The old man was very angry.

"Garou, you are only a half-monster now."

"But you can resist Pochi's scorching bomb in this state, which means that your physical strength contains unlimited energy."

"But this is still not enough. I can train you to be the strongest monster."

Big Eyes floated in the air and said to Garou in front of him.

After hearing what Big Eyes said, Garou looked disdainful: "You train me? What, are you going to teach me how to use telekinesis?"

Big Eyes spread his hands and said: "No, no, no, what I teach you is neither superpowers nor martial arts, but the secret of becoming a monster."

"This secret can speed up your transformation into a monster."

"In short, it is to overcome countless deaths with a human body, and then put a load on the body and mind that deviate from the norm."

"Although this sounds very simple, it is very difficult to implement in practice, because the test subjects can easily die in the process."

"There are also people who have endured this load and turned into monsters, but finally stopped ”

“And the most important thing about my experiment is that I must ensure that I experience the hell that suits my level.”

Listening to Big Eyes’ words, Garou said: “From your tone, it seems that you have tried it many times?”

Big Eyes said: “Not many times, but countless times. I have tried it countless times on humans and monsters.”

“Although we have developed monster cells that can easily turn humans into monsters, it can only change the talents that the individual originally possessed, and cannot achieve the step-by-step growth I want.”

“I really want to know how to break through the growth limit, so I let the monster swallow I have tried almost every method I can think of, such as eating monsters, letting their blood and cells mate, and giving them different degrees of pain and pressure. "

"In these experiments, I found that only by defeating death can one's own strength be improved. If one can defeat death several times in a row, then explosive growth can occur. "

"But unfortunately, these monsters either died halfway or stayed at the dragon level, and there was no growth that I wanted. "

"In this way, after a series of failures, the first successful person finally appeared. "

"He is the King of Monsters, His Majesty Orochi!"

"Although His Majesty Orochi is very powerful now, Garou, you With the qualifications of beyond the big snake. "" After the battle with the cut king, you once again crossed a barrier, and the strength rose again. " The heroes completely wiped from this world. "The hungry wolf laughed:" I refuse, don't have to get rid of your spare, don't entangle me in the future. " The guy tells you, Uncle Ben must be violently! "Da Jiong's eyes confused:" Hehehe, you're stubbornly stubborn, your body can't even move. " But what he didn't expect was that even under the control of his telekinesis, Garou could still move.

Garou opened his hands and then slowly moved forward.

"Hehe, I've gradually gotten used to it..."

Garou raised his right hand and said.


"How is it possible? Under the control of my telekinesis, how can you still move?"

Big Eyes looked at Garou with surprise.

Garou's mind thought of the scene of fighting with Metal Bat before, and thought to himself: "Is this what is called motivation?"

Big Eyes looked at the nearly perfect test subject in front of him and thought to himself: "Super learning ability, super strong body plus extraordinary adaptability, this is simply a natural test subject."

"It seems that it's not that easy to put a collar on him."

After thinking about it, Big Eyes immediately took action, using telekinesis to control all the stones on the ground, and then smashed them all at Garou.

"In that case, I will teach you a lesson with pain!"

The next moment, countless stones wrapped around the hungry wolf tightly.

But the hungry wolf shook it hard, shaking all the stones away, and then smashed them one by one with his fists.

"Hey, it seems that your superpowers are just like that. Is this the Chief of Staff of the Monster Association, Great Eyes? It's really surprising."

After Garou finished speaking confidently, he jumped up and landed on a rock and said, "A genius monster like me doesn't need people like you to train."

"Okay, I won't waste my time talking to you. I think as long as you, the leader, are killed, the remaining guys in the Monster Association will collapse."

"Great Eyes, the Chief of Staff of the Monster Association, I'm going to hunt you now!"

Seeing that Garou was going to attack him, and that he didn't want to spend too much energy to face the hero later, so he shouted, "Your Majesty Orochi, you can start!"


Garou, who was about to attack, stopped after hearing this.

The next moment, a huge hand grabbed Garou, and then a huge head appeared in front of Garou, and that was the head of Orochi, and the body was too big, so it was not exposed.

"Good luck to you."

After saying this, Big Eyes stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and then the floor under him suddenly opened to both sides, and the figure of the snake was completely revealed.

The snake's hands kept exerting force, trying to crush Garou to death.

Fortunately, Big Eyes spoke in time: "Your Majesty, I still have use for that guy, don't kill him."

Hearing Big Eyes' words, the snake let go of his hand and threw Garou to the ground.

Big Eyes looked at Garou who was thrown to the ground and said: "Oh? You can still stand up."

"I didn't expect this guy's obsession to be so strong, but what is this obsession?"

The Garou who fell to the ground, trembling, raised his hands and clenched his fists, and then smashed back hard to stand up.

"Hu...Hu...Hu, I won't die so easily!"

After Garou finished speaking, he looked at the monster king Orochi who was dozens of times bigger than himself.

The big snake looked at the hungry wolf, and the tentacles on its head began to move.

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