good!)"

The three-headed Skyfire Dragon looked at the countless galactic energies that were still coming, discussed for a while, and decided to fight hard!

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

Looking at the terrifying energy that was about to attack, the three-headed fire dragon directly released its ultimate move.

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Orange Flame Pillar)"

Suddenly, three terrifying orange flame pillars shot out from the mouth of the three-headed fire dragon and rushed straight towards the galaxy in the sky. It seemed that the three-headed dragon intended to use this move to directly destroy the galaxy.

"jiu~, jiu~, jiu~.....(Countless galaxy energies fall rapidly)"

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Three orange flame pillars rush towards the galaxy)"

"Boom boom boom~....(The orange flame column is moving, constantly detonating the surrounding air.)"

"~~~~~~~(Three orange flame pillars collided with the galaxy, but no explosion was heard.)"

"Squeak squeak squeak~....(The orange flame column keeps shrinking)"

"jiujiujiu~.....(Countless galactic energy continues to fall)"

"Squeak~.....Squeak~..Sizzle~. (The orange flame pillars gradually extinguished)"

The orange flame pillars released by the three fire dragons at the same time were indeed extraordinary. The air made a sound of gas explosion wherever they passed. Soon, the three orange flame pillars with terrifying power collided with countless galaxy energies.

There was no big explosion or explosion sound when the two collided, but the three terrifying orange flame pillars were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the galaxy was still endlessly dropping countless energies. The three orange flame pillars only lasted for a few seconds in the air before being consumed by the terrifying energy of the galaxy.

"jiujiujiu~.....(Countless galaxy energies, falling unhindered)"

"~~~~~~~(Three giant fire dragons with serious expressions)"

"(Pay attention to defense, pay attention to defense, the attack is coming!)"

"(I know, use the Flame Wings, it should be able to offset a lot of damage.)"

"Roar, roar, roar~ (Yes, use the Flame Wings)"

Seeing that the attack did not work, the three-headed dragon immediately changed its strategy, from originally planning to destroy the galaxy to now wanting to use the wings of flame to block this wave of damage.

"Roar~. (Wings of Flame!)"

"Roar~. (Wings of Flame!)"

"Roar~. (Wings of Flame!)"

"Whoosh whoosh~.....(The three-headed Skyfire Dragon quickly burned with terrifying purple flames)"

The three-headed dragon also immediately released its wings of flames, and suddenly the three-headed fire dragon's body burned with abnormally hot purple flames. It seems that the three-headed dragon intends to use this skill to weaken the damage of the galaxy so as to withstand a wave of attacks. After all, the attack range of the galaxy is too wide to dodge, resist or destroy it, but it is obvious that the three-headed fire dragon cannot do the latter

"jiu~..jiujiujiu~.....(Countless galaxy energies fall)"

"Whoosh~. (Madara uses the instant body technique to move next to the S-class hero)"

"~~~~~~~~~(After coming to S, Madara stretched out his right hand and waved it gently in the air)"

"~~~~~~(As Madara-sama moved, the galaxy that was about to fall into this area instantly disappeared.)"

Uchiha Madara used a flash technique to move from the air to the side of these S-class heroes.

Uchiha Madara came here to protect these S-class heroes. It can be said that none of these S-class heroes can die at present. Once an accident happens, there may be unpredictable deviations in the future due to the butterfly effect.

After standing on the ground, Uchiha Madara waved his hand, and the galaxy energy that was supposed to fall from above gradually disappeared. The area within 20 meters around these S-class heroes was all protected by Uchiha Madara.

"~~~~~~~~(An angry and arrogant little Tornado)"

"Hey~, what happened to you bastard just now, did you want to kill me?"

Seeing Uchiha Madara suddenly appear beside her, Tornado asked Uchiha Madara in an angry tone. It was obvious that Tornado was very dissatisfied with this attack that did not distinguish between friend and foe.

"~~~~~~~~(Bangko with a foxy look on his face)"

""Lord Madara, you are coming down as expected."

Bang looked at the star energy above his head dissipating into the air, and said to Uchiha Madara in an affirmative tone. Obviously, Bang had guessed that Uchiha Madara would do something, because the trembling Tornado was also here, but what Bang did not expect was that this terrifying existence actually protected all the S-class heroes on the field, not just Tornado alone.

Seeing this scene, Bang also put down his hanging heart. Originally, Bang was thinking that when Uchiha Madara protected the trembling Tornado, he would beg for mercy on the side, but he did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to protect all the heroes on the field.

"~~~~~~~(S-class heroes stare with wide eyes)"

"This is really...."

"Oh my God, what kind of power is this?"

"Are you really a human being?"

"This is too exaggerated."

"How terrifying! God! That guy must be a god!"

"This kind of strength! I lost"

"......(Different voices)" x3

The S-class heroes who were lucky enough to be protected also stared at this shocking scene with their eyes wide open. The S-class heroes who had always thought that they were the pinnacle of humanity also felt like they were sitting in a well and looking at the sky. These S-class heroes had never thought that the world would be so broad, and that there would be such people around them.

"~~~~~~(The pretentious King is already stunned)"

"Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta~....(The Emperor Engine is still running)"

King was one of the few heroes on the field who didn't speak.

Of course, King was so scared that he couldn't speak. King had closed his eyes and prepared to face death, but he didn't feel any pain, so he opened his eyes. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he found that he had been protected inexplicably. Seeing this scene, King also breathed a sigh of relief. King knew that he should be safe for now.

"jiujiujiu~....(Galactic energy continues to fall)"

"Whoosh whoosh~....(A giant skyfire dragon with purple flames burning on its body)"

"Bang Bang~..Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang~.....(Countless galaxy energy falls on the three-headed skyfire dragon)"

"Roar, roar, roar~....(Dragon roars and screams)"

"jiujiujiu~.....(Countless galactic energies fall to the ground)"

"Boom boom boom~.....(The city of X was destroyed beyond recognition in an instant)"

"Wow~..Wow wow wow~.....(Countless galactic energies continue to fall)"

"Wow wow wow~....(Continuous dragon roars and screams)"

"......(Time is accelerating)"

"~~~~~~~(Bara-ye stretched out his right hand and gently stroked the sky, and the stars of the high school instantly dissipated)"

Unlike the lucky S-class heroes, the three fire dragons were already seriously injured. Even with the protection and weakening of the purple flame, the powerful energy of the galaxy still severely damaged the three fire dragons.

As the galaxy dispersed, X City was completely destroyed!

Especially in the area where the battle took place, the ground was smashed down by an average of more than ten meters! In some places, it was even nearly a hundred meters deep!!

"(As the stars faded away, the S-class heroes looked around.)"


"~~~~~~~(A group of stunned S-class heroes)"

"Is this true?"

"It's impossible. How could such a thing exist in the world?"

"I'm not dreaming"

"Impossible, this is definitely not the power that humans should use!"

"No, it's impossible, this cannot be true, such a powerful being cannot exist in the world!"

".......(Different sounds of surprise)" x4

As the stars faded and the vision became clearer, the protected S-class heroes discovered that the ground around the place protected by Uchiha Madara had disappeared. The original flat ground had now become a platform as high as 20 to 30 meters!

Seeing this scene, the S-class heroes truly understood what it means to be powerful! What it means to be invincible! What it means to be desperate! What it means to be like a god!

Looking at the ground that had disappeared around them, the protected S-class heroes knew that if they had not been protected just now, they might have died by now, because the range and power of this attack were too unimaginable. What was the concept of being able to lower the ground that was out of sight by dozens of meters? What kind of power was this?

Don't even mention whether S-class heroes can do this. Even if you tell S-class heroes, they will tell you that this is absolutely impossible, because this kind of thing should only appear in myths and not in reality.

"(Bara glanced at the Skyfire Dragon in the sky)"

"Whoosh~. (The Art of Instantaneous Movement)"

"~~~~~~~(Bandara who instantly moved to the side of the three-headed Skyfire Dragon)"

Uchiha Madara ignored the surprised S-class heroes around him and directly moved to the side of the three-headed Skyfire Dragon with a flash technique.

"~~~~~~~(The three-headed skyfire dragon with a slightly frightened expression)"

"(I didn't expect there would be a terrifying existence like you on this planet. What, are you trying to kill us? Don't think the Skyfire Dragon is too weak, you bastard.)"

"(You are strong, this planet belongs to you, let's go)"

The three-headed Skyfire Dragon looked at Uchiha Madara who suddenly appeared beside him, and said something polite to him, then turned around and wanted to leave.

"~~~~~~(Madara looks a bit confident)"

"Stop, you are not from this universe either, right?"

Uchiha Madara suspected that these three Skyfire Dragons might not be from this universe, just like the previous Babulu from Gensokyo, so Uchiha Madara stopped the three Skyfire Dragons and asked them a question.

"~~~~~~~~~(Three-headed Skyfire Dragon with a surprised expression)"

"How do you know? Aren’t you from the same universe? No wonder you are so strong. It turns out you are not a native creature of this universe.)"

"(That's right, we are not from this universe either. We are the Fire Dragon Clan from the planet of Gensokyo and Tenma. What planet are you from? What race do you come from? Why do you have such a strong power? Also, shouldn't this universe have a restraining effect on the abilities of all creatures? Why don't I see it in you? How did you do it?)"

"(You are not from this universe either? That’s great! Have you found anything unusual about this planet? Why does it attract us? Are you also attracted here?)" The three-headed dragon thought that Uchiha Madara was not from this universe, so he told them his origins and race.

However, they did not know that Uchiha Madara did not belong to any universe in this endless universe, neither the One Punch Universe nor the Gensokyo.

"~~~~~~~~(Madara looks puzzled)"

"Fire Planet? Fire Dragon?"

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