One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and sixteen. Do not go!

116. Don't go!

Before he had time to tell the brothers about the situation inside, Axel quickly turned on the phone and carefully watched the text messages inside——

The message sent by the driving knight is very simple, and it still talks about the situation of the organization's stronghold. The data analysis of Megod G1 has basically been completed. At the same time, the old scientist also found the help of the Institute of Psychic Power and asked them to provide a superhuman as a host, which means that Megod G2 was successfully developed!

Seeing this, Axel's expression changed.

super powers!

Among One Punch Man, there may be some people with super powers, but not many people come to the surface, that is, Tornado, Fubuki, and Sykes, and there may be people with super powers in civil society and other organizations. It is unknown.

According to the research of the organization's stronghold, the spirit of superpowers is extremely strong, able to resist the mental pressure generated by the link system, and let the machine god exert its greatest strength!

"No wonder you sent an emergency text message to notify me." Axel put away the hero phone. He had already seen the combat power of Mech God G1. Then, if the opponent developed a more powerful Mech God G2, he would face himself and the vest. Girl, it can be crushed! Not to mention, there are more than a hundred defense robots in the organization stronghold.

Axel's face was extremely ugly, and the girl in the vest knew that something had happened. She took Axel's phone and looked at it, and her expression changed drastically, "Axel, what should I do?"

Axel frowned. The opponent's strength has been greatly improved, which is difficult to deal with. I'm afraid this is not a problem that can be solved by himself.

"What's the matter?" The elder brother came over and glanced at the matter of the hero's phone, and couldn't help but frown.

"Otherwise, let's go help and flatten that organization's stronghold?" Brother Typhoon said with a smile, Whirlwind Iron Fist's dojo does not advocate fighting with other people, other organizations, or even other weirdos. That's all for the dojo, if you attack that organization, it's against Mr. Bangbu's philosophy.

The elder brother shook his head, "Master has already explained before he left that this matter must be resolved by Axel himself! This is a test for him, and we cannot intervene! Moreover, once we intervene this time, maybe It will plunge the dojo into a war with that organization..."

The elder brother is telling the truth, and this is indeed arranged by Mr. Bangbu long ago. If it is an easy task, it will not have the effect of sharpening.

"But this time it's too dangerous. That machine god G1 can completely crush you. Then, this time the machine god G2 is much stronger than you. I don't agree with you." The elder brother shook his head, Mr. Bangbu Axel was allowed to go because the opponent's strength was limited to defensive robots, but now it's completely different. The opponent was originally just a group of soldiers, and now a general has emerged! How can you fight this! ?

"Yeah, let's think about it in the long run. I think, since the opponent's machine god G2 has been developed, then the machine god G1 may not necessarily be in danger." Brother Tyrannosaurus's guess is not unreasonable. It's not that it's discarded when it has a descendant model, and it may become a defensive robot.

"Yeah, you need to practice more, stabilize the rock iron broken you just learned, and when your strength reaches a certain level, it's not too late to go!" On the other side, Senior Brother Green Snake also agreed with this point of view.

"Well, that's right." Senior Brother Xuanwu also nodded.

"If you don't have enough strength to go now, you will definitely die." Brother Huamao added next to him.

"Hua Mao's words are rough and reasonable, Axel, in the name of senior brother, I don't allow you to organize strongholds. After your strength is recognized by me,

Of course I will let you go. "The elder brother said in a deep voice, it is impossible for him to make a move, unless the person who was arrested was Axel, and the person who was arrested was the head of the armed staff, for him, he would not choose to make a move. Therefore, In the end, Axel still has to do it himself. This is a training for him and there will be no change.

"But, what about the armed staff chief!" The girl in the vest was in a hurry. Judging from the brutal style of that organization, Mech God G1 was not worth mentioning in their eyes. The host inside was dead. , Just change it to another one, even if there is a living person inside.

Axel frowned, and glanced at the elder brother. The elder brother's eyes were extremely firm, and his expression was extremely serious. It seemed that the master had some special instructions before he left, and he also had emergency countermeasures for such emergencies .

Practice slowly?


This is of course the safest way!

However, time waits for no one!

Armed staff chiefs have no use value for the organization. Based on Axel's research on comics, such as the case of Hammerhead, didn't the two robots of the organization directly kill them? It's just that the hammer head's skull was too hard, and it escaped a catastrophe. The organization treats this kind of chess piece that has been used up, and throws it away like sweeping garbage.

However, Eldest Senior Brother's attitude is very firm, if he disagrees here, I'm afraid he will forcibly bet himself in the dojo.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Axel said helplessly.

"Axel!" The girl in the vest yelled angrily. She never thought that Axel, who had always trusted him so much, would make such a decision.

"It's settled like this, the brothers are right." Axel shook his head and said.

Brother Tyrannosaurus also nodded, "Your choice is right."

"Okay, let's go!" The elder brother led everyone to prepare to return.

Axel also said, "Let's go, let's go back to the dojo first." He grabbed the girl in the vest, but the girl in the vest slapped her hand away. It was obvious that the girl in the vest was extremely angry, but, If she went to that organization stronghold alone, she might not survive one round.

Although Axel passed the test of the boxing challenge, but due to the relationship of the armed staff chief, the seniors didn't want to be too excited, they just talked about it on the road, but the girl in the vest kept silent and bored. Bored back in the dojo.

"Senior brothers, I'm too tired, so I'll wash up and rest early." Axel was indeed too tired, and all the senior brothers also expressed their understanding, and wanted to go home one after another.

"Alright, take a break. I'll start the second stage of special training for you starting tomorrow." After the elder brother finished speaking, he also walked out.

The girl in the vest's face was livid, and she followed the brothers out, wondering if she should find other helpers to deal with this problem.

"Vest girl, you stay here, I have something to say..." Axel suddenly said, the heart of the vest girl moved, and her footsteps froze in the distance.

What's left to talk about?

save! ?

She also understands that, as far as the two of them are concerned, there may be more bad luck than good luck.

Do not save! ?

Do you just watch the armed staff chief die?

help! ?

With the current attitude of the Heroes Association and the attitudes of all parties, it is impossible to have a direct confrontation with the organization, which may cause a war!

She became very entangled, and she didn't want Axel to be in danger. She didn't have many good friends, and she couldn't lose any of them. Forget it, go alone, even if she dies, it's nothing Regrettably, just like facing the long-tongued monster at that time, I put all the responsibilities on my own shoulders, regardless of whether I can move...

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