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"puff~....(The bloody dragon claw falls to the ground)"

"Roar, roar, roar~....(Screaming)"

""Roar! (Asshole!!!)"

Zogsas' severed dragon claw also fell to the ground, and Zogsas roared in pain in the air

"Roar, roar, roar~ (Are you okay, Zogsas?)"

Seeing his companion's arm cut off because he couldn't dodge in time, Zogkas, who escaped the disaster, hurried to Zogsas' side to ask. Apparently, the three skyfire dragons have always had a good relationship, so when Zogkas saw Zogsas injured, he immediately flew to Zogsas' side, guarding Zogsas while asking about Zogsas's injury.

"(It's okay, this kind of injury can be healed, you should be careful, this damn bastard actually cut off my arm)"

"~~~~~(Zogsas holds his bloody severed arm)"

"Roar, roar, roar~! (Energy burst!!)"

"Puff~. (As the energy exploded, the flesh and blood at Zogsas's broken arm tumbled, and a new dragon claw instantly sprouted out.)"


Hearing Zogkas's question, Zogsas also directly told his situation. As a Skyfire Dragon, he is not only powerful and strong, but also has good recovery ability. What's more, Zogsas has activated the Burning Dragon Soul at this time.

Originally, injuries such as broken hands and feet would only take a few days for a Skyfire Dragon Warrior to recover naturally, but after entering the Burning Dragon Soul state, broken hands and feet can be recovered in an instant.

However, the price is to consume a huge amount of physical strength to achieve a temporary recovery ability that multiplies the body's functions.

Due to the characteristics of the Burning Dragon Soul, this recovery ability and state cannot be actively canceled, and can only be automatically exited from the Burning Soul state when the physical strength is exhausted.

In a moment, Zogsas's arm that was originally cut off by Uchiha Madara grew back. If there were no bloodstains on the arm, no one would believe that the arm of the Skyfire Dragon had been cut off just now.

"~~~~~(Madara looks disdainful)"

"It seems that the recovery ability is OK, but the strength is too weak."

Uchiha Madara looked at the dragon claws that had grown back on the Skyfire Dragon and praised it in a teasing tone.

In Uchiha Madara's eyes, recovery ability is the ability of the weak to get beaten. Compared with regeneration ability or defense, Uchiha Madara still prefers destructive power. Uchiha Madara's destructive power is many times greater than other attributes.


Uchiha Madara once again burst out with terrifying energy. As Uchiha Madara clenched his left hand, the original 40-meter-long sharp water line turned into a 4-meter-long water sword again.

Uchiha Madara slowly flew towards the two skyfire dragons with the water sword in his hand. This time, Uchiha Madara did not use the instant body technique but used an extremely slow flying speed to slowly move towards the two skyfire dragons.

"(That scary guy is here again. I should just use my ultimate move. The difference in strength is too big. I can't beat him this way. I'd better save my energy and use my ultimate move directly!)"

"Roar, roar, roar~. (Okay, I'll listen to you.)"

The two Skyfire dragons watched Uchiha Madara holding a 4-meter-long water sword and slowly flying towards them.

The two dragons immediately raised their vigilance to the highest level.

Obviously, the two Skyfire dragons were also reminded of the horror of Uchiha Madara by the sword just now, and forgot the image of dodging just now.

In the eyes of the two Skyfire dragons, Uchiha Madara, who was less than 2 meters tall, seemed as terrifying as a 10,000-meter giant.

After a brief discussion, the two Skyfire dragons decided not to release ordinary skills to deal with the terrifying existence in front of them, but to directly use the ultimate move to deal with the terrifying existence flying slowly in front of them.

"Roar~! (Burning Dragon Breath!!)"

""Roar~! (Burning Dragon Breath!!)"

Two terrifying blue flames like liquid spewed out from the mouths of the two giant Skyfire Dragons. As soon as the terrifying blue dragon breath spewed out, it burned waves in the surrounding space, forming circles of hot air waves that spread outward!

This terrifying blue dragon breath can no longer be called flame, but should be called a concentrated terrifying energy body, because these blue flames are very thick and look more like liquid than gas!

"Boom boom boom~....(The terrifying dragon's breath is advancing)"

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(The air heats up instantly)"

"Boom boom boom~....(Bursts of gas)"

"Whoosh whoosh~....(The ground was completely ignited, and a raging fire was set ablaze.)"

As soon as these two terrifying blue dragon breaths were ejected from the mouths of the two giant skyfire dragons, the temperature within the surrounding thousands of meters was raised by nearly 100 degrees Celsius in a few seconds!

Less than 50 meters away from the blue dragon breath, the air was constantly exploding, forming circles of air waves spreading outward.

Obviously, the temperature of this blue dragon breath was terrifyingly high.

Judging from the surface temperature alone, it should be over 10,000 degrees!

The temperature constantly raised by the terrifying blue dragon breath also burned all the wooden building ruins within thousands of meters, burning a raging fire.

"What on earth happened over there? How come it even affected us?!"

"What happened to Master Madara? Why did the temperature around him rise so much?"

"It seems that the two giant dragons that Madara-sama faced were quite powerful. It is unimaginable that the monsters this time are so powerful. Hey, thanks to Madara-sama, otherwise the Earth-kun would not be able to escape this time."

"This is too much. A dozen of our S-class heroes have not been able to suppress a dragon, but Master Madara can fight two dragons at the same time. But what happened over there? Why did the temperature around suddenly rise so much that even the ground was burning? What level of battle is going on over there?"

"Didi Didi~...The temperature is detected to be rising, and the fire protection mode is automatically activated.. (mechanical electronic sound)"

"Beep, beep~....Fire prevention mode cannot resist, fire prevention mode cannot resist, please evacuate quickly... (mechanical electronic sound)"

Obviously, these two terrifying dragon breaths have affected the S-class heroes in another area. These S-class heroes couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they felt the scorching temperature in the air. Although these S-class heroes didn't know what kind of battle had happened on Uchiha Madara's side, they could also sense from the terrifying temperature around them that the battle there must be beyond imagination.

These S-class heroes are still restraining Zogros. At present, the two sides are still in a delicate stalemate. At present, both sides have used their true strength but not their full strength. Zogsas has not yet released the fatal dragon breath, and the S-class heroes have not fully exerted their strength.

"(What on earth happened to Zogkas and Zogsas? Why did they even use their ultimate move? They must be in trouble. No, I have to get rid of these ants and support them.)"

Zogros, who was also a Skyfire Dragon, was naturally very aware of the horror of this move, and also knew what it meant to use it. Even a Skyfire Dragon Warrior could not release this fatal dragon breath many times, and it was extremely physically demanding each time. At the same time, the premise of using this move was to enter the state of Burning Dragon Soul!

Thinking of this, Zogros also remembered the strength of that terrifying existence, and suddenly became more anxious. Zogros knew very well that this situation meant that his two companions had fallen into a difficult or even desperate situation. Thinking of this, Zogros's movements in his hands also increased a few points again, and it seemed that he was also going to go all out.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(The terrifying dragon's breath is advancing)"

"Boom boom boom~....(The dragon's breath streaked through the air like a blue laser, causing bursts of gas explosions.)"

"~~~~~(The clouds in the sky were completely burned)"

At this time, two terrifying blue dragon breaths also carried the might of burning the sky and attacked Uchiha Madara in the air.

These two terrifying blue dragon breaths not only had a higher power than the previous orange flame pillar, but also were much faster than the orange flame pillar.

As soon as they were ejected, they attacked Uchiha Madara at a speed several times faster than the speed of sound.

The super-fast speed and super-high temperature instantly drew a beautiful and deadly arc in the air.

The terrifying blue dragon breath melted and evaporated all the clouds within ten thousand meters in the process of moving forward, revealing the sky blue color above the earth.

Looking at the two terrifying dragon breaths with blazing flames, Uchiha Madara's eyes finally changed from being lazy and contemptuous to being a little serious.

Uchiha Madara had seen this terrifying blue dragon breath before.

It was seen in the orange flame pillar ejected from Zogros' mouth when he activated the Burning Dragon Soul state.

However, there were only a few wisps of blue dragon breath in the previous orange flame pillar, while the one in front of him was full of blue terrifying dragon breath.

"~~~~~~(Madara looks slightly interested)"

"Yes, the power of this move is enough to destroy humanity."

Uchiha Madara looked at the two terrifying blue dragon breaths that were coming at him quickly without panicking. Instead, he praised them. In Uchiha Madara's eyes, only such attacks could be considered attacks, and the previous moves were simply entertainment.

From the terrifying energy fluctuations emitted by these two terrifying blue dragon breaths, Uchiha Madara could be sure that the power of this attack could definitely easily destroy humans on Earth!

However, Uchiha Madara didn't know whether these two blue dragon breaths could destroy the Earth.

Destroying humans and destroying the Earth were not the same concept.

To destroy humans, only these two terrifying dragon breaths would hit the Earth and trigger countless natural disasters, thereby achieving the goal of destroying humans.

, but it is extremely difficult to destroy the earth.

You can imagine the earth as a stone whose volume is difficult to measure.

It is relatively simple to destroy a piece of it, but it is extremely difficult to crush the entire stone.

Even if you hit the core of the earth, you may not be able to crush the earth.

So Uchiha Madara can be sure that this attack is enough to destroy humans as long as it hits the earth, but he is not sure whether it can destroy the earth. Uchiha Madara believes that if these two terrifying blue dragon breaths can hit the core of the earth at a close distance, there should be a high probability that the entire earth will be crushed. As for releasing it from the air to the ground, Uchiha Madara cannot predict the result.

"~~~~~~(Madara looks disdainful)"

"Then I'll be more serious."

"Boom boom boom~....(Bandara's energy burst)"

"Swish~..(Energy covers layer by layer)"

"~~~~~(Susanoo armor form, completed)"

"Swish, swish, swish~. (The three attribute energies are once again applied to Susanoo.)"

"Boom boom boom boom~..(The mighty and powerful Susanoo appears from the sky)"

Uchiha Madara's eyes in the air also suddenly became cold, but there was still a dangerous arc at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time he cancelled the useless water sword in his hand.

Next, Uchiha Madara directly opened the Susanoo armor form in the air!

At the same time, the fully opened Susanoo armor form was once again added with thunder attribute chakra energy, earth attribute chakra energy, and fire attribute chakra energy. After the blessing of these three attribute chakras, the Susanoo armor form has 5 times the terrifying destructive power, 3 times the speed, and 3 times the explosive power of the original form (Susanoo form without any blessing)!

In two breaths, a translucent blue light giant with a body size of 50 meters appeared in the sky, and Uchiha Madara stood in this terrifying translucent blue light giant.

Uchiha Madara can actually adjust the size of Susanoo freely through energy, but Uchiha Madara does not think that the larger the body size, the greater the power.

Uchiha Madara pays more attention to quality rather than quantity.

At present, Uchiha Madara has not added too strong attributes to this Susanoo armor form, nor has he used data flow���

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