In an unknown park, a little boy with a watermelon-shaped head sat here alone, as usual, flipping through his favorite hero roster.

As for why he was alone, it was because he looked like a fat otaku, so he was not liked by other children at all. As a result, every time he was bullied, he would run here to pray for the arrival of a hero.

And today was the same. After being bullied by that group of children, he came to this park and read his favorite hero roster.

But today was a little different from the past, because next to the little boy sat a white-haired young man.

"Uncle, this person is the S-class hero KING, known as the strongest man"

"Also, uncle, look, this is the strongest hero in the hero world, Fang Xuan, who is ranked 0th in the S-level and is known as the strongest warrior."

The little boy pointed at Fang Xuan's head portrait on the roster and said to the white-haired young man with a happy face.

"Oh, so this guy is the strongest in S-class. OK, I'll remember it."

"And little ghost, I'm not some uncle."

""Oh? Isn't it? But the uncle's hair is all white."

Listening to the young man's words, the little boy was obviously surprised, because in his impression, only old people have white hair..

"I was born white. Never mind. You are still young and won’t understand even if I explain it to you."

This white-haired young man was none other than Garou who had defeated the Vested Master not long ago. All his wounds had healed, but after a series of battles, Garou found that he had to master some information about heroes, otherwise he would not be able to find powerful heroes. Just like the rookie heroes he had been looking for recently, he would not be able to become stronger if he continued like this.

Then the little boy continued to introduce Fang Xuan to Garou:"I heard that Mr. Fang Xuan's strength has been unanimously recognized by other S-class heroes. He is also a great hero who defeated the alien leader and saved the earth in the previous alien invasion."

""Tsk, if you say so, I should thank him?"

Listening to the little boy's words, Garou was obviously a little disdainful, because what he hated most was the title of savior hero.

"Uncle, Mr. Fang Xuan is very low-key and has never boasted about this matter."

Gorilla still looked disdainful.

"This is the A-class hero Iai-an. His teacher is Atomic Fifty, who is ranked fourth among the S-class heroes. Iai-an was originally ranked second in the A-class, but because he was injured in the last battle with the alien creatures, he can only be ranked third now."

"This person is the A-class hero Genji. He often patrols near my house. Uncle, look, I still have his autograph."

"Autograph, I want one too."

Hungry Wolf also echoed the little boy's words, but why did he want the other's autograph?

"Little guy, can you lend me this book for a few days?"

"Oh? No, uncle, this book is very important to me."

The hungry wolf was leaning on a park bench and chatting with the little boy. He didn't look like a heroic hunter at all, but just like a street thug teasing a child.

"You won't even lend it to me. How stingy!"

"Wait, is this the latest information about monsters?"

Gorilla saw some of the monster illustrations on the list and asked

"Well, but these are records of the monsters that have not been solved yet, which is very scary."

Gorilla took the list from the little boy and said,"It's better to take pictures. Don't you think it's cool?"

The little boy heard what Gorilla said, looked at Gorilla with a strange face and said,"Huh......Uncle, your interest is really bad."

Then the wolf flipped through the roster in his hand, gave it back to the little boy, stood up and said,"Okay, kid, go home quickly, it's getting late, and it's night time."

"Is there any problem at night?"

Without turning his head, Hungry Wolf said,"Night is the time for adults."

As he said that, Hungry Wolf recalled the information he had just seen in the hero roster and thought,"If the roster in this little brat's hand is correct, the A-level hero Golden Ball is now showing off his hip-hop talent in the KTV."

That's right, Hungry Wolf has set his eyes on the A-level hero Golden Ball.

Then the little boy went home, and Hungry Wolf also moved his wrist and said,"Next, it's time to hunt."......

Z City,

Fang Xuan's House.

Fang Xuan used instant transfer to send Cha Arashi back to Bang's dojo and then returned home.

At this moment, he and Saitama were sitting on the sofa, looking at the martial arts tournament ticket that Cha Arashi had given.

Because the registration time for the martial arts tournament has passed, there is no choice but for Cha Arashi to give her ticket to Saitama. However, Cha Arashi's name was written on the ticket, and the identity registered online was also Cha Arashi's, which made Saitama feel troubled.

Genos was recording some important notes on the side.

"Sure enough, this is something that cannot be taken lightly?"

"By the way, Fang Xuan, is there any way you can make me look like Cha Lanzi temporarily?"

Saitama looked at Fang Xuan seriously and asked. Fang

Xuan looked at Saitama's big bald head, thought about Cha Lanzi's thick hair, shook his head and said,"I can't do anything about this. Cha Lanzi is not only mediocre in strength, but also has an appearance that is completely unattractive."

"etc.....The type that doesn't mess with people, I know what to do."

At this point, Fang Xuan also had a good idea.

Saitama also asked curiously:"What good idea?"

Fang Xuan said:"You only need a wig with the same hair color as Cha Lanzi to solve the problem."

"Wig? Oh, that makes sense, Fang Xuan.

Saitama also clapped his hands and agreed with Fang Xuan.

Indeed, as long as Saitama wears a wig of the same color as Chalanzi's hair, coupled with his expressionless face, no one will care about other details. After all, the focus of the martial arts conference is martial arts, not appearance.

"Fang Xuan, a handsome guy like you, walking on the street, will probably attract a lot of attention with your casual behavior. But if it were me, I would be the kind of person that no one would care about. You can't compare to me in this respect."

Listening to Saitama's words, Fang Xuan always felt that something was wrong, but he also felt that it was right.

After Saitama decided to wear a wig to participate in the martial arts competition for Cha Lanzi, he took Fang Xuan out to buy a wig.

As for Genos, he still had to take notes, so he didn't go with him.......

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