The meat was cooked, and the meat was cooked.

Z City

Fang Xuan's House

At this moment, everyone was sitting on the chairs, staring at the boiling hot pot on the table with a serious expression.

"It's cooked, ready to eat."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone picked up the chopsticks, and then all grabbed the meat in the pot in an instant.

While everyone was scrambling for the meat, KING, who was sitting between Bangpu and Saitama, suddenly suffered a strong impact on his chin, and then his eyes turned black and fell backwards.

The vegetables and meat in the pot flew into the air because of the great force of everyone.

"Ahhhh, who is so strong!"

Saitama looked at the flying meat and vegetables, and couldn't help but look at other people.

Others shook their heads to indicate that they did not use much force.

The next moment, everyone started to show their skills, quickly using their chopsticks to pick up the meat and vegetables flying in the air.

Genos's early warning system was fully activated. The chopsticks in his hand quickly picked up a piece of meat in front of Fubuki and said, "Sister Fubuki, I'm sorry, I can't let you today."

Fubuki was not angry at all. The next moment, she waved her hand and used her superpowers to put the dishes she wanted to eat in her bowl, and then said to Genos, "You're welcome, senior brother, these are enough for me."

Seeing that Fubuki used superpowers to pick up dishes so easily, Genos immediately looked at Fang Xuan and Saitama and asked, "Teacher, can I learn to use superpowers?"

Bangpu on the side used his stream rock-breaking fist to quickly pick up dishes: "Can't you let me, an old man, go a little? Hot pot is something that you have to share with others to enjoy it."

Bangpu, whose tofu was taken away by Bang, said, "Hey, don't take all my tofu!"

As for Fang Xuan, he was uncharacteristically. As a Saiyan, he always ate everything in a hurry when he ate, and enjoyed the food quickly and efficiently.

But today he was unusually calm. He smiled as he watched everyone scramble for food.

This was because, when he was cooking, he had already left a small portion of food for himself in his refrigerator. When these people were full, he would return home and slowly enjoy that small portion of food.

Looking at the heated battle for food on the table, Saitama finally couldn't help but raise his hand to pause: "Wait a minute."

"I always feel that something is wrong."

"By the way, why do you take it for granted that you eat hot pot at someone else's house but eat all the food."

"In that case, what should I eat?"

Fang Xuan interrupted: "I don't know what you should eat now, but if you keep talking nonsense, I'm sure you will eat air later."

After hearing Fang Xuan's words, Saitama realized that while he was talking, the food in the pot had actually decreased a lot, so he stopped talking nonsense and quickly picked up his chopsticks to join the battle for food.

While eating meat, Saitama said to Dr. Kusno: "Uncle Kusno, can you bring some of this beef next time you come to my house?"

"Hey, don't be so shameless to the doctor..."

Just when Genos was about to refute, he suddenly found that the person who said this was Saitama.

Saitama said: "Genos, take a break."

"Sorry, teacher, I was wrong."

Genos apologized quickly.

Saitama continued: "By the way, after eating this hot pot, you must disperse on the spot. It's really too noisy with so many people."

After saying that, Saitama suddenly found KING lying on the ground.

"Huh? Why did KING lie down while eating?"

Saitama stepped forward, slapped KING's face a few times with his hand and said: "Hey, don't sleep here."

Since KING had been unconscious, Saitama thought KING was dead.

Then everyone went home after eating hot pot.

The next morning.

After Saitama got up, he looked at KING who was still lying unconscious on the floor of his house and said, "Hey, how long are you going to sleep? It's already morning!"

After Saitama's continuous shouting, KING finally woke up with a twitch. He rubbed his eyes and asked in confusion, "Huh? Why am I here? I remember we were eating hot pot just now?"

Saitama said, "This happened last night. When you were fighting for meat, you suddenly fainted for some reason. No matter how I called you, you couldn't wake up. I thought you were dead."

After hearing this, KING looked around and asked

: "Where are the others?"

Saitama replied: "They all left after eating hot pot, and Genos went to repair..."

"Oh, sorry, I'm bothering you, Saitama, because I stayed overnight."

"It's okay, if you go back, just help me take out the garbage, the garbage station is far away from here, and today I'm throwing away ordinary plastic bottles, please."

"Okay, leave it to me."

KING stood up and stretched, then quickly put on his shoes, put on his hat, picked up the garbage bag and walked out the door.

"Huh, I had such a comfortable sleep."

KING walked on the quiet and deserted streets of Z City, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It's a quiet morning without the noise of people and cars."

"However, the frequency of monsters appearing in this ruined city is very high, but why didn't I see a single monster along the way?"

"Could it be that Mr. Saitama and Mr. Fang Xuan live here, and those monsters are also far away from here."

"After all, as the saying goes, if you keep a cat in a house with mice, the mice will disappear."

"But there are some special cases, that is, the mice may not disappear, but hide in the attic."

"It seems that the headquarters of the Monster Association is in this city."

"Ah, when I think about it, I feel bad instantly."

"Let's leave here quickly."

After thinking about it, KING hurried to the place where the garbage was thrown.

After throwing away the garbage, he took the subway home.

As soon as he got downstairs, he found two men in suits waiting anxiously downstairs of his house.

"It's Mr. KING!"

"Great, you're finally back."

The two men came up very happily when they saw KING coming back.

"Are you from the association?"

KING looked at the two people in front of him and asked.


"Because we couldn't contact you, we've been waiting for you here."

"By the way, where did you go last night?"

KING said, "Sorry, the communicator was damaged in the battle with the monster."

"What's the matter with the stains on your body?"

"This is from eating hot pot... No, it's the body fluids and meat slices of monsters that were stained in the battle with monsters."

Hearing KING's explanation, the two men all admired him and said, "As expected of Mr. KING, the battle last night must have been very intense."

"Okay, what exactly do you want to see me about?"

KING also asked directly.

"Mr. KING, although I know you have fought hard all night, I still ask you to go to Z City with us to fight."

Listening to the two people's words, KING thought to himself: "Ah? Going to Z City again?"

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