One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and forty-three. Let the horse come

143. Let the horse come over

I heard that it was money from a corrupt official of the Heroes Association, and the two of them ate with great vigor, eating delicious food that they usually only dare to eat once a month.

"Now you don't have to worry about the ingredients for the second stage." This is the most worrying thing for Axel recently, and it is now a perfect solution.

"What ingredients?"

Axel gave Sykes a look at the second-stage ingredient list given by Mr. Bumble.

"I don't understand." Sykes shook his head, "By the way, show me the hero phone, I'm quite curious about the Hero Association..."

"Well, don't mess around, I warn you, I'm going to buy these ingredients now." Axel paid the money and hurried to Z City, where these special ingredients can be bought.

On the way, Axel contacted the girl in the vest. She is still in a low mood. After dealing with the family affairs, she joined the vest family. It is said that this time it is a collective action to deal with a powerful weirdo.

"Be careful." Axel was a little worried. After all, he was a close-to-hand combat hero and was easily injured.

"It doesn't matter, this time there is a vested venerable, we just observe it on the spot. It is said that it is a ghost-level weirdo, extremely powerful, and we are not qualified to fight yet."

"That's good." Axel nodded. Being able to watch the battle of such a strong man is extremely helpful for his own improvement.

"But I have to leave for a while. That ghost-level weirdo is very cunning. We need to track and kill. I wonder if we can catch up with your actions against the Evolution House." The girl in the vest was a little sad, and now she and Axel When they are together, they will think of the situation where the Abeiwu trio fought together. From the bottom of her heart, she is avoiding this situation.

Axel was silent for a moment, why didn't he know that this was just an excuse, it would be good if he could go to relax, otherwise he would be hurt.

The girl in the vest looks like an extremely rough girl, but she is actually extremely sentimental, and, moreover, extremely emotional. After that battle, she actually has extremely heavy self-blame for herself. On the one hand, I think that I am too weak to help at critical moments. On the other hand, if it weren't for his dragging down, the armed staff chief probably wouldn't blow himself up.

In fact, Axel, who is beautiful in his heart, has already seen it, otherwise he would not let the girl in the vest go home alone. He just wanted to let her breathe some fresh air and release herself, otherwise she might be depressed.

"Be careful, I'll wait for you!" Axel said firmly.

There was a silence on the other side. Obviously, her heart was shaken. She knew that Axel's every word was firm, and this man was reliable.

"I'm not by your side, you have to be careful. Also, if I'm not here, no one will cook for you, so don't go get bread and milk to make do. Remember, go to the restaurant on the street to eat hot food."

"I know."

"For the battle against the House of Evolution, be well-prepared and get more information so as not to be caught off guard. If you lose, don't fight hard..."

"I promise you."

"If possible, you can contact some other heroes to go together, it will be safer..."


The girl in the vest said more than a dozen things in a row, and Axel's heart was warmed by her full of care. She turned off her personal mobile phone, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. It took more than an hour to make a phone call.

"Since when did it become like this?" Axel said with emotion, since he didn't know when, it seemed that he couldn't do without the girl in the vest.

After buying special ingredients and returning to the supermarket, he took his hero mobile phone from Sykes, who dodged his eyes a little.

"You didn't do something shady again, did you?" Axel asked suspiciously.

"Don't use the word again, okay, you just reaped the benefits." Sykes rolled his eyes.

"If possible, I don't want you to use this method at all..." Axel put the ingredients away, and then turned on his hero phone.

"Ah, by the way, tell me, why hasn't Saitama-kun seen anyone these days?"

Change the subject!

Rape or steal!

Axel, who was even more skeptical, hurriedly checked the hero's mobile phone. After a while, there was a roar that shook the whole street several times, "Sikes, what should you do?"

In fact, Sykes used Axel's hero phone to do one thing—that is, sent the location of the Evolution House and the information of the weirdo to the Hero Association.

The Hero Association's response was also very quick. It evaluated the strength of Evolution House and came to the conclusion that a group of B-level heroes plus a few A-level heroes could be destroyed.

"Destroy it?" Axel frowned, he was still a little uneasy, judging from the information given by Sykes, if the strength of Asura Unicorn Immortal is at the elementary level of ghost level, more A-level heroes should be Hope to win. But if it's ghost-level middle-level and high-level, I'm afraid A-level heroes can come in handy. Except for the Three Musketeers and A1 Sweetheart Mask, I'm afraid there are no ones that can be used. Therefore, just to be on the safe side, he hurriedly called the headquarters of the Heroes Association.

"C-level hero? Iron Fist Man in the Cloak, what's the matter with you?" Markle, the chief of the Second Operations Department, was the man with glasses and a monkey cheek and an eyepatch on his right eye. At this time, because he lost 500 Ten thousand coins, he didn't get angry, but he didn't dare to say anything, holding his breath really caused internal injuries.

"Is the evaluation of the Evolution House this time a bit too low? I think that the evaluation needs to be strengthened. It is best to have S-level heroes to participate." Axel said, if there are S-level heroes sitting in the town, then Much safer.

"S-level heroes?" Markle sneered, "Do you think these heroes are Chinese cabbages that are everywhere like you? Impossible. Moreover, the evaluation system of our Hero Association is very perfect, and there is no possibility of mistakes. !"

Axel's heart sank, "First of all, I want to declare that I'm not a Chinese cabbage, I'm an Iron Fist Cloaked Man! Moreover, no matter what bird officer you are, you are not qualified to insult me! I warn you!"

"Hmph, do you know that I can make you lose your job as a hero in a matter of minutes!" Markle sneered, these damned heroes, to put it bluntly, are just employees of a company called "Heroes Association". ? Of course, if he found out that the guy in front of him took his five million, he wondered if his lungs would explode.

"You can do whatever you want, I've already brought it to you." Axel's voice became extremely cold, and he had already determined to defeat the corruption of the Heroes' Association, "I don't care about this so-called job." , I didn’t become a hero just because I listened to your rubbish orders. I practice the duties of a hero seriously every day, but if you use your ridiculous authority to deceive me, don’t say I didn’t warn you, you , will regret it!"

Markle on the opposite side obviously had never encountered such a nail before. He was stunned for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, just wait!"

"bring it on!"

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