141. Sykes, Missing

Axel almost had the urge to punch this guy flying, and it was much better to have his bones smashed than to see the horror of Saitama-sensei.

After a while.

The third eye is closed.

"Ah? It's over?" Axel looked at Sykes as if he was looking at a monster.

Sikes pushed his wide-rimmed glasses, and looked at Axel as if looking at a monster, "Yes, it's over."

"Didn't you see anything scary?" Axel wondered.

"Scary? No, I just saw him playing games and reading comics..." Sykes glanced at Axel as if he was insane, and went straight into the supermarket, "Wow, there are so many fruits , I will not be polite!"

"Oh, Mr. Axel brought another girl back, you, the public enemy of all men in the world, have you abandoned the girl with a vest again?" Saitama-kun was very angry, but he was not because he didn't have a girl, but because It's for the vest girl.

"What nonsense, she is a female friend of mine!" Axel said angrily.

"Is that so?" Saitama-kun turned his head and looked at Sykes picking out fruits, "Young lady, you are welcome, you can eat as much fruit as you want, as long as you are full!"

"I didn't intend to be polite, did I?"

Axel roared, "This is my supermarket, I'm not a philanthropist, give money, give money, give money, important things have to be said three times!!!"

Saitama-kun walked up to Sykes and helped her wash the grapes, "Don't listen to him, he's just a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, even if you eat him and make him bankrupt, he won't blame you, really. "

"That would be great." Sykes reached out, picked a grape and put it in his mouth, "Wow, it's so sweet, in the research institute, I eat that kind of fixed food every day, it tastes like toothpaste It’s a beautiful name, these are nutritious foods, alas, today I can finally eat more normal things..."

Axel originally wanted to explode, and these two guys who ruined themselves wanted to make them understand what would happen if they offended him. However, hearing Sikes' words, he felt a little sad. In fact, Sykes is also a victim.

forget it.

Isn't it just a little grape?

Brother has plenty of money recently!

He suddenly took out some parts from the back, they were the CPU and mainboard of those robots, especially the important parts of Mech G2.

"When Genos killed Mech G4, he took one of the parts to strengthen himself. It stands to reason that these parts should be more valuable..." Axel smiled without even knowing it , The corner of his mouth twitched even more.

Seeing Axel's appearance, Sykes frowned, "Is he always like this?"

"No, he only does this when he sees money!" Saitama-kun said with certainty.

"Oh..." Sikes mused.

"What parts are you tinkering with? Shall I call Max, who collects rags from the east end of the street?" Saitama-kun ran over and asked.

"Max?" Axel touched his chin. Selling all these parts will definitely make a fortune, but correspondingly, if the organization finds out, the risk is quite high, "He usually Where is the garbage sold?"

"Where can there be, is it a refurbished place?" Saitama-kun picked up his manga, and it went corrupt again.

"Call and tell him to come over, I have a nice CPU and motherboard..."

"Okay, this ticket is sold, buy me an XBOXONE?"


"Then I won't call."

"I'll go to Dongtou to call him..."

"Brother, I knelt down..."

"I really despise you, why don't you agree to such a small request?" Sykes sneered aside.

"A small request?" Axel jumped up. He took out Saitama-kun's bill for this month, and the figures on it were shocking. "Did you see that, if I hadn't made money like crazy, I would have slept on the street now!"

"Money, is it that difficult?" Sykes asked, frowning.

"Huh, if you are not in charge, you don't know that rice, oil and salt are expensive!" However, Axel frowned, why did Saitama-kun consume a lot of strange ingredients recently, "Saitama-kun, what's going on with these ingredients?"

"Oh, these are the ingredients on your training recipe."

"You also started eating these ingredients and training?" Axel was surprised.

"Yeah," Saitama-kun seemed distressed, "Is this recipe of yours real or fake? Why does my hair fall faster when I eat what's on your recipe?"

After speaking, he grabbed his own hair and really lost one.

"Uh, I'm going to find Max, you guys talk slowly first, I want money, I want a lot of money!" Axel rolled out of the supermarket like the wind, and the strong wind brought Sykes's cloak And the golden long hair floats for a long time without falling.

While running, Axel swallowed dryly, "Hey Nima, it seems that Saitama-kun's transformation has begun... I am so goddamn. Could it be that I made this monster myself?"

Axel suddenly had ten thousand guns galloping past him.

However, today's harvest is huge. A large number of CPUs and motherboards brought him an income of nearly 100,000 coins. Although it is only a tiger-level reward, it can also solve the urgent need. At the same time, I have to prepare the ingredients for the second stage recently, which requires a lot of money.

"What's the matter?" Sykes asked strangely, looking at Axel who was poking wildly with the calculator while fiddling with the money on hand.

"Oh, money, money!" Axel frowned, and Saitama-kun had already run away. He knew that if he stayed, he would definitely be sprayed to death by Axel, but he stated that he would look for a job tomorrow , will not be eating and drinking for free.

Regarding Saitama-kun's oath, Axel can only pretend that he didn't hear it. In the original book, this fellow is a master who has been unable to find a job for thousands of years, otherwise he would not sympathize with Mace, would he?

That night.

After arranging the sleeping place for Sykes, the exhausted Axel also collapsed in his small attic. However, he embedded the CPU of the Mech G1 he found on the wall, carefully I wiped it clean, and then inserted a small white flower on it.

Sykes watched from a distance, but did not dare to ask. She suddenly wanted to comfort this man who seemed rough but thoughtful, but she couldn't find any suitable words. She thought over and over again, but she was still afraid that any of her words would hurt him. Not a word was said.

late at night.

Axel suddenly felt a little weird, opened his eyes, and looked at the position where Sykes was sleeping for the first time, only to find that Sykes was gone.

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