139. The screen shown by Sykes

"The House of Evolution is a group composed of weirdos developed by Dr. Genos. I won't talk about the weaker weirdos. The point is that the three weirdos you just mentioned are the third and second in strength respectively. And number one. The armed gorilla and the Beastmaster are both tiger-level strengths, and the Beastmaster may have reached the peak of the Tiger-level. The Asura Unicorn Immortal has reached the ghost-level strength, but it is just a little bit above the ghost level." Seke Si said truthfully.

The difference is huge.

This is equivalent to forcibly lowering the plot strength in Axel's mind by a large level.

Is the strength of the weirdo five years ago so bad?

Axel was also suspicious.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, a few of us form a small team to carry out a raid on the House of Evolution!"

The girl in the vest squirted out the hot pot directly, what a joke, the three of them, this kind of surprise battle again, and it is a powerful evolutionary family, a group headquarters with a lot of weirdos!

If this is said, a few C-level heroes are going to take over the home of Evolution House. I don't know how those other heroes will feel.

"Don't be joking, we're going to the House of Evolution, isn't that courting death?" The girl in the vest said angrily, "Okay, let's eat!" Although the armed staff chief was not killed by Sykes, it was also considered indirect. She died because of her, so the vest girl didn't have much affection for her.

"I'm serious. Maybe you don't know why you choose to attack now." Sykes said seriously, "Because, the Evolution House is constantly digesting some data, and the data is completely After analysis, Dr. Genos will apply the data to his monster, and at that time, the strength of the monster will be greatly improved!"

"Oh?" Axel's eyes widened. If he said that, it would make sense.

"Hey, it's ironic, you know, where did those data come from?" Sykes looked at Axel with strange eyes.

"Don't tell me, the data from the battle between me and the mosquito girl! There are also data from the pig god and the zombie man on the steeple!" Axel said in a deep voice, isn't that the recent better data?

Sykes looked at Axel in horror, her eyes were a little complicated, and then she nodded, "You are right, your last raid on the home of evolution was actually Dr. In short, the purpose is very simple, it is to obtain the data, and he has got his wish. Now he is analyzing and analyzing the data, and at the same time, he wants to use it on his concocted monsters.”

"You mean, he can have a second mosquito girl, a third mosquito girl..."

"That's right, and it will become stronger and stronger." Sykes said with certainty, "So, now is his weakest time, and we are going to kill him now, which is a good time to give him a fatal blow !"

Sykes' plan is not difficult to understand.

When Genos was fledgling, it was indeed a good time to choose to attack at this time, but where are they? Even if you ask the Hero Association, you will not tell Axel, because his level is not enough, he is only a C-level hero. Big hero.

This is not alarmist talk, don’t you see, the “bone” at that time wanted to challenge the powerful octopus monster, and even thought that this octopus monster was the most powerful monster in the world. After drinking a lot of milk, he thought his The bones are already able to reach 4 times the bone density, and can "cut off the horse" the most powerful weirdo in the world, but in the end, the mother who was beaten didn't even know her—the whole body was broken...

"Of course you don't have to worry about the location,

The House of Evolution and the Institute of Superpowers have a very deep cooperation, and both have sent personnel to the base to investigate. Therefore, I know the location of this base well. "Sikes smiled. It seems that she has sufficient information on hand.

But, there is one thing. Having said that, even if the armed gorilla and the beast king are reduced to the tiger level, and the Asura Unicorn Immortal is reduced to the ghost level, this is what three people can deal with?

Axel was skeptical, no, not at all.

Ghost level?

Even an S-level hero, like a sexy prisoner who is against a ghost-level peak deep sea king, is defeated.

The current self is obviously still 10086 distances away from the S-class hero...

"In our case, don't you feel like you are going to die?" Axel twitched the corner of his mouth. Although the plan is good, his strength has not yet reached that level. "Do you want to wait any longer?"

"I'm afraid not. Your stats are enough for them to get a lot of improvement. Among other things, there is no problem for armed gorillas and beast masters to reach the ghost level, but for the Asura unicorn, they dare not say that they have reached the dragon level. Ghosts There is no problem at the peak level. And this, according to the latest plan schedule of the Evolution House, there are still 50 days left!" Sykes said in a deep voice, her head tilted, "Do you think we have passed 50 days?" God, can you fight against three ghosts, and one of them has the peak strength of ghosts?"

Axel was lucky not to be choked. This speed of improvement is too fast, but it is also normal. After all, Dr. Genos's method is to directly "graft" some abilities to weird people. , It's just the fusion and repulsion of these abilities on the weirdo. Once these two problems are solved, it means that the weirdo can quickly acquire that ability! Therefore, the time required is much shorter than that of Axel's crazy cultivation type.

"I understand what you're saying... But, it's still the same as sending yourself to death?" Axel was a little annoyed, he likes to push himself into a desperate situation and then improve himself, but it's not to push himself into a certain death situation ah!

"Hey, it's okay, if we can't beat it, we can run away!" Sykes stood up suddenly, she stretched out a white jade-like right index finger, and then raised it slightly, followed by Axel's body floated up. With a slight smile, she also floated into the air, took Axel to fly around the entire room, and then landed. "See, we can't beat them, we just run like this, hehe, piss them off!"

Axel wiped his sweat, "Our goal seems to be to defeat them and improve ourselves, not to piss them off?"

He suddenly realized that this Sykes seemed unreliable.

"The problem is, my telekinetic power is recovering, and it will only take about a week. By that time, I will also be a strong backup, okay, don't look down on me!" Sai Kesai crossed his arms and said with some dissatisfaction. The Institute of Superpowers injects her with medicine every day to control her superpowers. Once the medicine is no longer injected, her superpowers can be controlled by herself, and this will take a certain amount of time.

"Why are you helping me?" Axel narrowed his eyes, staring at Sykes. It can be said that Sykes used to be a girl with very simple ideas, but she changed completely after seeing the future.

"Anyway, I won't harm you." Sykes spread his hands.

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe your nonsense?" Axel sneered.

Sykes hooked his hand towards Axel, signaling him to come closer to her. Then, with a slight movement of her fingertips, a picture quickly appeared in front of Axel's eyes, and then disappeared instantly.

"Trust me that I won't hurt you?"

After seeing that picture, Axel stopped breathing. After a long time, he replied, "Okay, after a week, act!"

The girl in the vest looked at the two in horror, she didn't understand at all, and what did Axel see? Why did that picture make him believe in this woman instantly! ?

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