The first time, the second time.

"It should be Mr. Flash who moved at super high speed just now."

"But why did it stop suddenly? Is there something wrong with the signal device?"

"But the others didn't have this problem after the attack. What's going on?"

Through the map and signal projected by the high-tech watch on his hand, Child Emperor noticed that the signal of Flash Flash suddenly disappeared, which made him confused and worried.

But as a genius, he knew that the signal tracker he developed was stable and accurate, and usually there would be no signal loss for no reason.

"Did Mr. Flash encounter something unexpected?" Child Emperor speculated in his heart, but he quickly dismissed the idea. After all, Flash Flash is an S-class hero with strong strength, and he should not easily encounter any danger.

"Maybe the signal device just failed temporarily, or Mr. Flash entered an area where the signal was blocked." Child Emperor tried to find a reasonable explanation for the disappearance of the signal.

Since Fang Xuan had rescued the hostages before, Child Emperor did not need to rescue the hostages first as in the original work, but had to find out the path of the Monster Association, so that other heroes could exert their full strength as much as possible.

And this time he also had a mission, which was to try to find the Drive Knight who came here alone to find intelligence.

According to Sekingar, before losing the signal, the Drive Knight said that he had collected a lot of information about the Monster Association, but just when he reported, a fierce attack hit him, and then he lost the signal.

However, before the Drive Knight lost contact, a voice came from the Monster King...

So as long as they find the Drive Knight, they can know many things about the Monster Association as soon as possible.

Just as Child Emperor was carefully observing the surrounding environment, a monster holding a kitchen knife suddenly appeared behind him.

But what this monster didn't know was that a small mechanical octopus was following him and had already aimed at him.

Just as the monster raised the kitchen knife and prepared to attack, the small mechanical octopus suddenly sprayed a large amount of ammunition, instantly hitting the pig-shaped monster with bullet holes all over his body.

"After all, I am an S-class hero. You actually want to sneak attack me with a kitchen knife. You underestimate me too much."

After complaining, Child Emperor continued to move forward.

The pig-shaped monster fell to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving. It was obvious that he had lost his life.

In order to find the Drive Knight, Child Emperor turned on the radar installed in his backpack.

Suddenly, a weak signal fluctuation caught his attention. He immediately stopped and analyzed the signal carefully.

"Is this... the signal of the Drive Knight?" Child Emperor's eyes lit up, and he immediately adjusted the tracker on his watch and quickly moved forward in the direction of the signal.

After moving forward for a while, Child Emperor came to a laboratory.

"The signal is getting stronger here. It seems that Drive Knight is in here."

After saying that, Child Emperor walked in and saw a Drive Knight that had been disassembled on a machine tool.

"It's amazing. The durability test of Drive Knight has been repeatedly tested. It can be said to be extraordinary. Although it was defeated by the Monster King, what kind of attack could destroy it to this extent?!"

"First, let's see if there is a map of the Monster Association as a whole."

Child Emperor took out a data cable from his backpack and inserted it into Drive Knight's cracked head.

Then Child Emperor began to check all the data in Drive Knight's brain through a laptop.

"This is the data of the Monster Association's conversation recording, and the location of the hostages."

"Found it, detailed information on each layer of the map, and pictures."

After a while, Child Emperor transferred all the information to the computer.

"Although the configuration of these parts is not perfect, someone should want to reassemble it."

"Based on the position of each part without any damage and the beautiful disassembled state, there are people who are proficient in the field of mechanics here!!"

"Damn it, Drive Knight developed the technology to defeat monsters. It will be troublesome if it is abused by these monsters."

"Really, he has already found the information, but he still refuses to cooperate. I really admire this guy."

Child Emperor scratched his head angrily, then took back the notebook and data cable, and then walked out of the laboratory.

However, on the way, Child Emperor was a little confused.

"Strange, why is there no one guarding the laboratory where the Drive Knight is located?"

"Logically speaking, such confidential matters should be guarded by two powerful monsters. The thoughts of these monsters are really strange and I can't understand them at all."

After walking forward for a while, Child Emperor's early warning system suddenly detected that there were a large number of monsters coming towards him. ,

"Is it finally here? I thought the Monster Association had forgotten me."

As he said, Child Emperor also clicked the button on his schoolbag, and the next moment more than a dozen mechanical arms stretched out, and these mechanical hands were holding various weapons.

Child Emperor stared at the front. The monsters rushing towards him were of all shapes and sizes, some were hideous and terrifying, and some were like twisted human figures.

When those monsters saw that the enemy they were facing was actually a child, they all started to laugh.

"Hahaha, I thought the hero that Big Eyes wanted us to stop was some powerful character, but I didn't expect it to be just a brat who was still wet behind the ears and eating lollipops."

"Hey, kid, have you been weaned? You dare to come to a place like this, you are really brave."

"He is also an S-class hero. I can beat ten of him."

"Such a delicate and tender one should taste good. After we finish beating him, let's eat him. I believe it will taste very good."

Faced with the ridicule of these weirdos, Child Emperor's face instantly became gloomy, and he bit off a piece of the lollipop in his hand.

Usually, what Child Emperor hates most is that others say he is a brat, but today someone dared to say that he was still wet behind the ears. It can be said that Child Emperor's anger value has been maxed out.

After those weirdos ridiculed Child Emperor, they all rushed towards him.

Child Emperor first threw out three things similar to Poké Balls and then shouted: "Come out! Loyal Dog Mad Dog Man! No. 23, No. 24, No. 25!"

Three mechanical dogs that looked like Corgis came in front of Child Emperor.

Then Child Emperor continued to say: "Merge!"

The next moment, two dogs lay on the ground, and the other one lay on the two dogs, and then began to merge.

Soon the three dogs merged into a robot dog with three heads.

"Mad Dog! Mad Dog Cerberus!"

"Go, teach these monsters a lesson for me."

After Child Emperor gave the order, he and the robot dog instantly rushed towards the group of monsters.

Under the attack of the robot dog and Child Emperor, the group of monsters were quickly solved.

While killing the monsters, Child Emperor said: "This is the end of you who underestimated me!"

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