One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

one hundred and fourteen. laughter

114. Laughter

Come again!

After rushing in again, the rumbling sound sounded again.

Originally, the eyes of the already depressed girl in the vest lit up, and she exclaimed, "Axel is fine, that's great, he's fine!"

"Listening to this voice, it seems that the younger brother is very energetic." The senior brother was also quite relieved in his heart. He has also noticed Axel's cultivation during this period of time, and he is really a rare good seed. Perhaps, the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquan God is more talented than Axel, but Axel is far superior to him in terms of attitude and diligence. It can be said that it is a good example of a late bloomer and a reward for hard work.

The brothers also nodded frequently. Axel has a very good relationship with them on weekdays, and they all sincerely hope that Axel can break through the second stage of Whirlwind Zhan Iron Fist as soon as possible!

Only, the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquanshen's face was ashen, and the light in his eyes was flickering.


Axel stepped back.

"It's not just fast. If it's just fast, it won't have such a strong destructive power." There was also a "baji" sound on the steel.

"That's right, although my punching speed has increased, but in order to increase the punching speed, I sacrificed the power of the cyclone on my fist!" Axel's understanding of this set is not wrong. To put it bluntly, originally In the case of a relatively slow punching speed, every time he punches is equivalent to a stone, but in order to increase the punching speed, he sacrificed the speed of his fist, turning the punch into an egg...

"Is it a way to pay equal attention to punching speed and cyclone?" Axel frowned, which meant that the difficulty was even higher, but when faced with difficulties, he never flinched.

"What's going on, the voice disappeared again, shouldn't it?" Even the senior brother was a little puzzled, of course he didn't know, because he was extremely well prepared back then, which led to him rushing to the head in one go, not like Axel is like this, moving in and out of the crack like a piston...

The other brothers looked at each other in blank dismay, they had never been to this crack, let alone mention it.

The girl in the vest clenched her hand again, she was really concerned but confused.


And then on!

The loud bang sounded again, and the eyes of the people outside the canyon suddenly lit up again.

He rushed to one-third of the position in one breath, and Axel's pressure suddenly increased again. He had to retreat again to gather strength for himself. Comprehend slowly.

I don't know how long it has been.

I don't even know how many times Axel Pistons.

I only saw Axel rushing in selflessly, then retreating back, rushing in again, and then retreating back.

A quarter position breakthrough!

One-third of the position breakthrough!

One-half position breakthrough!

Two-thirds of the positions were also breached!

By this time, Axel's sweat had completely soaked his clothes, and his whole body seemed to be scooped out of the water.

"Hoo hoo..." He had retreated to the most open position, and a barrier made of a whirlwind blocked his back, making it impossible for him to exit the crack.

"This wind blade is too weird. It's not just the power of cutting, but also some kind of weird force..." Axel pondered, while his hands were still destroying the oncoming wind blade, "Whirlwind... .That's right, even the wind blade has a weird spin force! It's like a flying knife spinning in the air, stabbing forward!"

Axel's eyes widened. If an object can move forward in a rotating manner, it can greatly reduce the resistance in front of it.

Get yourself a speed boost.

"Could it be that while making my cyclone rotate rapidly, a large amount of wind blade-like wind is generated around the cyclone. Isn't this like a drill with a blade?" Axel's heart moved, he could Reminiscent of those drill bits used for drilling, isn't it the structure, and this structure can bring extremely high penetration to the drill bit!

"So that's it!" Axel's confidence doubled, and he stepped forward again. The cyclone above his fists spun rapidly, and at the same time, countless small attached wind blades were produced at the very edge of the cyclone.

With a sound of "噗...", the oncoming wind blade slashed on the whirlwind of the Axel cyclone. Unlike before, this time the whirlwind with the rotating force immediately gave the wind blade to the wind blade. Twisted into a twist.

"Great, it works!" Axel's message increased again, silently thinking the key to Whirlwind Iron Fist in his heart, and the fists of both hands fell like crazy raindrops on the oncoming wind blade.

Four out of five distance breakthroughs!

Five-sixths of the distance is also broken!

Axel roared furiously in his heart, he traveled hundreds of miles and half a half-dozen, the more calm he got to the end, his eyes were fixed on the end of the entire crack—it was a rock with a strange shape on it. The traces seemed to be left by two people fighting, and those wind blades came from that weird trace, as dense as locusts.

With a long howl, the profound meaning comprehended in his heart was activated, and both of them danced, but it was not as wide-ranging as Po Fengxiao. On the contrary, the cyclone was extremely restrained, but it did not mean that the power of the cyclone was insufficient. The difference was that, The rotation speed of this cyclone is greatly improved, and at the same time, the pseudo wind blade next to the cyclone strengthens the forward penetrating power, so the overall penetrating power of Star City is not comparable to that of Po Feng Xiao .

To put it simply, Iron Fist Broken King Kong is more suitable for single-body combat, and it is extremely destructive when it needs to attack! However, Pofengxiao is more suitable for large-scale combat, or the effect of large-scale moves against the enemy is indeed much better. Each is good at winning the field, and there is no distinction between strength and weakness.

"Haha, this feeling is so good, it's the feeling of being invincible!" Axel laughed and stepped forward. The wind blades before him were like bricks thrown one by one. That's all, chopping up one after another, even though he wasn't moving very fast, there was nothing the wind blade could do to him.

"Laughter, it's laughter!" The girl in the vest exclaimed. She pricked up her ears to listen, and opened her eyes wide, horrified. At this moment, what are you laughing at?

"I heard it too, you're right, it's laughter!" Brother Tyrannosaurus clenched his hands tightly, and he was sweating for Axel.

The elder brother didn't speak, but frowned. Of course he heard it, but he didn't understand what kind of medicine Axel was selling in the gourd. That is a life-and-death crack, why are you laughing, could it be that your mind is already confused?

It has been two hours since Axel went in, and it is logical to be exhausted. I can still laugh at this time, is that normal?

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